- The parts-of-speech are:
- Parts of speech are further split up into:
- Pronouns
- Quantifiers (numerals)
- Nominals are inflected for Number and Case
- Number
- Case
- Possession and other declension types are marked with:
- The comparative forms are:
- Verb moods are:
- Tenses in the indicative and infrequently in the conditional
- Verb personal forms are:
- Object conjugation
- The Usage extents are marked using following tags:
- Dialect tags
- Orthography tags
- Abbreviated words are classified with:
- Semantic tags
- Other tags
- Morphophonology
Analysis symbols
The morphological analyses of wordforms of ERZYA are presented
- %
The parts-of-speech are:
- +A adjective
- +Adp adposition
- +Adv adverb
- +CS subordinating conjunction
- +CC coordinating conjunction
- +Det determiner
- +Descr descriptive
- +Interj interjection
- +N noun
- +Num numerals
- +Pcle particle
- +Po postposition
- +Pr preposition (in Russian loans)
- +Pron pronoun
- +Qnt quantifier
- +V verb
Parts of speech are further split up into:
- +Adn Adnominal (modifier) !! This is not an NP head like +Pron
- +Bahuvrihi This is a nominative-case NP used as an adjective
- +bahuvrihi get rid of these for upper-case
- +Ideoph These are ideophonic descriptors used to modify the verb
- +Manner with reference to type of adverb
- +Parenthetic parenthetic
- +Spat spatial
- +Temp temporal
- +Iter Iterative form expressing number of times; myv: кавксть, kpv: кыкысь
- +Mult Multiplicative, two-ply; myv: кавонькирда
- +Deg Ad-adjective This is degree, depricate + AdA
- +Epist epistemic modality marker speaker's evaluation/judgment of, degree of confidence in
- +EvidNfh not first-hand келя
- +EvidFh first-hand
- +PerifMod periferal modifier ськамонзо
- +Formulaic
- +Prop proper
- +CollN used with paired nouns, i.e. COLLECTIVE NOUNS
- +Dem demonstrative
- +Indef indefinite
- +Dep dependent word requiring the presence of another, e.g. мень
- +Interr interrogative
- +Pers personal
- +Recipr reciprocal
- +Refl reflexive
- +Rel relative
- +Relator relator noun
- +Sel selective, when selecting from a set of definites
- +Short тень, теть; эстень
- +Long монень, тонеть; монстень
- +Sg1 first person singular
- +Sg2 second person singular
- +Sg3 third person singular
- +Pl1 first person plural
- +Pl2 second person plural
- +Pl3 third person plural
Quantifiers (numerals)
- +Appr Approximative numeral кавто-колмо, колмошка two or three
- +AssocColl -ne- ; avide-
- +Assoc +мезть
- +Card cardinal + NCard
- +Coll collective
- +Distr Distributive
- +Ord ordinal + NOrd
- +Exclusive
- ськамонзо
Nominals are inflected for Number and Case
- +Sg singular
- +Pl plural
- +SP ambiguous for number, general number
- +Abe abessive
- +Abl ablative case
- +Com Comitative "-нек/-нэк"
- +Cmpr Comparative case form -шка
- +Dat dative
- +Ela elative case
- +Gen genitive case
- +Ill illative
- +Ine inessive
- +Lat lative
- +Loc Locative "вить ён : вить ёно"
- +Nom nominative case
- +Prl prolative "га/ка/ва"
- +Tra translative: used in similative and depictive constructions
- +TempCx Temporalis case form "-не/-нэ"
- +Voc Vocative
Possession and other declension types are marked with:
- +PxSg1 first person singular
- +PxSg2 second person singular
- +PxSg3 third person singular
- +PxSP3 third person singular or plural with dative only
- +PxPl1 first person plural
- +PxPl2 second person plural
- +PxPl3 third person plural
- +Def Definite
The comparative forms are:
- +Comp comparative as opposed to superlative
- +Superl superlative
- +Attr Attribute
Verb moods are:
- +Cond conditional Ындеря- (Derivational)
- +Conj conjunctional "вОль"
- +Des desiderative Ыксэль "was about to; wanted to"
- +Ind indicative
- +Imprt imperative
- +Opt optative
- +Prec precative
- +Proh prohibitive is distinct from the negation of imperative
Infinitive moods
- +Oblig modality: deontic/directive/obligative
- +Delib +Sugg modality: deontic/directive/deliberative
Tenses in the indicative and infrequently in the conditional
- +Prs In Erzya There is no morphological distinction
- +Prt1 Preterite 1
- +Prt2 Preterite 2 (This is also used in predicate forms not involving a finite verb.)
Verb personal forms are:
- +ScSg1 * subject conjugation first person singular
- +ScSg2 * subject conjugation second person singular
- +ScSg3 * subject conjugation third person singular
- +ScPl1 * subject conjugation first person plural
- +ScPl2 * subject conjugation second person plural
- +ScPl3 * subject conjugation third person plural
Object conjugation
- +OcSg1 * object conjugation first person singular
- +OcSg2 * object conjugation second person singular
- +OcSg3 * object conjugation third person singular
- +OcPl1 * object conjugation first person plural
- +OcPl2 * object conjugation second person plural
- +OcPl3 * object conjugation third person plural
Other verb forms are
- +Act * active voice (exo-tradition)
- +PrsPrc * present participle (only non-contrastive usage)
- +DemPrc * present participle (both contrastive and non-contrastive)
- +ActPrcLong %{иы%}й (This is dealt with elsewhere as an active present participle)
- +ActPrcShort %{иы%} (This is dealt with elsewhere as an active present participle)
- +ActDemPrc %{иы%}ця (This is dealt with elsewhere as an active present participle)
- +ConNeg * connegative, main verb complement to Neg, vow-stem
- +ConNegII * connegative, main verb complement to Neg, cons-stem
- +Ger * gerund This is used with Der/Ozj and VAbl
- +Inf * infinitive
- +Neg * verb of negation эзь, аволь, иля
- +Prc * participle
- +VGen * Verb Genitive, genitive form participle
- +VAbl * Verb Ablative "озадо"
- +Prc/Telic * Telic participle "саевть"
- +Der/Abe * ВтОмО
- +Der/Cmpr * шка
- +Der/A * adjective derived from N or V
- +Der/N2A * adjective derived from N
- +Der/V2A * adjective derived from V
- +Subst * deverbal nouns retaining verb arguments/gov
- +PrfPrc
The Usage extents are marked using following tags:
- +Err/Orth * Substandard
- +Err/Sub * Substandard
- +Err/Orth-no-linking-vowel linking vowel is missing
- +Err/Orth-high-linking-vowel linking vowel is high
- +Use/Marg * Marginal
- +Use/-Spell * Exclude from speller
- +Use/SpellNoSugg * recognized but not suggested in speller
- +Use/Circ * Circular path
- +Use/CircN * Circular number path
- +Use/-Ped * Remove from pedagogical speller
- +Use/NG * Do not generate, for isme-ped.fst and apertium
- +Err/Lex * The lemma is not an Erzya word (Depricating --+Src/F--)
Dialect tags
- +Dial/SH * Short forms
- +Dial/L * Long forms
- +Dial * No specification
- +Dial/-C * Not central standard
- +Dial/C * 1 Central or Kozlovka-Mokshlei
- +Dial/W * 2 Western or Insar
- +Dial/NW * 3 North-Western or Alatyr
- +Dial/SE * 4 South-Eastern or Sura
- +Dial/M * 5 Mixed or Drakino-Shoksha
Orthography tags
- +Orth/PhonDeriv * Derivation is phonetic but declension and conjugation morphologic
- +Orth/PhonInfl * Entire inflection is phonetic 1821, 1920-30
- +Orth/Colloq Colloquial speech reflected in spelling
Abbreviated words are classified with:
- +ABBR * Abbreviation
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
- +ACR * Acronym
Special symbols
Delimiter marks are classified with:
- %^excl *
The verbs are syntactically split according to transitivity:
- +TV * transitive verb
- +IV * intransitive verb
- +NomAg Actor Noun From Verb - Nomen Agentis
- +NomAct Actor Noun From Verb - Nomen Agentis
Auxiliary verbs
- +Aux *
Special multiword units are analysed with:
- +Multi
Non-dictionary words can be recognised with:
- +Guess
Question and Focus particles:
- +Qst +Foc
Semantic tags
Semantic tags to help disambiguation & synt. analysis: (before POS)
Simplex tags
- +Sem/Act Activity
- +Sem/Amount Amount
- +Sem/Ani Animate
- +Sem/Aniprod Animal Product
- +Sem/Body Bodypart
- +Sem/Body-abstr siellu, vuoig?a, jierbmi
- +Sem/Build Building
- +Sem/Build-part Part of Bulding, like the closet
- +Sem/Cat Category
- +Sem/Clth Clothes
- +Sem/Clth-jewl Jewelery
- +Sem/Clth-part part of clothes, boallu, sávdnji...
- +Sem/Ctain Container
- +Sem/Ctain-abstr Abstract container like bank account
- +Sem/Ctain-clth
- +Sem/Curr Currency like dollár, Not Money
- +Sem/Dance Dance
- +Sem/Dir Direction like GPS-kursa
- +Sem/Domain Domain like politics, reindeerherding (a system of actions)
- +Sem/Drink Drink
- +Sem/Dummytag Dummytag
- +Sem/Edu Educational event
- +Sem/Event Event
- +Sem/Feat Feature, like Árvu
- +Sem/Feat-phys Physiological feature, ivdni, fárda
- +Sem/Feat-psych Psychological feauture
- +Sem/Feat-measr Psychological feauture
- +Sem/Fem Female name
- +Sem/Food Food
- +Sem/Food-med Medicine
- +Sem/Furn Furniture
- +Sem/Game Game
- +Sem/Geom Geometrical object
- +Sem/Group Animal or Human Group
- +Sem/Hum Human
- +Sem/Hum-abstr Human abstract
- +Sem/Ideol Ideology
- +Sem/Kin Kinship term (special PxSg2 forms),
- +Sem/Kin_Fem Kinship term (special PxSg2 forms), female
- +Sem/Kin_Mal Kinship term (special PxSg2 forms), male
- +Sem/Lang Language
- +Sem/Mal Male name
- +Sem/Mat Material for producing things
- +Sem/Measr Measure
- +Sem/Money Has to do with money, like wages, not Curr(ency)
- +Sem/Obj Object
- +Sem/Obj-clo Cloth
- +Sem/Obj-cogn Cloth
- +Sem/Obj-el (Electrical) machine or apparatus
- +Sem/Obj-ling Object with something written on it
- +Sem/Obj-rope flexible ropelike object
- +Sem/Obj-surfc Surface object
- +Sem/Org Organisation
- +Sem/Part Feature, oassi, bealli
- +Sem/Perc-cogn Cognative perception
- +Sem/Perc-emo Emotional perception
- +Sem/Perc-phys Physical perception
- +Sem/Perc-psych Physical perception
- +Sem/Plant Plant
- +Sem/Plant-part Plant part
- +Sem/Plc Place
- +Sem/Plc-abstr Abstract place
- +Sem/Plc-elevate Place
- +Sem/Plc-line Place
- +Sem/Plc-water Place
- +Sem/Pos Position (as in social position job)
- +Sem/Process Process
- +Sem/Prod Product
- +Sem/Prod-audio Audio product
- +Sem/Prod-cogn Cognition product
- +Sem/Prod-ling Linguistic product
- +Sem/Prod-vis Visual product
- +Sem/Rel Relation
- +Sem/Route Name of a Route
- +Sem/Rule Rule or convention
- +Sem/Semcon Semantic concept
- +Sem/Sign Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation)
- +Sem/Sport Sport
- +Sem/State
- +Sem/State-sick Illness
- +Sem/Substnc Substance, like Air and Water
- +Sem/Sur Surname
- +Sem/Fem-Sur Surname female
- +Sem/Mal-Sur Surname male
- +Sem/Symbol Symbol
- +Sem/Time Time
- +Sem/Tool Prototypical tool for repairing things
- +Sem/Tool-catch Tool used for catching (e.g. fish)
- +Sem/Tool-clean Tool used for cleaning
- +Sem/Tool-it Tool used in IT
- +Sem/Tool-measr Tool used for measuring
- +Sem/Tool-music Music instrument
- +Sem/Tool-write Writing tool
- +Sem/Txt Text (girji, lávlla...)
- +Sem/Veh Vehicle
- +Sem/Wpn Weapon
- +Sem/Wthr The Weather or the state of ground
Multiple Semantic tags:
- +Sem/Act_Group
- +Sem/Act_Plc
- +Sem/Act_Route
- +Sem/Amount_Build
- +Sem/Amount_Semcon
- +Sem/Ani_Body-abstr_Hum
- +Sem/Ani_Build
- +Sem/Ani_Build-part
- +Sem/Ani_Build_Hum_Txt
- +Sem/Ani_Group
- +Sem/Ani_Group_Hum
- +Sem/Ani_Hum
- +Sem/Ani_Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Ani_Hum_Time
- +Sem/Ani_Plc
- +Sem/Ani_Plc_Txt
- +Sem/Ani_Time
- +Sem/Ani_Veh
- +Sem/Aniprod_Hum
- +Sem/Aniprod_Obj-clo
- +Sem/Aniprod_Perc-phys
- +Sem/Aniprod_Plc
- +Sem/Body-abstr_Prod-audio_Semcon
- +Sem/Body_Body-abstr
- +Sem/Body_Clth
- +Sem/Body_Food
- +Sem/Body_Group_Hum
- +Sem/Body_Hum
- +Sem/Body_Mat
- +Sem/Body_Measr
- +Sem/Body_Obj_Tool-catch
- +Sem/Body_Plc
- +Sem/Body_Time
- +Sem/Build-part_Plc
- +Sem/Build_Build-part
- +Sem/Build_Clth-part
- +Sem/Build_Edu_Org
- +Sem/Build_Event_Org
- +Sem/Build_Org
- +Sem/Build_Route
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Curr
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Money
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Plant
- +Sem/Clth_Hum
- +Sem/Ctain-abstr_Org
- +Sem/Ctain-clth_Plant
- +Sem/Ctain-clth_Veh
- +Sem/Ctain_Feat-phys
- +Sem/Ctain_Furn
- +Sem/Ctain_Tool
- +Sem/Ctain_Tool-measr
- +Sem/Curr_Org
- +Sem/Dance_Org
- +Sem/Dance_Prod-audio
- +Sem/Domain_Food-med
- +Sem/Domain_Prod-audio
- +Sem/Edu_Event
- +Sem/Edu_Group_Hum
- +Sem/Edu_Mat
- +Sem/Edu_Org
- +Sem/Event_Food
- +Sem/Event_Hum
- +Sem/Event_Plc
- +Sem/Event_Time
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Tool-write
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Veh
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Wthr
- +Sem/Feat-psych_Hum
- +Sem/Feat_Plant
- +Sem/Food_Perc-phys
- +Sem/Food_Plant
- +Sem/Game_Obj-play
- +Sem/Geom_Obj
- +Sem/Group_Hum
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Org
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Prod-vis
- +Sem/Group_Org
- +Sem/Group_Sign
- +Sem/Group_Txt
- +Sem/Hum_Lang
- +Sem/Hum_Lang_Plc
- +Sem/Hum_Lang_Time
- +Sem/Hum_Obj
- +Sem/Hum_Org
- +Sem/Hum_Plant
- +Sem/Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Hum_Tool
- +Sem/Hum_Veh
- +Sem/Hum_Wthr
- +Sem/Lang_Tool
- +Sem/Mat_Plant
- +Sem/Mat_Txt
- +Sem/Measr_Time
- +Sem/Money_Obj
- +Sem/Money_Txt
- +Sem/Obj-play
- +Sem/Obj-play_Sport
- +Sem/Obj_Semcon
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Org
- +Sem/Org_Rule
- +Sem/Org_Txt
- +Sem/Org_Veh
- +Sem/Part_Prod-cogn
- +Sem/Perc-emo_Wthr
- +Sem/Plant_Plant-part
- +Sem/Plant_Tool
- +Sem/Plant_Tool-measr
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_Rel_State
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_Route
- +Sem/Plc_Pos
- +Sem/Plc_Route
- +Sem/Plc_Substnc
- +Sem/Plc_Substnc_Wthr
- +Sem/Plc_Time
- +Sem/Plc_Tool-catch
- +Sem/Plc_Wthr
- +Sem/Prod-audio_Txt
- +Sem/Prod-cogn_Txt
- +Sem/Semcon_Txt
- +Sem/Obj_State
- +Sem/Substnc_Wthr
- +Sem/Time_Wthr
Semantics are classified with
- +Sem/Divinity Divinity (god personified),
- +Sem/Constellation Constellation,
- +Sem/Ant Anthroponym
- +Sem/Fem Anthroponym female
- +Sem/Mal Anthroponym male
- +Sem/Patr Patronym
- +Sem/Fem-Patr Patronym female
- +Sem/Mal-Patr Patronym male
- +Sem/Rvr name of river or water way, media of transportation,
- +Sem/Mnth name of month
- +Sem/Inanim Inanimate,
Semantic Fields
- +Field/Agr agriculatural
- +Field/Anat anatomical
- +Field/Bio biological
- +Field/Bot botanical
- +Field/Chem chemical
- +Field/Geol geological
- +Field/Gram grammatical
- +Field/Hist historical
- +Field/Law law
- +Field/Mar maritime
- +Field/Math mathematical
- +Field/Med medical
- +Field/Mus musical
- +Field/Relig church
- +Field/Tech technical
- +Field/Zool zoological
Other tags
Verbal arguments
- +Subj/Zero This is used to mark verbs without a semantic subject
Derivations are classified under the morphophonetic form of the suffix, the
- +V→N +V→V +V→A
Der begin
- +Der In front of every derivation to make it
- +Der/VtOmO
- +Der/stO Deriving adverbs from adjectives A2Adv
- +Der/ms эрзямс эрзя, истямс истя, вадрямс вадря
- +Der/shka
- +Der/GenAttr +Der/Onj genitive attribute derivation of non-nouns
- +Der/aj vocative
- +Der/kaj vocative
- +Der/Ovt * telic deverbal noun also attr
- +Der/Oms * infinitive illative
- +Der/OmO * infinitive locative/nominative
- +Der/OmstO * infinitive elative
- +Der/OmsO * infinitive inessive
- +Der/OmdO * infinitive ablative
- +Der/Omga * infinitive prolative
- +Der/Oma * modality: deontic/directive/obligative андомс: андома , якамс: якама
- +Der/Omka * modality: deontic/directive/obligative андомс: андомка , якамс: якамка
- +Der/Ycja * active (demonstrative) present participle
- +Der/Y * active short present participle
- +Der/Yj * active long present participle
- +Der/Ozj * Gerund
- +Der/Cond * conditional derivation +Der/Ynderja
Declaring noun derivations
- +Der/pelj
Modifier without noun
- +Der/MWN Modifier without Noun
- +Der/Dem Speaker-Oriented Demonstrative
Conjugation of words other than finite verbs
- +Der/Pr derivation to predicate head, e.g. nominal conjugation
- +Der/Cop This is not a derivation
- +Clt/Cop This will replace the nominal conjugation Der/Pr+V
- +Clt/Cond
Declaring Indefinite Pronoun derivations
- +Der/koj prefix +Indef in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/ta prefix +Indef in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/tago prefix +Indef in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/Gak suffix +Indef in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/buti suffix +Indef in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/Yja suffix +Indef in indefinite pronouns ковия, зярыя
- +Der/chi adjective-to-noun
the combinatory --Event-- preceding the NP-final noun
- +Der/OmA verb-to-noun
- +Der/cje +A+Ord
- +Der/tjks +A+Ord (non-contrastive)
- +Der/kshnO verb2verb derivation
- +Der/OkshnOms verb2verb derivation
- +Der/OvOms verb2verb derivation
- +Der/OvkshnOms verb2verb derivation
- +Der/OvtOms verb2verb derivation
- +Der/Ovtnjems verb2verb derivation
- +Der/Ozevems verb2verb derivation
- +Der/Ozevtems verb2verb derivation
- +Der/Ozevtnjems verb2verb derivation
- +Der/Ozevkshnems verb2verb derivation
- +Der/sje this in verb2verb derivation and also in denominal demonstrative --Der/Dem--
- +Der/nje verb2verb derivation
- +Der/njems verb2verb derivation
- +Der/Oncje old orth кудонцесь
- +Der/Dimin
- +Der/ka diminutive
- +Der/NJE This is used in ошке, калнэ and кудыне
- +Der/nJE diminutive
- +Der/Ynje diminutive
- +Der/Ynjka diminutive
- +Der/Ynjkinje diminutive
- +Der/ke diminutive in --ке--
- +Der/kinje diminutive
- +Der/ks Adv›N
- +OLang/SME - North Sámi
- +OLang/SMJ - Lule Sámi
- +OLang/SMA - South Sámi
- +OLang/FIN - Finnish
- +OLang/SWE - Swedish
- +OLang/NOB - Norw. bokmål
- +OLang/NNO - Norw. nynorsk
- +OLang/ENG - English
- +OLang/MYV - Erzya
- +OLang/MDF - Moksha
- +OLang/RUS - Russian
- +OLang/TAT - Tatar
- +OLang/UND - Undefined
- +F - Foreign
To represent phonologic variations in word forms we use the following
And following triggers to control variation
- %{frontHard%} — front harmony hard
- %{frontSoft%} — front harmony soft
- %{back%} — back harmony
- %{backHard%} — back harmony
- %{dialM%} — for Shoksha and Drakino Dial/M morphology
- Е3 testing тне тнэ
Special letters in the root that might be useful in dialect research and etymology later
- Ь3 арсемс: арсе arśems vs арсемс: арЬ3се aŕśems
- Ӓ3 эрямс: Ӓ3ря
- Ӓ4 пелемс: пӒ4ль
- %^Ь2ZERO removes stem-final soft sign
- %{ое%} inflectional suffix protovowel аволь аволинь
- %{оеэØ%} Suffix-initial archiphoneme
- %{уиыØ%} Suffix-initial archiphoneme in dialect
вт%{оеэ%}мО1 suffix-internal archivowel
- %{оэØ%} inessive, elative; this is the hard/broad s
- %{ОØ%} Stem-final archiphoneme панго
- %{ЕØ%} Stem-final archiphoneme тинге
- %^NoLinkVow — No linking vowel is used only after consonants for error
- +Cmp/Hyph A tag to indicate that a hyphen was used when compounding
Development tag
- +NoVowX
- %0
- %-
- +Dig1
- +Dig2
- +Dig3
- +Dig4
- +Rom Roman numerals
- +Cmp Dynamic compound - this tag should always be part of a dynamic compound.
- +Cmp/Hyph-Coll with nouns
- +Cmp/Hyph-Redup with verbs
- +Cmp/Hyph-Synonym with verbs
- +Cmp/Hyph-Serial with verbs
- +Cmp/Hyph-tejems with verbs
- +Emphatic
- +Gr2xxx
- +Pref Prefix
- +Exclusive "ансяк" only
- +Intensive
- +Intensifier уш
- +Onom onomapoetic words
- +Descr descriptive words
Different focus particles
- +Clt/Add Only one additive clitic
- +Clt/AddGak
Imperative clitics
- +Clt/Ga редяка Precative +Prec
- +Clt/Gaja редякая
- +Clt/Gajatj редякаять
- +Clt/Gajatja редякаятя
- +Clt/Gatja редякатя
- +Clt/Gaka редякака ARE these real?
- +Clt/Gakaja редякакая ARE these real?
- +Pred2 secondary predicate. Examples:
Tags distinguishing different versions of the same lemma (before POS)
- +v1
- +v2
- +v3
- +v4
- +v5
- +v6
- +v7
- +v8
- +v9
- +v10
- +v11
- +v12
- +v13
- +v14
- +v15
- +v16
- +v17
- +v18
- +v19
- +v20
- +v21
- +v22
- +v23
- +v24
FUNCTIONS are all upper-case!!!!
- +ACC +DAT +COM This marks a function not a morpheme
- +NoPoss used with personal pronouns in oblique cases,
Symbols that need to be escaped on the lower side (towards twolc):
- »
- «
- > (written with square brackets, see the root.lexc file)
- < (written with square brackets, see the root.lexc file)
Flag diacritics
@P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed
@P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first |
@D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX |
@P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds |
@D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R |
@D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding |
@U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding |
@P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R |
@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root. |
Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper
@U.Cap.Obl@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
@U.Cap.Opt@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
Flags used to identify parts of speech
- @P.POS.N@
- @R.POS.N@
- @P.POS.V@
- @R.POS.V@
- @C.POS@
Flags used with +Clt/Cop nonverbal predication
- @C.PRED@
Flags used with transitivity
- @D.CONJ-MX.IND@ 2012-11-04 should this be --D-- or --N--
- @U.CONJ-PX.10@
- @U.CONJ-PX.12@
- @U.CONJ-PX.13@
- @U.CONJ-PX.15@
- @U.CONJ-PX.16@
- @U.CONJ-PX.20@
- @U.CONJ-PX.21@
- @U.CONJ-PX.23@
- @U.CONJ-PX.24@
- @U.CONJ-PX.26@
- @U.CONJ-PX.30@
- @U.CONJ-PX.31@
- @U.CONJ-PX.32@
- @U.CONJ-PX.33@
- @U.CONJ-PX.34@
- @U.CONJ-PX.35@
- @U.CONJ-PX.36@
- @U.CONJ-PX.40@
- @U.CONJ-PX.42@
- @U.CONJ-PX.43@
- @U.CONJ-PX.45@
- @U.CONJ-PX.46@
- @U.CONJ-PX.50@
- @U.CONJ-PX.51@
- @U.CONJ-PX.53@
- @U.CONJ-PX.54@
- @U.CONJ-PX.56@
- @U.CONJ-PX.60@
- @U.CONJ-PX.61@
- @U.CONJ-PX.62@
- @U.CONJ-PX.63@
- @U.CONJ-PX.64@
- @U.CONJ-PX.65@
- @U.CONJ-PX.66@
- @R.CONJ-PX.13@
- @R.CONJ-PX.16@
- @R.CONJ-PX.23@
- @R.CONJ-PX.26@
- @R.CONJ-PX.33@
- @R.CONJ-PX.36@
- @R.CONJ-PX.43@
- @R.CONJ-PX.46@
- @R.CONJ-PX.53@
- @R.CONJ-PX.56@
- @R.CONJ-PX.63@
- @R.CONJ-PX.66@
- @P.CONJ.ObjAll@
- @R.CONJ.ObjAll@
- @C.CONJ@
- @P.PossPx.Sg1@
- @P.PossPx.Sg2@
- @P.PossPx.Sg3@
- @P.PossPx.Pl1@
- @P.PossPx.Pl2@
- @P.PossPx.Pl3@
- @U.PossPx.S3@
- @U.PossPx.SP3@
- @U.PossPx.Sg1@
- @U.PossPx.Sg2@
- @U.PossPx.Sg3@
- @U.PossPx.Pl1@
- @U.PossPx.Pl2@
- @U.PossPx.Pl3@
- @D.PossPx@
- @C.PossPx@
- @C.TNUM@
- @P.TPERS.1@
- @P.TPERS.2@
- @P.TPERS.3@
- @N.TPERS.1@
- @N.TPERS.2@
- @N.TPERS.3@
- @U.TPERS.1@
- @U.TPERS.2@
- @U.TPERS.3@
- @U.CX.ABE@
- @U.CX.ABL@
- @U.CX.CMP@
- @U.CX.COM@
- @U.CX.DAT@
- @U.CX.ELA@
- @U.CX.GEN@
- @U.CX.ILL@
- @U.CX.INE@
- @U.CX.LAT@
- @U.CX.LOC@
- @U.CX.NOM@
- @U.CX.PRL@
- @U.CX.TRA@
- @U.CX.PRL@
- @N.CX.ILL@
- @N.CX.INE@
- @N.CX.LAT@
- @N.CX.ELA@
- @C.CX@
- @C.DNUM@
- @P.NUM.SG@
- @P.NUM.PL@
- @D.NUM.SG@
- @D.NUM.PL@
- @C.NUM@
This allows or disallows combining with hyphen through loop
Linking vowel for use with Translative
- @P.LV.ON@
- @P.LV.OFF@
- @R.LV.ON@
- @U.LV.ON@
- @D.LV.ON@
- @C.LV@
The word forms in ERZYA start from the lexeme roots of basic
- Hyphenated-nouns ; entire serial nouns
- Hyphenated-verbs ; entire serial verbs
CyrillicFemaleName ;
Not a real particle; it can take a clitic седеяк
alo-SPAT-1Arg ; >PO_KAL-LOC