Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen, Divvun, UiT Norgga árktalaš universitehta
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
the core
templates and merging
linguistic data
build structure
the tools we produce
concluding remarks
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Main points for the design of the infrastructure:
scalable and extendable:
support many languages and the creation of many tools for each language
open source
(relatively) easy to maintain (as few repetetive tasks as possible)
support existing source code and language technology -> lexc/twolc/xfst scripts + vislcg3 (all with open-source compilers and run-time engines)
Developed by Tommi Pirinen and Sjur Moshagen.
A schematic overview of the main components of the infrastructure:
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
The Core
The Core
templates for data and build files
shared data
shared scripts/programs
document schemas
Available at:
svn co
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
The Core
Templates For Data And Build Files
Templates For Data And Build Files
The template contains template data for the actual linguistic content. The idea is that when initialising a new language, you should get a working setup, with a working set of tools (analysers, generators, spell checkers, etc) for a toy language, and from there on you add your own, real content. The reality isn't quite there, but not too far away either.
The template also contains configuration and build instructions, both language independent parts, and support for language specific build steps. The language independent parts are kept in a separate directory, to avoid accidental changes and easy reuse of general build instructions.
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
The Core
Shared Data
Shared Data
The shared data comes in two flavours:
shared linguistic data
common or language independent regular expressions for fst manipulation
Shared linguistic data typically is shared only for a subgroup of languages, like smi and urj-Cyrl.
The regular expressions are made to remove tags or tagged strings of classes typically found in all languages:
remove non-standard strings (to make a purely normative fst)
remove semantic tags from fst's where they are not used
remove morphological boundary symbols from the lower/surface side
There are presently 52 such regexes.
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
The Core
Other shared items
Other shared items
Shared Scripts/Programs
Document Schemas
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Templates And Merging
Templates And Merging
template content
merging the template
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Templates And Merging
Template Content
Template Content
Briefly described earlier, this is what you will find:
lexc files
twolc/xfscript files
cg3 files
in short, everything you need for your source files
This also shows the use of the Autotools basic structure, with such items as:
m4 dir
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Templates And Merging
Merging The Template
Merging The Template
One of the main features of the infra is the relative ease with which one can update all or any language with new features or bug fixes in the build instructions. This is done by merging recent changes in the template with the corresponding files in each language.
by default, only non-content files and new files are merged (new files are copied), but that can be overridden
the merge is done from the revision of the und.timestamp file in each language compared to that of the same file in the template, no older files are ever merged
svn merge is the tool used to do the merges
by separating the language specific files from the language independent parts merge conflicts rarely happens
depending on network conditions (the incoming merge data is fetched from the svn repository) and the number of files to be merged, merging 40+ languages can be done in a couple of minutes (+ some time to manually verify that everything worked as intended)
This merge system is also used to propagate new features and support for new tools. E.g. adding build support for a foma-based speller used by Greenlandic took a couple of hours to figure out the details for one language, and when done, it took just minutes to propagate to all languages.
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
We have split the languages in four groups, depending on the type of work done on them, and their license:
These are the languages being actively developed - 43 languages
These are languages that someone has an interest in, but are not actually being developed, and where the linguistic content is thin - 11 languages
The name says it all - this is the playground, and they are a.o. used for teaching - 3 languages
These are languages with a closed license, only ISL and DAN at the moment
Available at:
svn co
(replace ISO639-3-CODE with the actual ISO code)
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
And more languages
And more languages
We still have a number of languages located in an older infrastructure system - these will be moved to the new infra as time permits.
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Linguistic data
Linguistic data
xfst scripts
constraint grammar (VISLCG3 style)
Standardised tag sets:
non-linguistic tag sets the same for all languages
linguistic tags the same or similar as far as possible
"namespace"-like prefix for certain domains, e.g. +Err/ and +Sem/
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Build Structure
Build Structure
Support for:
in-source documentation (converted to html)
in-source test data
automated tests
all tools built for all languages - but not everything built by default
basically technology neutral, but focused on rule based systems (fst's, cg)
all languages structured the same way
separation of language independent and language specific features
all builds are language independent, but most (eventually all) build steps allow a language specific post-build step
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Build Structure
Build tools
Build tools
we use Autotools, which is widely used in the open-source community
built-in support for a number of default/standard targets
built-in support for automated testing
easily configurable builds with options in a standardised format
support for out-of-source builds and multiple parallel configurations
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Build Structure
Build tools
Language Specific Adaptions In The Build Process
Language Specific Adaptions In The Build Process
This is done by first building a *.tmp file, and using a fall-back target that just copies the *.tmp file to the final target. By overriding the copy step, one can do whatever one needs to do for a specific target after the default, language-independent processing is done.
The language-specific build steps are specified in a (mostly) clearly marked section in the files.
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Testing is done with the command make check, as in all Autotool-based build systems. There is built-in support for two types of tests:
in-source test data in lexc and twolc
specific test files for testing morphological analysis and generation against a specific fst
In addition, there is the general support for testing in Autotools (or more specifically in automake), meaning that it is possible to add test scripts for whatever you like.
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Test directory
Test directory
Most test scripts are located within the test/ directory, within which there is a mirror copy of the language's directory tree, to keep the tests for different parts of the grammar separate from each other:
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Yaml tests
Yaml tests
test files written using yaml syntax
the test data follows a very simple layout (in addition to a header):
Tests both generation (absolute match) and analysis (ignoring homonymy) for the specified fst (specified in the filename of the yaml file). The test runner will loop over all matching yaml files, run all tests in each file, and if one file fails, it will print out a command to copy & paste to repeat the test with all details visible.
Example (line wraps added for readability):
YAML test 37: analyser-gt-norm.xfst + gt-norm-yamls/N-aambaz_gt-norm.yaml - 30/0/30 PASS
YAML test 38: analyser-gt-norm.xfst + gt-norm-yamls/N-aandam_gt-norm.yaml - 26/2/28 FAIL
To rerun with more details, please triple-click, copy and paste the following:
pushd $GTHOME/langs/liv/build/xerox/test/src; \
/opt/local/bin/python3.2 \
$GTHOME/giella-core/scripts/ -c -i -v -S xerox \
--app /Users/smo036/bin/lookup \
--morph ././../../src/analyser-gt-norm.xfst \
--gen ././../../src/generator-gt-norm.xfst \
../../../../test/src/gt-norm-yamls/N-aandam_gt-norm.yaml; popd
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Lexc tests
Lexc tests
The in-source lexc tests are actually a variant of the yaml tests, although the format is slightly different:
!!€gt-norm: linja # Even-syllable test
!!€ linnja linnja+N+Sg+Nom
!!€ linjajn linnja+N+Sg+Com
!!€ linjav linnja+N+Sg+Acc
The first line specifies the fst to run the test against and the name of the test, the remaining lines are the actual test data. Positive test lines start with "!!€ ", whereas negative test lines start with "!!$ ".
All lexc files are looped over, and if test cases are found, they are extracted and run against the specified fst. The feedback to the developer is the same as for the yaml tests, including the command to repeat in case of fails.
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Twolc tests
Twolc tests
If one wants to test specific two-level rules one can add test pairs to the twolc files. Support for this type of testing has only recently been added, and works only for the Xerox tools (because the pair-testing facilities in Hfst usea different format, and converting from one to the other is non-trivial without knowledge of the alphabet).
The yaml and lexc tests will also de facto test the correctness of the two-level rules.
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
The infrastructure supports extraction of in-source documentation written as comments in a specific format. The exact format is specified on a
separate page, and will in the end produce html pages.
The basic idea is that documentation that is part of the actual source code is more likely kept up-to-date than external documentation.
The format supports the use of a couple of variables to extract such things as lexicon names, a line of code, etc. The extracted documentation must follow the
jspwiki syntax.
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
Documentation example
Documentation example
! ======================
!! !!!Sublexica for Noun
! ======================
!! !!Even-syllable stems
! -------------------
!! !2syll stems
! - - - - - -
LEXICON MUORRA !!= @CODE@ Standard even stems here. 2syll stem with cg (note Q1)
This will produce the jspwiki code:
!!!Sublexica for Noun
!!Even-syllable stems
!2syll stems
LEXICON MUORRA Standard even stems here. 2syll stem with cg (note Q1)
which can be seen rendered online as html here:
The Giellatekno & Divvun infrastructure
The Targets, Tools And Packages Produced By The Infrastructure
The Targets, Tools And Packages Produced By The Infrastructure
The list is constantly growing and contains roughly the following at present: