Definitions for Multichar_Symbols
Analysis symbols
+WORK WORK HAS TO BE DONE Do not remove, replaces +TYÄ
- +V
- +Num
The parts of speech are further split up into:
+Refl reflexive
- +Refr referential adverbs
+Refr (referential),
- +Temp
The Usage extents are marked using the following tags:
- +Use/SpellNoSugg recognized but not suggested in speller
- +Rus (100% Russian homograph)
+Dial/W (Western dialects),
+Dial/T (Taimyr dialect ),
- +Dial/E (Eastern dialects),
The nominals are inflected in the following Case and Number
+Gen (Genitive)
+Pros (Prosecutive)
- +Pred = predestinative
are these needed?:
- +Equ
derivative suffixes before case endings
- +Lim limitative
The possession is marked as such:
- +PxPl3
The comparative forms are:
- +Superl
Numerals are classified under:
- +Ord
Verb moods are:
+Mod/appr approximative imperfective
+Mod/des desiderative
+Mod/futappr approximative futuritive
+Mod/hyp hyperprobablitative
+Mod/int interrogative
+Mod/narr narrative
+Mod/nec necessitativee
+Mod/obl obligative
+Mod/rep reputative
+Mod/sup superprobabilitative
+Mod/perfappr approximative perfective
+Mod/perfprob perfective probabilitative
- +Mod/prob imperfective probabilitative
Verb tenses are:
- +Prt2
Verb personal forms are:
One of the two following
- +Pl3
- +ScPl3
- +OcPl3
Other verb forms are
- +VAbess
Abbreviated words are classified with:
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
- +ACR
Symbols that need to be escaped on the lower side (towards twolc):
- »7
- Literal »
- «7
- Literal «
%[%>%] - Literal > %[%<%] - Literal <
Special symbols are classified with:
The verbs are syntactically split according to transitivity:
- +IV
- +Aux auxilliary verb
Special multiword units are analysed with:
- +Multi
Non-dictionary words can be recognised with:
- +Guess
Question and Focus particles:
- +Foc
+Sem/Act Activity
+Sem/Amount Amount
+Sem/Ani Animate
+Sem/Aniprod Animal Product
+Sem/Body Bodypart
+Sem/Body-abstr siellu, vuoig?a, jierbmi
+Sem/Build Building
+Sem/Build-part Part of Bulding, like the closet
+Sem/Cat Category
+Sem/Clth Clothes
+Sem/Clth-jewl Jewelery
+Sem/Clth-part part of clothes, boallu, sávdnji...
+Sem/Ctain Container
+Sem/Ctain-abstr Abstract container like bank account
+Sem/Curr Currency like dollár, Not Money
+Sem/Dance Dance
+Sem/Dir Direction like GPS-kursa
+Sem/Domain Domain like politics, reindeerherding (a system of actions)
+Sem/Drink Drink
+Sem/Dummytag Dummytag
+Sem/Edu Educational event
+Sem/Event Event
+Sem/Feat Feature, like Árvu
+Sem/Feat-phys Physiological feature, ivdni, fárda
+Sem/Feat-psych Psychological feauture
+Sem/Feat-measr Psychological feauture
+Sem/Fem Female name
+Sem/Food Food
+Sem/Food-med Medicine
+Sem/Furn Furniture
+Sem/Game Game
+Sem/Geom Geometrical object
+Sem/Group Animal or Human Group
+Sem/Hum Human
+Sem/Hum-abstr Human abstract
+Sem/Ideol Ideology
+Sem/Lang Language
+Sem/Mal Male name
+Sem/Mat Material for producing things
+Sem/Measr Measure
+Sem/Money Has to do with money, like wages, not Curr(ency)
+Sem/Obj Object
+Sem/Obj-clo Cloth
+Sem/Obj-cogn Cloth
+Sem/Obj-el (Electrical) machine or apparatus
+Sem/Obj-ling Object with something written on it
+Sem/Obj-rope flexible ropelike object
+Sem/Obj-surfc Surface object
+Sem/Org Organisation
+Sem/Part Feature, oassi, bealli
+Sem/Perc-cogn Cognative perception
+Sem/Perc-emo Emotional perception
+Sem/Perc-phys Physical perception
+Sem/Perc-psych Physical perception
+Sem/Plant Plant
+Sem/Plant-part Plant part
+Sem/Plc Place
+Sem/Plc-abstr Abstract place
+Sem/Plc-elevate Place
+Sem/Plc-line Place
+Sem/Plc-water Place
+Sem/Pos Position (as in social position job)
+Sem/Process Process
+Sem/Prod Product
+Sem/Prod-audio Audio product
+Sem/Prod-cogn Cognition product
+Sem/Prod-ling Linguistic product
+Sem/Prod-vis Visual product
+Sem/Rel Relation
+Sem/Route Name of a Route
+Sem/Rule Rule or convention
+Sem/Semcon Semantic concept
+Sem/Sign Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation)
+Sem/Sport Sport
+Sem/State-sick Illness
+Sem/Substnc Substance, like Air and Water
+Sem/Sur Surname
+Sem/Symbol Symbol
+Sem/Time Time
+Sem/Tool Prototypical tool for repairing things
+Sem/Tool-catch Tool used for catching (e.g. fish)
+Sem/Tool-clean Tool used for cleaning
+Sem/Tool-it Tool used in IT
+Sem/Tool-measr Tool used for measuring
+Sem/Tool-music Music instrument
+Sem/Tool-write Writing tool
+Sem/Txt Text (girji, lávlla...)
+Sem/Veh Vehicle
+Sem/Wpn Weapon
- +Sem/Wthr The Weather or the state of ground
Semantics are classified with
Derivations are classified under the morphophonetic form of the suffix, the
+Der/MWN modifier without noun head
+Der/Pr this is used with predication of nominals and deverbal modalities
- _+Der/Cop_ This will replace the nominal conjugation Der/Pr
To represent phonologic variations in word forms we use the following
%{ая%} in Pros
%{оё%} in +N+Sg+Nom+PxPl3
%{рл%} +N+Sg+Nom+PxSg2
%{аяуюØ%} хан+N+Sg+Acc+PxSg1: ханув, ханав
%{увм%} +N+Sg+Pros
- %{вм%} +N+Sg+Nom+PxSg1
And the following triggers to control variation:
%^SCSG2 this allows n2d +V+Ind+Aor+ScSg2: %>н°%^SCSG2
%^PLNOM disallows i2e +N+Pl+Nom+PxDu1+Der/Cop+Ind+Aor+ScPl3
- %^PalVariation This allows for тар%{дˮØ%}%>д%{оё%}нзь
Protoletters for xfst:
%{ауоэØ%} А1: а А1: у А1: о А1: э schwa
- %{ауоэиыØ%} before pros
This is the schwa or reduced vowel occurring after x in case endings
- А2 Alternating between zero and а
These are proto-glottals
- %{йнңъʼØ%} = These are proto-glottals
- Ы2 = These are for developing underlying morphology rules
%^A2O Initially this is used for the noun "я" to enable a: o
%^A2I for я: и in пя
%^MLenition м: в м: б
%^VowLower vowel lowering ы: э у: о
%^VowRaise э: ы о: у
%^VowLoss stem-final vowel is lost in plural accusative form
%^StemVowFronting хасава: хасев
%^VowFronting хадась: хадэйнинзь
%^PalLoss in combination with stem-final vowel loss
- %^HardFronting яля: ялэ
We have manually optimised the structure of our lexicon using the following
- @C.NeedNoun@
Object conjugation
- @C.CONJ@
The Root lexicon
The word forms in Nenets start from the lexeme roots of basic
adjectives ;
adpositions ;
adverbs ;
interjections ;
nouns ;
particles ;
pronouns ;
propernouns ;
quantifiers ;
- verbs ;
V_NEWWORDS ; This is for feeding new verbs.
Punctuation ;
- Symbols ;