
  • LEXICON UNIT As acro, but without paradigm
  • LEXICON ACRONOUN_cons is the lexicon for nouns (not +Prop) like ATV
  • LEXICON ACRONOUN_vow is the lexicon for nouns (not +Prop) like ATV

LEXICON ACRO_vow Acronyms ending in vowels and which are pronounced as a word, like NATO and UNESCO (Giellagálldo bievddegirjje 2/2016). These only get the case endings: NATO: v, NATO: n, etc.

LEXICON ACRO_cons Mostly acronyms ending in consonants, but also acronyms ending in vowels which are not pronounced as words, like LO and CV (Giellagálldo bievddegirjje 2/2016). These get case endings like a regular a-stem noun with both the vowel and case ending: LO: av, LO: an, etc.