The Livonian morphophonological/twolc rules file
- a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- ḑ ļ ņ ŗ š ț ž
- Ḑ Ļ Ņ Ŗ Š Ț Ž
- õ ä ö ȯ
- Õ Ä Ö Ȯ
- ā ē ī ō ū ǟ ǭ ȭ ȱ
- Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū Ǟ Ǭ Ȭ Ȱ
ʼ Stød
%[%>%] - Literal > %[%<%] - Literal <
- %^PenVV2V: 0 penultimate vowel shortening
- %^Tense: 0 = Tense stem will have stød if proper stem type
- %^D2T: 0 d: t veʼž: veʼd: vietā
- %^PreI: 0 i: 0 veʼž: veʼd: vietā
- %^Ē2ĪE: 0 kēļ kīel
- K1: k this k is not effected by gradation
- %^NoGrad: 0 This will be placed after a stem to break Gradation
- %^WGStem: 0 this weakens the stem ompel to ommel
- %^TS: 0 The ti => si
- %^D2Ž: 0 The *ti => *si
- %^D2ZERO: 0 The d => 0
Vowel raising
- %^LowerVows: 0 lower vowel
- %^RVows: 0 raise vowel
- %^VowsSh1: 0 vowel shortening in first syllable
- %^VowsShU1: 0
- %^VowsShI1: 0
- %^DiphthSh1: 0
- %^VowsLI1: 0 vowel lengthening that is followed by "i" when short
- %^VowsLU1: 0 vowel lengthening that is followed by "u" when short
- %^VowsL1: 0 vowel lengthening
- %^DiphthL1: 0
- %^LongV2Õin2: 0 long vowel to õ in second syllable
- %^Vow2Iin2: 0 vowel to i or ī in second syllable
vowel metathesis
- %^VowShIn1: 0 This causes vowel shortening in 1. syll
- accompanied by coda consonant lengthening
- %^A2ÕIn2: 0 This causes 2. syll a => õ
- %^A2ÕIn2: 0 lengthen consonant
- %^A2ÕIn2: 0 Vow in middle ētam: eitmõd
- %^A2ÕIn2: 0 laps: läpš
- %^A2ÕIn2: 0 kīndõr: kīndiriž
- %^A2ÕIn2: 0 Hyphen in constructions
- %^A2ÕIn2: 0 morpheme boundary
- %^A2ÕIn2: 0 Word boundary for both lexicalised and dynamic compounds
Rule section
Vowel rules
Shortening in first syllable
ǟ:ä in first syllable
kǟnga%^VowShIn1%^A2ÕIn2 examples:
kängõ00 examples:
ā:a in first syllable
āļdža%^VowShIn1%^A2ÕIn2 examples:
aļdžõ00 examples:
āita%^PenVV2V%^VowsRM%>õ examples:
ait000%>õ examples:
vȱntsa%^VowShIn1%^VowsRM%>õ examples:
vȯnts0000õ examples:
ā:ī in second syllable plural
rikkā%^ConsSh%^Vow2Iin2>di examples:
rik0ī000di examples:
ū:ī in second syllable plural
ruzū%^Vow2Iin2>di examples:
ruzī000di examples:
a:i in second syllable plural
āita%^Vow2Iin2>di examples:
āiti00di examples:
ǭ:a in first syllable
ē:e in first syllable
ū:u in first syllable
ū:ȯ in first syllable
pūol0a%^Stress1to2%^ConsL examples:
pȯ0llõ00 examples:
pūoga%^VowsSh1%^PalatalizeLeft%^VowsRM%>õ examples:
pȯig00000õ examples:
ī:i in first syllable
tīer0a%^VowShIn1%^A2ÕIn2 examples:
tierrõ00 examples:
ȭ:õ in first syllable
mȭuka%^VowsSh1%^VowsRM%>õ examples:
mõuk0000õ examples:
ō:o in first syllable
lengthen vowels
e:ē in first syllable
leiba%^VowsLI1%>st examples:
lē0ba00st examples:
tei%^VowsLI1%>ḑi examples:
tē000ḑi examples:
u:ū in first syllable
ul%^VowsLI1>õd examples:
ūl00õd examples:
õ:ȭ in first syllable
ȯ:ū in first syllable
ä:ǟ in first syllable
0:i after shortened vowel or diphthong
v0eʼd%^PreI examples:
vieʼd0 examples:
0:u after shortened vowel or diphthong
0:o after shortened vowel or diphthong
a:ǭ in first syllable
tam%^VowsL1aToǭõd examples:
tǭm0õd examples:
a:ā in first syllable
kand%^VowsLI1õd examples:
kāndõd examples:
i:ī in first syllable
niŗț%^VowsLI1%>õ examples:
nīŗț00õ examples:
o:ō in first syllable
ouki%^VowsLI1z examples:
ō0ki0z examples:
pūog%^VowsSh1%^PalatalizeLeft%>õ examples:
pȯig0000õ examples:
raise vowels
kē0l%^Ē2ĪE examples:
kīel0 examples:
tīʼe%^LowerVows%^StodRM%^VowsRM%>šti examples:
tē000000šti examples:
Destressing in second syllable
käp0ā%^ConsL%^LongV2Õin2 examples:
käppõ00 examples:
- rikkõ000
tīer0a%^VowShIn1%^A2ÕIn2 examples:
tierrõ00 examples:
ǭʼrõn%^PalatalizeLeft examples:
ǭʼriņ0 examples:
nȭŗkõz%^PalatalizeLeft%>ist examples:
nȭŗkiz00ist examples:
aʼmmā%^PalatalizeLeft%^ConsSh%^VowsRM%>ži examples:
äʼm000000ži examples:
aʼmā%^PalatalizeLeft%^ConsSh%^VowsRM%>ḑi examples:
ä0m00000ḑi examples:
daʼdzā%^Stress1to2%^VowsRM%>õ examples:
daʼdz0000õ examples:
maʼigāz%^StodRM%^VowsRM%^ConsRM>īst examples:
ma0ig000000īst examples:
sīe%>i examples:
s0e0i examples:
jǭr0a%^Stress1to2%^ConsL%^VowsRMõ examples:
jarr0000õ examples:
pūol0a%^Stress1to2%^ConsL%^VowsRMõ examples:
pȯ0ll0000õ examples:
kǟnga%^VowShIn1%^PalatalizeLeft%^VowsRMi examples:
keņg0000i examples:
tīʼe%^LowerVows%^StodRM%^VowsRM%>šti examples:
tē000000šti examples:
kittõ%^ConsSh%^VowsRM%>dõd examples:
kit00000tõd examples:
i:0 in first syllable
leiba%^VowsLI1%>st examples:
lē0ba00st examples:
tei%^VowsLI1%>ḑi examples:
tē000ḑi examples:
lǭija%^ConsSh examples:
lǭ0ja0 examples:
liestā%^VowShIn1%^PalatalizeLeft%^VowsRM%>i examples:
l0ešt00000i examples:
ūiska%^ConsSh examples:
ū0ška0 examples:
u:0 in second position of first-syllable diphthong
ouki%^VowsLI1z examples:
ō0ki0z examples:
pǟuva%^ConsSh examples:
pǟ0va0 examples:
o:0 in second position of first-syllable diphthong
__pūol0a%^Stress1to2%^ConsL examples:__ __pȯ0llõ00 examples:__
Zero to vowel
0:e in vowel raising kēļ
kē0l%^Ē2ĪE examples:
kīel0 examples:
0:õ in vowel metathesis
Consonant rules
Consonant loss
aʼmmā%^PalatalizeLeft%^ConsSh%^VowsRM%>ži examples:
äʼm000000ži examples:
- rik0āz%^Stress2to1%^ConsRM
Consonant lengthening
Lengthening consonantism between first and second vowel center
lengthen consonantism between 1st and 2nd vowel center jelāb:jellõ
- rik0āz%^Stress2to1%^ConsRM
pūol0a%^Stress1to2%^ConsL examples:
pȯ0llõ00 examples:
käp0ā%^ConsL%^LongV2Õin2 examples:
käppõ00 examples:
kep%{XC%}>õ examples:
kepp0õ examples:
veʼd%^D2Ž%{XC%}>i examples:
veʼž0ž0i examples:
rok%{XC%}>õ examples:
rokk0õ examples:
Stod removal left
daʼdzā%^Stress1to2%^VowsRM%>õ examples:
daʼdz0000õ examples:
Stod removal right
ka0l0ā%^Stress2to1 examples:
kaʼllõ0 examples:
alīz%^PalatalizeLeft%>i examples:
alīž00i examples:
izā%^PalatalizeLeft%^VowsRM%>ḑi examples:
iž0000ḑi examples:
äʼddõl%^PalatalizeLeft%>i examples:
äʼddiļ00i examples:
tuʼl%^StodRM%^PalatalizeLeft%>īž examples:
tu0ļ000īž examples:
n:ņ palatalization
Vē0na%^PalatalizeLeft%^VowsRMõ examples:
Vein000õ examples:
ǭʼrõn%^PalatalizeLeft examples:
ǭʼriņ0 examples:
vȱntsa%^VowShIn1%^PalatalizeLeft%^VowsRM%>ti examples:
vȯņtš00000ti examples:
kǟnga%^VowShIn1%^PalatalizeLeft%^VowsRMi examples:
keņg0000i examples:
ǟrga%^VowShIn1%^PalatalizeLeft%^VowsRMi examples:
eŗg0000i examples:
kittõ%^ConsSh%^VowsRM%>dõd examples:
kit00000tõd examples:
v0eʼd%^PreI%^StodRM%^D2T examples:
vie0t examples:
Consonant loss
%^VowsLI1: ) %^D2ZERO: 0 ; |
T loss before subsequent morpheme with underlying initial d
kittõ%^ConsSh%^VowsRM%>dõd examples:
kit00000tõd examples:
rikkā%^ConsSh%^Vow2Iin2di examples:
rik0ī00di examples:
s:š palatalization
liestā%^VowShIn1%^PalatalizeLeft%^VowsRM%>i examples:
l0ešt00000i examples:
pȯ0is%^VowsLI1õd examples:
pūo0š0õd examples:
ǟ:ē palatalization
ǟ:e short and palatalization
kǟnga%^VowShIn1%^PalatalizeLeft%^VowsRMi examples:
keņg0000i examples:
a:ä palatalization
aʼmā%^PalatalizeLeft%^ConsSh%^VowsRM%>ḑi examples:
äʼm00000ḑi examples: