File containing North Saami abbreviations
Lexica for adding tags and periods
Splitting in 4 + 1 groups, because of the preprocessor
LEXICON Abbreviation
- The ITRAB ; lexicon (intransitive abbrs)
- The TRNUMAB ; lexicon (abbrs trans wrt. numberals)
- The TRAB ; lexicon (transitive abbrs)
- The NOAB ; lexicon (not really abbrs)
- The NUMNOAB ; lexicon (not behaving as abbr before num)
The abbreviation lexicon itself
- LEXICON ITRAB are intransitive abbreviations, A.S. etc.
- LEXICON NOAB du, gen, jur
This class contains homonyms, which are both intransitive
- LEXICON TRNUMAB contains abbreviations who are transitive in front of numerals
For abbrs for which numerals are complements, but other
- LEXICON TRAB contains transitive abbreviations
This lexicon is for abbrs that always have a constituent following it.
This class contains homonyms, which are both abbrs for