Gielese Restarting
Running the Gïelese process depends on the following
- nginx, the HTTP server, which connects to Gïelese processes
- mongodb, which stores user data, points, and such.
- Gïelese python processes, served via gunicorn
Nginx may be started whenever, and ideally will be running already.
Starting the service
Do this as your regular user account, thus the sudo password will be your usual
sudo service gielese-mongodb start
2.) Then if all is good...
sudo service gielese start
NB: commands accepted by these processes are also stop, and restart; however,
Restarting the services
The order to restart these is such that the web service is not running without mongo, thus:
sudo service gielese stop sudo service gielese-mongodb stop sudo service gielese-mongodb start sudo service gielese start