Definitions for Multichar_Symbols
Analysis symbols
- +N Noun
- +A Adjective
- +Adv Adverb
- +Det Determiner
- +V Verb
- +Pron Pronoun
- +CS Subordinating conjunction
- +CC Coordinating conjunction
- +Adp Adposition
- +Po Postposition
- +Pr Preposition
- +Interj Interjection
- +Pcle Particle
- +Num Numeral
The parts of speech are further split up into:
- +Prop Proper
- +Pers Personal
- +Dem Demonstrative
- +Interr Interrogative
- +Refl Reflexive
- +Recipr Reciprocal
- +Rel Relative
- +Indef Indefinite
The Usage extents are marked using following tags:
- +Err/Orth Not in norm
- +Use/-Spell Not in speller
The nominals are inflected in the following Number
- +Sg Singular
- +Du Dual
- +Pl Plural
The nominals are inflected in the following Case
- +Abs Absolute form 2019-06-03
- +Nom Nominative
- +Acc Accusative
- +Gen Genitive
- +Abl Ablative
- +Dat Dative
- +Ins Instrumental
- +Abe Abessive
- +Advl Adverbial
- +Ine Inessive
- +Ill Illative
- +Ela Elative
- +Egr Egressive
- +Ter Terminative
- +Prl Prolative
- +Apr Approximative
The possession is marked as such:
- +PxSg1
- +PxSg2
- +PxSg3
- +PxPl1
- +PxPl2
- +PxPl3
The comparative forms are:
- +Comp Comparative
- +Superl Superlative
Numerals are classified under:
- +Attr Attributive form (adnominal)
- +Card Cardinal
- +Ord Ordinal
Verb moods are:
Verb tenses are:
Verb personal forms are:
- +Sg1
- +Sg2
- +Sg3
- +Du1
- +Du2
- +Du3
- +Pl1
- +Pl2
- +Pl3
Other verb forms are: (TODO: Document the tags)
- +Inf Infinitive
- +Ger Gerund
- +ConNeg Connegative (used with verb of negation)
- +ConNegII Connegative (used with verb of negation) ?Does this apply to Udmurt?
- +Neg Negation, (used to mark verb of negation)
- +ImprtII Imperative II, ?Does this apply to Udmurt?
- +Sup Supine
- +VGen Verbal genitive
- +VAbess Verbal abesive
- +Prc This is only for the dictionary at present 2019-06-04
- +ABBR Abbreviation
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
- +ACR Acronym
Special symbols are classified with:
- +CLB Clause boundary
- +PUNCT Punctuation
- +LEFT The left in paired punctuation, e.g. %‹+PUNCT+LEFT
- +RIGHT The right in paired punctuation, e.g. %)+PUNCT+RIGHT
The verbs are syntactically split according to transitivity:
- +TV Transitive
- +IV Intransitive
Special multiword units are analysed with:
- +Multi Multiword phrase tag
- +Guess machine guessed
Question and Focus particles:
- +Qst Question
- +Foc Focus
+Sem/Act Activity
+Sem/Amount Amount
+Sem/Ani Animate
+Sem/Aniprod Animal Product
+Sem/Body Bodypart
+Sem/Body-abstr siellu, vuoig?a, jierbmi
+Sem/Build Building
+Sem/Build-part Part of Bulding, like the closet
+Sem/Cat Category
+Sem/Clth Clothes
+Sem/Clth-jewl Jewelery
+Sem/Clth-part part of clothes, boallu, sávdnji...
+Sem/Ctain Container
+Sem/Ctain-abstr Abstract container like bank account
+Sem/Curr Currency like dollár, Not Money
+Sem/Dance Dance
+Sem/Dir Direction like GPS-kursa
+Sem/Domain Domain like politics, reindeerherding (a system of actions)
+Sem/Drink Drink
+Sem/Dummytag Dummytag
+Sem/Edu Educational event
+Sem/Event Event
+Sem/Feat Feature, like Árvu
+Sem/Feat-phys Physiological feature, ivdni, fárda
+Sem/Feat-psych Psychological feauture
+Sem/Feat-measr Psychological feauture
+Sem/Fem Female name
+Sem/Food Food
+Sem/Food-med Medicine
+Sem/Furn Furniture
+Sem/Game Game
+Sem/Geom Geometrical object
+Sem/Group Animal or Human Group
+Sem/Hum Human
+Sem/Hum-abstr Human abstract
+Sem/Ideol Ideology
+Sem/Lang Language
+Sem/Mal Male name
+Sem/Mat Material for producing things
+Sem/Measr Measure
+Sem/Money Has to do with money, like wages, not Curr(ency)
+Sem/Obj Object
+Sem/Obj-clo Cloth
+Sem/Obj-cogn Cloth
+Sem/Obj-el (Electrical) machine or apparatus
+Sem/Obj-ling Object with something written on it
+Sem/Obj-rope flexible ropelike object
+Sem/Obj-surfc Surface object
+Sem/Org Organisation
+Sem/Part Feature, oassi, bealli
+Sem/Perc-cogn Cognative perception
+Sem/Perc-emo Emotional perception
+Sem/Perc-phys Physical perception
+Sem/Perc-psych Physical perception
+Sem/Plant Plant
+Sem/Plant-part Plant part
+Sem/Plc Place
+Sem/Plc-abstr Abstract place
+Sem/Plc-elevate Place
+Sem/Plc-line Place
+Sem/Plc-water Place
+Sem/Pos Position (as in social position job)
+Sem/Process Process
+Sem/Prod Product
+Sem/Prod-audio Audio product
+Sem/Prod-cogn Cognition product
+Sem/Prod-ling Linguistic product
+Sem/Prod-vis Visual product
+Sem/Rel Relation
+Sem/Route Name of a Route
+Sem/Rule Rule or convention
+Sem/Semcon Semantic concept
+Sem/Sign Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation)
+Sem/Sport Sport
+Sem/State-sick Illness
+Sem/Substnc Substance, like Air and Water
+Sem/Sur Surname
+Sem/Symbol Symbol
+Sem/Time Time
+Sem/Tool Prototypical tool for repairing things
+Sem/Tool-catch Tool used for catching (e.g. fish)
+Sem/Tool-clean Tool used for cleaning
+Sem/Tool-it Tool used in IT
+Sem/Tool-measr Tool used for measuring
+Sem/Tool-music Music instrument
+Sem/Tool-write Writing tool
+Sem/Txt Text (girji, lávlla...)
+Sem/Veh Vehicle
+Sem/Wpn Weapon
- +Sem/Wthr The Weather or the state of ground
Semantics are classified with
Derivations are classified under the morphophonetic form of the suffix, the
- +V→N
- +V→V
- +V→A
Dialectical variation
- +Dial/North
- +Dial/South
%^@ This apparently causes : о +V+Ind+PrtII: %>еме%>%^@ +V+Ind+Fut: %>о%>%^@ +V+Ind+PrtI: %>и%>%^@
- %^Ы2 morpheme initial disappears after vowel
- %^Е2 morpheme initial disappears after vowel
- %^И2 morpheme initial disappears after vowel
- %^О2 morpheme initial disappears after vowel also ло after stem-final а
- %^Е3 Acc, Ill е э ы
- %^А3 Ine а, я
- %^К3 нюлэс: нюлэсК3
- %^М3 син: синМ3
- %{еэ%} morpheme initial vowel е э , e.g. Acc
And following triggers to control variation
- %^RusJa Эстония: Эстониез
- %^SYNC
- %^ЫLossVar This is used for мыныны: мыны ~ мын
- %^ЫLoss This is used for мыныны: мын
Flag diacritics
@P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed
@P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first |
@D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX |
@P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds |
@D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R |
@D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding |
@U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding |
@P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R |
@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root. |
Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper
@U.Cap.Obl@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
@U.Cap.Opt@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
The word forms in Udmurt language start from the lexeme roots of basic
- ABBR_udm2x ; abbreviations
- N_NEWWORDS ; These are new nouns without translations
AdjTag ;