List of the multichar symbols
The morphological analyses of wordforms in Livonian are presented
(It is highly suggested to follow existing GIELLATEKNO standards when adding new tags).
The parts-of-speech are:
+A = adjective
+Adp = adposition
+Adv = adverb
+CS = subordinating conjunction
+CC = coordinating conjunction
+Interj = interjection
+N = noun
+Num = numeral
+Pcle = particle
+Pr = preposition
+Po = postposition
+Pron = pronoun
+Qnt = quantifier
- +V = verb
Parts of speech are further split up into:
- +Prop = proper nouns
+Dem = demonstrative
+Indef = indefinite
+Interr = interrogative
+Pers = personal
+Recipr = reciprocal
+Refl = reflexive
- +Rel = relative
Nominals are inflected for Number and Case
+Sg = singular
- +Pl = plural
+Abe = abessive
+Abl = ablative case
+Ade = adessive
+All = allative
+Dat = dative case
+Ela = elative
+Ess = essive
+Exe = essive
+Gen = genitive case
+Ill = illative
+Ine = inessive
+Ins = instrumental -KÕKS
+Instr = instructive -IN
+Lat = Lative
+Nom = nominative case
+Par = partitive
+Prl = prolative
+Tra = translative
- +Voc = Vocative
Possession is marked as such:
- +PxPl3
The comparative forms are:
- +Superl
Numerals are classified under:
- +Ord
Verb moods are:
+Cond = conditional
+Ind = indicative
+Imprt = imperative
+Jus = jussitive
- +Quo = quotative, quoted speech
- +Prt
+Act = active
- +Pss = passive
Verb personal forms are:
+Sg1 = first person singular conjugation
+Sg2 = second person singular conjugation
+Sg3 = third person singular conjugation
+Pl1 = first person plural conjugation
+Pl2 = second person plural conjugation
- +Pl3 = third person plural conjugation
Other verb forms are
+ConNeg = connegative, main verb complement to Neg,
+Ger = gerund
+Inf = infinitive
+Neg = verb of negation эзь, аволь, иля
+Prc = participle CHECK! how is this used ?
- +Aux = Auxiliary verb
Verbs are syntactically split according to transitivity:
+TV = Transitive verb
- +IV = Intransitive verb
Usage extents are marked using following tags:
- +Use/NG no generation
Abbreviated words are classified with:
+ABBR containing period
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
- +ACR acronyms, not containing period
Special symbols are classified with:
Special multiword units are analysed with:
- +Multi
Normative/prescriptive compounding tags
(to govern compound behaviour for the speller, ie what a compound SHOULD BE):
The first part of the component may be ..
- +CmpN/Sg Sg
- +CmpN/SgN SgNominative
- +CmpN/SgG SgGenitive
- +CmpN/PlG PlGenitive
This entry / word can ...
- +CmpNP/All - ... be in all positions, default, this tag does not have to be written
- +CmpNP/First - ... only be first part in a compound or alone
- +CmpNP/Pref - ... only first part in a compound, NEVER alone
- +CmpNP/Last - ... only be last part in a compound or alone
- +CmpNP/Suff - ... only last part in a compound, NEVER alone
- +CmpNP/None - ... not take part in compounds
- +CmpNP/Only - ... only be part of a compound, i.e. can never
Non-dictionary words can be recognised with:
- +Guess
Question and Focus particles:
- +Foc
+Sem/Act Activity
+Sem/Amount Amount
+Sem/Ani Animate
+Sem/Aniprod Animal Product
+Sem/Body Bodypart
+Sem/Body-abstr siellu, vuoig?a, jierbmi
+Sem/Build Building
+Sem/Build-part Part of Bulding, like the closet
+Sem/Cat Category
+Sem/Clth Clothes
+Sem/Clth-jewl Jewelery
+Sem/Clth-part part of clothes, boallu, sávdnji...
+Sem/Ctain Container
+Sem/Ctain-abstr Abstract container like bank account
+Sem/Curr Currency like dollár, Not Money
+Sem/Dance Dance
+Sem/Dir Direction like GPS-kursa
+Sem/Domain Domain like politics, reindeerherding (a system of actions)
+Sem/Drink Drink
+Sem/Dummytag Dummytag
+Sem/Edu Educational event
+Sem/Event Event
+Sem/Feat Feature, like Árvu
+Sem/Feat-phys Physiological feature, ivdni, fárda
+Sem/Feat-psych Psychological feauture
+Sem/Feat-measr Psychological feauture
+Sem/Fem Female name
+Sem/Food Food
+Sem/Food-med Medicine
+Sem/Furn Furniture
+Sem/Game Game
+Sem/Geom Geometrical object
+Sem/Group Animal or Human Group
+Sem/Hum Human
+Sem/Hum-abstr Human abstract
+Sem/Ideol Ideology
+Sem/Lang Language
+Sem/Mal Male name
+Sem/Mat Material for producing things
+Sem/Measr Measure
+Sem/Money Has to do with money, like wages, not Curr(ency)
+Sem/Obj Object
+Sem/Obj-clo Cloth
+Sem/Obj-cogn Cloth
+Sem/Obj-el (Electrical) machine or apparatus
+Sem/Obj-ling Object with something written on it
+Sem/Obj-rope flexible ropelike object
+Sem/Obj-surfc Surface object
+Sem/Org Organisation
+Sem/Part Feature, oassi, bealli
+Sem/Perc-cogn Cognative perception
+Sem/Perc-emo Emotional perception
+Sem/Perc-phys Physical perception
+Sem/Perc-psych Physical perception
+Sem/Plant Plant
+Sem/Plant-part Plant part
+Sem/Plc Place
+Sem/Plc-abstr Abstract place
+Sem/Plc-elevate Place
+Sem/Plc-line Place
+Sem/Plc-water Place
+Sem/Pos Position (as in social position job)
+Sem/Process Process
+Sem/Prod Product
+Sem/Prod-audio Audio product
+Sem/Prod-cogn Cognition product
+Sem/Prod-ling Linguistic product
+Sem/Prod-vis Visual product
+Sem/Rel Relation
+Sem/Route Name of a Route
+Sem/Rule Rule or convention
+Sem/Semcon Semantic concept
+Sem/Sign Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation)
+Sem/Sport Sport
+Sem/State-sick Illness
+Sem/Substnc Substance, like Air and Water
+Sem/Sur Surname
+Sem/Symbol Symbol
+Sem/Time Time
+Sem/Tool Prototypical tool for repairing things
+Sem/Tool-catch Tool used for catching (e.g. fish)
+Sem/Tool-clean Tool used for cleaning
+Sem/Tool-it Tool used in IT
+Sem/Tool-measr Tool used for measuring
+Sem/Tool-music Music instrument
+Sem/Tool-write Writing tool
+Sem/Txt Text (girji, lávlla...)
+Sem/Veh Vehicle
+Sem/Wpn Weapon
- +Sem/Wthr The Weather or the state of ground
Semantics are classified with
Derivations are classified under the morphophonetic form of the suffix, the
+Der/A for example present participle to adjective
- +Der/VN
Symbols that need to be escaped on the lower side (towards twolc):
- »7
- Literal »
- «7
- Literal «
%[%>%] - Literal > %[%<%] - Literal <
To represent phonologic variations in word forms we use the following
- {aä} back/front a
- {oö} back/front o
- {uü} back/front u
- {uü} for consonant lengthening
And following triggers to control variation
- %^PenVV2V penultimate vowel shortening
- %^ĪE2Ē kēļ: kīel
- {front} = front vowels
- {back} = back vowels
%^Tense = Tense stem will have stød if proper stem type
%^ConsL = Consonant lengthening
%^1Sh2L =
%^D2T d: t veʼž: veʼd: vietā
%^PreI i: 0 veʼž: veʼd: vietā
%^VowShIn1 This causes vowel shortening in 1. syll
%^A2ÕIn2 This causes 2. syll a => õ
%^ConsSh =
%^Stress1to2 =
%^Stress2to1 =
%^VowsSh1 = vowel shortening in first syllable
%^VowsShU1 =
%^VowsShI1 =
%^DiphthSh1 =
%^VowsLI1 = Vowel lengthening
%^VowsLU1 =
%^VowsL1 =
%^LongV2Õin2 = long vowel to õ in second syllable
%^Vow2Iin2 = vowel to i or ī in second syllable
%^VowsõToi kīndõr: kīndiriž
%^DiphthL1 =
%^D2Ž = The *ti => *si
%^D2ZERO The d => 0
- %^LowerVows lower vowel
%^RVows = Vowel raising
%^VowsMetath = vowel metathesis in verbs
%^VowsMRM Vow in middle ētam: eitmõd
%^VowsRM =
%^ConsRM =
%^StodRM = for removing Stød
%^PalatalizeLeft =
- %^VowsL1aToǭ = a >> ǭ
Flag diacritics
@P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed
@P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first |
@D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX |
@P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds |
@D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R |
@D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding |
@U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding |
@P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R |
@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root. |
Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper
@U.Cap.Obl@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
@U.Cap.Opt@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
Root lexicon
The word forms in Livonian start from the lexeme roots of basic
adjectives ;
adpositions ;
adverbs ;
conjunctors ;
interjections ;
nouns ;
particles ;
pronouns ;
propernouns ;
quantifiers ;
verbs ;
Abbreviation ;
Acronym ;
Punctuation ;
Symbols ;
A_NEWWORDS ; This is for feeding new adjectives
ADV_NEWWORDS ; This is for feeding new adverbs
N_NEWWORDS ; This is for feeding new nouns
PROP_NEWWORDS ; This is for feeding new propernouns
V_NEWWORDS ; This is for feeding new verbs
- QUESTIONABLEMISC_NEWWORDS ; This is for feeding new words of questionable status
Lexica for words that are not inflected
These are but here for the time being
adverb lexicon
Interjections lexicon
pcle-mod lexicon
This is used in compounding, e.g. äʼb-:äʼb
LEXICON K is the clitic lexicon, but no clitica here, only #.