Ojibwe postpositions
Definitions for Multichar_Symbols
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
Verbal MSP
- +Prs
- +Fut
- +Prt
- +Prf
- +Ind
- +Imp Imperative
- +Sbj Subjunctive
- +Imm Immediate,
- +Int Interdiction,
- +Dur Durative
- +1Sg first singular
- +2Sg etc
- +3Sg
- +3oSg 3o is obviative,
- +3iSg 3i is indefinite
- +1Pl 1Pl is exclusive plural (I, them, not you)
- +2Pl
- +3Pl
- +3oPl
- +3iPl
- +12Pl 12Pl is inclusive plural (I, you, ...)
- +1SgO objective conjugation
- +2SgO
- +3SgO
- +SgO
- +3oSgO obviative with objective conjugation
- +3iSgO
- +1PlO
- +P2lO
- +3PlO
- +PlO
- +3oPlO
- +3iPlO
- +Inf infinitive (infinite?)
- +Pos postitive
- +Neg negative
- +ConNeg accompanying negative form
Nominal MSP
- +Sg singular
- +Pl plural
- +Px1Sg person prefixes for nouns
- +Px2Sg
- +Px3Sg
- +Px1Pl obviative
- +Px12Pl inclusive
- +Px2Pl
- +Px3Pl
- +IA intransitive with animate subject,
- +II intransitive with inanimate subject,
- +TA transitive with animate object, and
- +TI transitive with inanimate object.
- +AN animate noun
- +IN inanimate noun
- %> suffix border
These are documented in Chapter 8 of Beesley/Karttunen, p. 456 zB.
Symbols that need to be escaped on the lower side (towards twolc):
- »7
- Literal »
- «7
- Literal «
%[%>%] - Literal > %[%<%] - Literal <
LEXICON Root is where it all starts
- Noun ;
- Verb ;
- Pronoun ;
- Punctuation ;
- Symbols ;