Using Voikko With Hfst

Make or update spellers for Voikko+HFST

Compiling the spellers

The resulting spellers are available both for OpenOffice/LibreOffice, and for command-line tools. The command-line tools and the test bench require that you also build and install libvoikko.

Languages with analysers working to some degree or better are:

North Saami, South Saami, Lule Saami, Inari Saami, Kven, Komi Zyrian, Erzya Mordvin, Meadow Mari, Hill Mari, Kven, Faroese, Greenlandic, Tundra Nenets.

  • Download and install LibreOffice 5.0 or newer (the newest version) - it knows about several FU languages, e.g. both Komi Zyrian, Komi Permyak, Erzya Mordvin and Meadow Mari.
  • (If you already have this LibreOffice, make sure you do not have Voikko 3.x from 2010 installed, if you do, uninstall it from the menu) Tools > Extension manager > Voikko (Remove). You should have Voikko 4.1 (or newer)
  • Download and install Voikko LibreOffice plugin with hfst support - either the Finnish, Greenlandic or North Sámi Oxt file from:

This is enough to enable hfst-based spell-checkers in LibreOffice (tested).

To build and test:

1. Compile your language with hfst support (here: kpv as example)

    cd $GTHOME/langs/kpv
    ./configure --with-hfst --enable-spellers
    sudo make install

(The new speller will then turn up in /usr/local/share/voikko/3/ as kpv.zhfst with today's date.)

2. in LibreOffice, open Preferences > Language Settings > Voikko and check that the newly installed language is listed (and thus known to Voikko+LibreOffice).

Using the spellers in OpenOffice / LibreOffice

This can be done with a simple installation of an extesion. The steps are as follows:

  • Install the addition in OpenOffice / LibreOffice
  • compile your hfst spellers as described on the top of the page
  • ensure they are active in OpenOffice/LibreOffice (see above)

That's it! Our own transducers directly applied as spellers!


This is Beta quality, at best

Både hfst som ein del av Voikko og hfst-transdusarane våre er langt i frå ferdige! Det kan finnast problem, og det er kjende feil. Alle lingvistiske problem skal meldast til Bugzilla (eller rettast direkte), alle tekniske feil med Voikko, HFST eller OOo-tillegget skal meldast til Sjur eller til Libvoikko-e-postlista (http: //

Known errors:

  • OOo-tillegget fungerer BERRE på MacOS X 10.6. og seinare. Det er *ikkje* støtte for eldre operativsystem
  • hfst-stavekontrollen har ein svært rudimentær forslagsmekanisme - oftast vil det ikkje koma forslag i det heile, og når dei kjem er den korrekte rettinga nesten aldri fyrste forslag

Kjende forbetringar i høve til Hunspellstavekontrollane våre:

  • samansetjingar fungerer! (men overgenererer sidan transduseren er deskriptiv)

Running the test bench with voikko+hfst

This requires libvoikko. The commands are:

cd $GTHOME/gt

where <TESTTYPE>is one of:

  • regression-test
  • typos-test
  • wordtype-test
  • baseform-test
  • correct-test

or spelltest to run them all.

Using voikko on the command line

This also requires libvoikko. Just type:

voikkospell -s -d se

See man voikkospell for more details and options.

System-wide speller

Not yet functional!

Eventually, we will get VoikkoSpellService with support for HFST on our computers, which will integrate the voikko speller in the system-wide speller for all languages we compile and install. But at the moment only a single language can be installed, and only in a specific location.