PLX Conversion Testing
Speller conversion test bench
- augmented makefile to produce small test speller transducer, based on list of
Next steps:
- check the size of the PLX output - if reasonable, store it in svn as reference
- add spell checking of the test words as well, store the speller output in svn
- edit manually the speller output to reflect what we want
- edit manually the PLX codes until we get what we want from the speller
- change the regular PLX conversion to reflect the manually tuned test PLX codes
This will still be one large test file. What we really want is a number of very small and focused tests.
Possible solution
- define the test cases in terms of the words (ie classes) involved
- split the PLX data on the test words, so that only data relating to the words for each test case is included.
The test cases should be stored like this:
$GTHOME/gt/$GTLANG/polderland/testing/caseN/words.txt # in svn expected.plx # in svn expected.speller # in svn speller.lex # <- binary speller file actual.plx # NOT in svn actual.speller # NOT in svn /caseAll/ concat all words, sort expected plx expected speller
Output from each test case: