Customising Keyboard Packages


Most keyboard types (ie for most OS's) can be customised in various ways, either the installer or the actual keyboard itself. Below follows a list of relevant customisation options pr OS. Most of these customisations are specified as file pointers in the project.yaml file.


App icon
specify the image file in targets:android:icon: in the project.yaml file; default location is in images/
Release signing
set or export KEY_PW and STORE_PW to hold the password to the signing keystore. Ask Sjur or Børre for the password, AND KEEP IT SAFE! Define these env. variables manually in the terminal window when building for release, and close the terminal window afterwards. That way the password will only be stored temporarily in memory. XXX what about the history file? This sounds like a huge security hole :O


App icon
specify the image file in targets:android:icon: in the project.yaml file; default location is in images/
About text
specify the text file directory in targets:ios:aboutDir: in the project.yaml file; default location is in ios/About.txt


Keyboard Icon
same as icon location above. This is the icon seen in the keyboard menu in the menu bar.
  • Readme
  • License


Readme File
specify the text file directory in targets:win:readmePath: in the project.yaml, and name the file(s) LANGUAGECODE.suffix, where LANGUAGECODE is the ISO 639 code, and suffix is one of txt and rtf, indicating the format of the file. The fallback language is en (English). Example: targets:win:readmePath:readmes, and in readmes/* you have en.txt, nb.txt but your installer supports en, nb and sv, then if someone choses Swedish, the UI would be Swedish, but the readme would show up in English.
License File
specify the text file in targets:win:licensePath:

Custom Locale

Most languages we support do not have a preexisting locale in Windows (most Sámi languages actually do, except Kildin, Pite and Ume). Presently we create installers without a locale for these, but soon it will be a requirement to also specify a custom locale to go with the keyboard.

More info will be added when the feature is ready.