Domumentation of the Greenlandic analyser
Dynamic documentation
Documentation and information for developers
Here you find the technical documentation of the Greenlandic parser. The parser is built in close cooperation with the Sámi language technology project, with a file structure and setup close to the Sámi ones. General documentation can be found at the Sámi project documentation.
General information for web users
In order to analyse Greenlandic text, you may paste in text in the window here. The machine returns text with all possible analyses. The tags are listed below. The parser gives tags for parts of speech, morphosyntactic categories, clitecs, and derivational tags. The derivational affixes have tags carrying the same names as the affixes themselves.
It is also possible to generate wordforms, by pasting the lemma and gramamtical tags here
In addition to giving all possible tags, the analyser also has a disambiguation mode, that gives only analyses appropriate in the given context.
The parser uses the following tags:
- Parts of speech: +N +V +Part +Pron +Adj +Adv +Prop +Interj +Num
- Morphosyntactic categories
- Number:+Sg +Du +Pl
- Case:+Abs +Rel +Trm +Abl +Lok +Aeq +Ins +Via
- Mode:+Ind +Int +Imp +Opt +Cau +Con +Par +Inf +InfNeg +Ite
- Person-number:+1Sg +2Sg +3Sg +4Sg +1Pl +2Pl +3Pl +4Pl +1Du
- Subcategories:+Attr +Abbr +ACR +Vok
- Clitics:+Clt
- Other:+Dato+
- Textual tags:+CLB +ABBR +PUNCT +LEFT +RIGHT
- Derivational tags: See the source code for a list.
Last changed: $Id: intro.xml,v 1.8 2005/06/21 12:13:53 boerre Exp $
by Per Langgård, Trond Trosterud