Sami GT convention
%{W%}:0Weak grade trigger
%{F%}:0Foreign word flag to prevent application of weak grade trigger,
%{S%}:0Strong stem trigger (for short illatives only),
%{id%}:0Trigger / lexicon flag for pl part possible ending (esseesid/esseid)
%{stemill%}:0Trigger / lexicon flag for short sg ill, formed by stem change (jõgi-jõkke)
%{dbl%}:0Trigger to double the previous letter. Sometimes a phonologically long long kk pp tt
- %{no.apo%}:0trigger for deleting apostrophe (normally used for foreign word inflections) from Sg Nom
Usage tag. It may relate to an individual word in the lexicon,
- %{rare%}:0rare or less used form (norm) ; e.g. kingasid
Special surface side symbols, used in rule contexts
%> Inflectional suffix boundary
» Derivational suffix boundary
# Word boundary for both lexicalised and dynamic compounds
Apostrophe is used for separating inflectional affix from a foreign word lemma
- %{apo%}:0... but Sg Nom is without apostrophe
If the sound change is unproductive and difficult to relate to its immediate context,
Short stops
G1:g In strong grade
G1:0 In weak grade
G1:k In short illative (lagi lae lakke)
B1:b In strong grade
B1:0 In weak grade
B1:m In weak grade after m
B1:p In short illative (tuba toa tuppa)
D1:d In strong grade
D1:0 In weak grade
D1:l In weak grade after l
D1:n In weak grade after n
D1:r In weak grade after r
- D1:t In short illative (ladu lao lattu)
Orthographic convention: after voiceless (e.g. s or h, or k p t), gbd is written as kpt
K1:k In strong grade
K1:0 In weak grade
P1:p In strong grade ?? EKK: never happens ??
P1:0 In weak grade ?? EKK: never happens ??
T1:t In strong grade
- T1:0 In weak grade
B2:b In strong grade, e.g. tiib
B2:v In weak grade, e.g. tiiva
- B2:p In short illative (tõbi tõppe)
K2:k In strong grade
K2:g In weak grade
P2:p In strong grade
P2:b In weak grade
T2:t In strong grade
- T2:d In weak grade
Short stops in stem illatives for words that do not have grade alternation.
G3:g Riia Riiga
D3:d Rannu Randu
G4:k Türgi Türki
D4:t Leedu Leetu
- B4:p Abja Apja
S1:s In strong grade, S1 is s
- S1:0 In weak grade, S1 is 0; before stop, S1 is 0
Unstressed syllable vowels disappear...
A2:a valvas
A2:0 valv sa
E2:e laulev
E2:0 laul va
I2:i õilis
I2:0 õil sa
U2:u hirmus
- U2:0 hirm sa
A stem vowel in inflectional forms of ne/s words, to make them formally similar in inflection
E1:e soolase, raudset
- E1:0 soolas t
Ad hoc stem vowels for ne/s words
I1:i an ugly trigger for ne/s words katkine - katkisil
A1:a an ugly trigger for ne/s words pingne - pingsa
- A1:0 pingne - pingsus
Few words...
j surfacing and changing
E4:e aeg, soe
- E4:j aja, sooja
J1:i ahi, rohi
J1:j ahju
- J1:0 rohu
4 words have h-illative: sohu, suhu, öhe, pähe
H3:h sohu, ...
H3:0 soo, suu, ...
Y3:u sohu, suhu
Y3:e öhe, pähe
- Y3:0 öö, pea
only hea and pea
A6:a pea - pähe, päid
E6:e pea - pähe, päid
- E6:0
6 words have õ in indicative past
Ö6:ü söö+a - süüa
Ö6:õ söö+i - sõi
O6:u too+a - tuua
O6:õ too+i - tõi
- O6:0
A handful of words...
M1:m lumi
- M1:n lun d
N1:n lään e, kolman da
- N1:0 lää s, kolma s
K3:k vennakse
- K3:0 venna s
Verb affix lexicons are simpler if we introduce these:
Stem vowels for verbs of some inflectional types
A7:a naerab
A7:0 naer ma
E7:e jookseb
- E7:0 jooks ma
Verb affixes have k-g and t-d-0 alternations:
Imperative mood affixes gu/ku, ge/kem etc
- G7:k
Infinitive affixes ta/da/a, and gerund affixes tes/des/es
- D7:0
Impersonal voice affixes tud/tud, takse/dakse etc
- T7:t
To form past indicative forms and make them pronouncable
I7:i naeris
- I7:0 naer sin
S7:s naeris
- S7:0 pani
Sometimes the choice of an allomorph or allophone is related to the frequency of the word.
For plural partitive, the form is generated either with sg vowel + sid or plural vowel + 0
Singular stem vowel tag in lexicon
%{sg.a%}:atüng - tünga
- %{sg.a%}:0
%{sg.e%}:eneem - neeme
- %{sg.e%}:0
%{sg.i%}:itaud - taudi, default sg stem vowel for most types
- %{sg.i%}:0
%{sg.u%}:ukoon - koonu
- %{sg.u%}:0
Plural stem vowel tag in lexicon
%{pl.i%}:iking - kingi
- %{pl.i%}:0king - kingasid
%{pl.e%}:etõug - tõuge, taud - taude, default pl stem vowel for most types
- %{pl.e%}:0tõug - tõugusid
%{pl.u%}:ulaud - laudu
- %{pl.u%}:0laud - laudasid
Inflectional affixes having the same grammatical meaning:
%{i%}:ii of sid: pl par ending siilisid
%{i%}:0: pl par ending siile
%{d%}:dd of sid: pl par ending siilisid
- %{d%}:0: pl par ending siile
%{s%}:ss of -sse jõesse; -sid siilisid
%{s%}:0jõkke; siile; puid
%{e%}:ee of -sse jõesse;
- %{e%}:0jõkke;
If the sound change is productive and/or very regularly determined by context
ne, s ending words have similar paradigms; only sg nom is different
n:n soolane and other ne-words Sg Nom
n:s soolas+e, soolas+t etc
e:e soolane
- e:0 soolas0+e
-le/-el stem alternations also use e: 0, in addition to 0: e (sip0lema-sipel0da)
high vowel lowering in certain contexts
- ü:ü
- kraabi0>n
*kraapi%{W%}>n (is not standard language)
- *kraapi0>n (is not standard language)
- viskooss0e>t
*viskoosneE1>t (is not standard language)
- *viskooss00>t (is not standard language)
1.1. plural partitive: -sid vs stem vowel change