Sublexica for Adjective
Even-syllable stems
LEXICON GIEVRRA Adjectives with attribute in WeG and -s. As 1a in Spiik. Sg Acc: gievrav, Attr: gievras.
gárttje # Even-syllable test examples:
gárttje: gárttje+A+Sg+Nom
gártjev: gárttje+A+Sg+Acc
gártjes: gárttje+A+Attr
- gártjep: gárttje+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON HÁVSSKE Adjectives with attribute -s, without WeG. As 1c in Spiik. Sg Acc: hávsskev, Attr: hávsskes.
hoallá # Even-syllable test examples:
hoallá: hoallá+A+Sg+Nom
hoalláv: hoallá+A+Sg+Acc
hoallás: hoallá+A+Attr
- hoalláp: hoallá+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON NUORRA Adjectives with attribute same as pred. As 1b in Spiik. Sg Acc: nuorav, Attr: nuorra.
visská # Even-syllable test examples:
visská: visská+A+Sg+Nom
viskáv: visská+A+Sg+Acc
visská: visská+A+Attr
- viskáp: visská+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TJUODDJE Adjectives with attribute -is, without WeG. presently only "Tjuoddje" Sg Acc: tjuoddjev, Attr: tjuoddjis.
tjuoddje # Even-syllable test examples:
tjuoddje: tjuoddje+A+Sg+Nom
tjuoddjev: tjuoddje+A+Sg+Acc
tjuoddjis: tjuoddje+A+Attr
- tjuoddjep: tjuoddje+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GALLJE Adjectives on -e, the attribute is in WeG and e > a. As 1d in Spiik. Sg Acc: galjev, Attr: galja.
uhttse # Even-syllable test examples:
uhttse: uhttse+A+Sg+Nom
uhtsev: uhttse+A+Sg+Acc
uhtsa: uhttse+A+Attr
uhtses: uhttse+A+Attr (Eng. # gets this attr from LEXATTR)
- uhtsep: uhttse+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TJÁBBE Adjectives on -e, the attribute is in WeG and e > a. Same as GALLJE only different adv derivation. Sg Acc: tjáppev, Attr: tjáppa.
njálgge # Even-syllable test examples:
njálgge: njálgge+A+Sg+Nom
njálgev: njálgge+A+Sg+Acc
njálga: njálgge+A+Attr
- njálgep: njálgge+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SÁVADAHTTE Causative-participles. No attribute. No comparision. As 1e in Spiik. Sg Acc: sávadahttev. PrsPrc of causative verbs "uttrykker at handlingen lar seg gjøre eller er verdt å gjøre" (Kintel 1991).
vuojedahtte # Even-syllable test examples:
vuojedahtte: vuojedahtte+A+Sg+Nom
- vuojedahttev: vuojedahtte+A+Sg+Acc
LEXICON JUHKKE participles with -s attributive. No comparision As 1e in Spiik. Sg Acc: juhkkev, Attr: juhkkes. Spiik: presens particip har med den attributive formen på -s betydelsen ºnågon som är duktig i, snabb til att, begiven att utföra handlingenº.
vuohttje # Even-syllable test examples:
vuohttje: vuohttje+A+Sg+Nom
vuohttjev: vuohttje+A+Sg+Acc
- vuohttjes: vuohttje+A+Attr
LEXICON BÅRRE participles without the -s attributive. As 1e in Spiik. Sg Acc: bårrev, Attr: bårre. Spiik: presens particip har med den attributiva formen utan -s betydelsen ºdem som utför handlingenº.
ednabårre # Even-syllable test examples:
ednabårre: ednabårre+A+Sg+Nom
ednabårrev: ednabårre+A+Sg+Acc
- ednabårre: ednabårre+A+Attr
Test data:
Loan words lexicas
Correctly assimilated loanwords, derived from real noun.
LEXICON MEKANIHKALASJ LOAN! Foreign -isk adjectives adapted in updated normative way. To smj ending -alasj, adjective is truly derived from a noun. Mekanisk-mekanihkka-mekanihkalasj, instead of mekánalasj that goes to MEKÁNALASJ_BADASS. Pred and attr are both -alasj. Attr same as pred. With comparatives.
kapitalismalasj # Even-syllable test examples:
kapitalismalasj: kapitalismalasj+A+Sg+Nom
kapitalismalattjav: kapitalismalasj+A+Sg+Acc
kapitalismalasj: kapitalismalasj+A+Attr
- kapitalismalabbo: kapitalismalasj+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON IJJALASJ Just lik MEKANIHKALASJ only for words ending on ijjalasj/iddjalasj, so that we don't need a lot of Area and Err tags in stems file.
LEXICON OGIJJALASJ Just like IJJALASJ only for words ending on ogijjalasj/ogiddjalasj, so that we don't need a lot of err tags in stems files. For words like "pedagogijjalasj" which also have "pedagåvgålasj" (not really a wrong derivation, but doesn't mean pedagogisk) and "pedagogalasj" err taged.
LEXICON SJÅNÅLASJ_SJONAL -sjonal/sjonell and -tional/tionel loanwords. Only for words that work as nouns, so that they are REAL dervations, as nasjonal-nasjåvnnå-nasjåvnålasj. NOT for words like "rasjonell", with no real noun. Words as "rasjonell>rasjonálla-rasjonálalasj" go to lexicon ÁLLA. The fake derivation "nasjonálalasj" is err taged, so is the strange "nasjonálla/nasjunálla".
konstitusjåvnålasj # Even-syllable test examples:
nasjåvnålasj: nasjåvnålasj+A+Sg+Nom
nasjåvnålattjav: nasjåvnålasj+A+Sg+Acc
- nasjåvnålasj: nasjåvnålasj+A+Attr
LEXICON SJÅNÅLASJ_SJONELL -sjonal/sjonell and -tional/tionel loanwords. Only for words that work as nouns, so that they are REAL dervations, as nasjonal-nasjåvnnå-nasjåvnålasj. NOT for words like "rasjonell", with no real noun. Words as "rasjonell>rasjonálla-rasjonálalasj" go to lexicon ÁLLA. The fake derivation "nasjonálalasj" is err taged, so is the strange "nasjonálla/nasjunálla".
konstitusjåvnålasj # Even-syllable test examples:
konstitusjåvnålasj: konstitusjåvnålasj+A+Sg+Nom
konstitusjåvnålattjav: konstitusjåvnålasj+A+Sg+Acc
- konstitusjåvnålasj: konstitusjåvnålasj+A+Attr
Badly assimilated loanwords, some against norm others with no norm
LEXICON MEKÁNALASJ_BADASS LOAN! Wronly assimilated -lasj adjectives fro SE/NO -isk. Looks derived but isn't since there is no real noun to be derived from. Like mekanisk-mekánalasj, but "mekádna" is no real noun! Like MEKANIHKALASJ, but gives the Use/-Spell tag, so it's only for these wronly/non-derived loan adjectives.
LEXICON ARKTALASJ_CMP_INFL Foreign -isk, that are not real derivations. Same as MEKÁNALASJ_BADASS, but no +Use/-Spell tag since ther is no "right" way to assimilate these. This is a question for GG. Adapted to smj by simply adding -alasj in place of -isk. These are not real derivations, but sitation borrowed loan adjectives. Only words without a noun base, like arktisk and syntetisk. Pred and attr are both -lasj. No comparatives.
syntetalasj # Even-syllable test examples:
syntetalasj: syntetalasj+A+Sg+Nom
syntetalattjav: syntetalasj+A+Sg+Acc
- syntetalasj: syntetalasj+A+Attr
LEXICON ORÁNSSJA Loan adjectives, not -isk. Used without the -lasj. Adjectives with attribute same as pred. So far only for oránssja.
LEXICON DEMONSTRATIJVA_LASJ_NO_NORM Loan adjectives from norwegian/swedish (Not adjectives ending on -isk). Words like demonstrativ, transitiv, dupleks, informativ, analog, privat. Gives both "demonstratijvva" and "demonstratijvalasj". There are two ways of adapting these adjectives, the adding of -lasj isn't okey, because that's a false derivation. But GG hasn't decided how these should be handled, so so far both ok. Looks like noun instead of adjective when adapted without the -lasj ending. Attr is in weak grad, used in strong grad ass pred even thou this seems a little bit odd "Værbba l transitijvva".
aktijvva # Even-syllable test examples:
aktijva: aktijvva+A+Attr
aktijvalasj: aktijvva+A+Attr
aktijvva: aktijvva+A+Sg+Nom
aktijvalasj: aktijvva+A+Sg+Nom
aktijvalattjav: aktijvva+A+Sg+Acc
- aktijvav: aktijvva+A+Sg+Acc
LEXICON ÁLA_LASJ_NO_NORM Same as DEMONSTRATIJVA_LASJ_NO_NORM. Only for adjectives ending on -al. Words like digital,liberal, lokal. Gives both "eksponentiálla" and "eksponentiálalasj". Different lexicon for these -al adjectives because of Err/Orth tags. OBS, "dialektal", is assimilated "dialevtalasj", and goes to lexicon MEKANIHKALASJ.
+Err/Orth: álal%> ABBO/AMOS ;
LEXICON ELLA_LASJ_NO_NORM Loanwords, same as ÁLA_LASJ_NO_NORM and DEMONSTRANTIJVA_LASJ_NO_NORM. For NO and SE adjectives ending on -ell, eksperimentell, ideell, parallell. The short form is nom parallælla, attr, parallella The long form: paralellalasj, attr parallellalasj. Different lexicon for these -ell adjectives because of err/orth tags. OBS, "individuell", is assimilated "indivijdalasj", and goes to lexicon MEKANIHKALASJ.
LEXICON MEKÁNALASJ_CMP_INFL Same as mekanihkalasj only without vuohta.
Inherent comparatives and superlatives lexica
LEXICON OANEP Inherent comparatives, gives comp and superl. There are two main groups of word here: Adjectives that are lexicalized in their comparative (and superlative) forms, like sisŋep, bárep. And Nouns that can be compared, like nuortap, gáttep, oarjep (some of these are compared from their noun lexicas and thus are found twice). Some entries are likely incorrect compared forms of other adjectives, like ådåp and ruvvap (more research needed).
lagáp # Even-syllable test examples:
lagáp: lagáp+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- lagámus: lagáp+A+Superl+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TJAVGGÁMUS Inherent superlatives, only gives superl. Some words are lexicalized in their superlative forms, like dájvvámus. Some are likely incorrect superlative forms, like tjábbámus (more research is needed)
dájvvámus # Even-syllable test examples:
- dájvvámus: dájvvámus+A+Superl+Sg+Nom
4-syllable miscellanious stems
LEXICON ÁRMMOGIS Adjectives on -is, attribute same as pred. Odd-syllable comparison. As 2 in Spiik. Sg Acc: ármmogisáv, Attr: ármmogis.
bahágis # Even-syllable test examples:
bahágis: bahágis+A+Sg+Nom
bahágisáv: bahágis+A+Sg+Acc
bahágis: bahágis+A+Attr
- bahágabbo: bahágis+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SÆHKÁLAK Adjectives on -álak, attribute same as pred. Odd-syllable comparison. So far only for "sæhkálak".
sæhkálak # Even-syllable test examples:
sæhkálak: sæhkálak+A+Sg+Nom
sähkálak: sæhkálak+A+Sg+Nom
sæhkálagáv: sæhkálak+A+Sg+Acc
sähkálagáv: sæhkálak+A+Sg+Acc
sæhkálak: sæhkálak+A+Attr
sähkálak: sæhkálak+A+Attr
sæhkálabbo: sæhkálak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- sähkálabbo: sæhkálak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON ÅLLAGSJ_CMP_INFL Adjectives on -asj, attribute same as pred. No comparatives. 2 in Spiik. Sg Acc: ållagattjav, Attr: ållagasj.
belulasj # Even-syllable test examples:
belulasj: belulasj+A+Sg+Nom
belulattjav: belulasj+A+Sg+Acc
- belulasj: belulasj+A+Attr
LEXICON DÁRBULASJ_CMP_INFL Adjectives on -asj, attribute same as pred. Odd-syllable comparison. Sg Acc: dárbulattjav, Attr: dárbulasj. Essive -attjan, -adtjan is subtaged.
dábálasj # Even-syllable test examples:
dábálasj: dábálasj+A+Sg+Nom
dábálattjav: dábálasj+A+Sg+Acc
dábálasj: dábálasj+A+Attr
dábális: dábálasj+A+Attr
- dábálabbo: dábálasj+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON ASIDASJ_CMP_INFL Adjectives on -asj, -is attr. Odd-syllable comparison. Sg Acc: asidattjav, Attr: asidis.
gågulasj # Even-syllable test examples:
gågulasj: gågulasj+A+Sg+Nom
gågulattjav: gågulasj+A+Sg+Acc
gågulis: gågulasj+A+Attr
- gågulabbo: gågulasj+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON UDNODIBME Adjectives on -dibme, attribute on -is. Odd-syllable comparison. Sg Acc: udnodimev, Attr: udnodis.
gælvodibme # Even-syllable test examples:
gælvodibme: gælvodibme+A+Sg+Nom
gälvodibme: gælvodibme+A+Sg+Nom
gælvodimev: gælvodibme+A+Sg+Acc
gälvodimev: gælvodibme+A+Sg+Acc
gælvodis: gælvodibme+A+Attr
gälvodis: gælvodibme+A+Attr
gælvodabbo: gælvodibme+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- gälvodabbo: gælvodibme+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TJALMEDIBME Like UDNODIBME but no comparatives. Sg Acc: tjalmedimev, Attr: tjalmedis.
huvsodibme # Even-syllable test examples:
huvsodibme: huvsodibme+A+Sg+Nom
huvsodimev: huvsodibme+A+Sg+Acc
- huvsodis: huvsodibme+A+Attr
LEXICON SUOLASIEHKE -siehke. Sg Acc: suolasiegev, attr: suolasiek
hánessiehke # Even-syllable test examples:
hánessiehke: hánessiehke+A+Sg+Nom
hánessiegev: hánessiehke+A+Sg+Acc
- hánessiek: hánessiehke+A+Attr
Odd-syllable stems
LEXICON TJIEGOS Adjectives on -s, negating adjs on -dahkes, with attr same as pred. For adjectives with -e in second syllable e>á: divtes>diktásav in StrG. As a. in Spiik. Sg Acc: tjiehkusav, Attr: tjiegos. Consonant gradation.
hánes # Odd-syllable test examples:
hánes: hánes+A+Sg+Nom
hádnásav: hánes+A+Sg+Acc
hánes: hánes+A+Attr
- hádnásabbo: hánes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GÅNTSAS Same as TJIEGOS but with vokal change å=oa. Attr is same as pred. Sg Acc: goanntsasav, attr: gåntsas. Consonant gradation.
måskas # Odd-syllable test examples:
måskas: måskas+A+Sg+Nom
moasskasav: måskas+A+Sg+Acc
måskas: måskas+A+Attr
- moasskasabbo: måskas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GALMAS Adjectives on -as, ås- and ás, with attr ending on a (-as and -ás pred) and å (-ås pred). As e. in Spiik. Sg Acc: galmmasav, attr: galmma, Consonant gradation.
njuoskas # Odd-syllable test examples:
njuoskas: njuoskas+A+Sg+Nom
njuosskasav: njuoskas+A+Sg+Acc
njuosska: njuoskas+A+Attr
- njuosskasabbo: njuoskas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SÁJSAS For -as adjectives with attribute -e. Presently only used for "sájsas", because this -as adj gets -e attr. Sg Acc: sájssasav, Attr: sájsse. Consonant gradation.
sájsas # Odd-syllable test examples:
sájsas: sájsas+A+Sg+Nom
sájssasav: sájsas+A+Sg+Acc
sájsse: sájsas+A+Attr
- sájssasabbo: sájsas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON RÁDAS Presently only used for "rádas". This word has special consonant gradation d>dd. Attr same as pred. Sg Acc: ráddasav, Attr: rádas. Consonant gradation.
rádas # Odd-syllable test examples:
rádas: rádas+A+Sg+Nom
ráddasav: rádas+A+Sg+Acc
rádas: rádas+A+Attr
ráda: rádas+A+Attr (Eng. # from LEXATTR)
- ráddasabbo: rádas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON LUOBES Adjectives on -es. Attribute same as pred. Does the same as TJIEGOS only e>a. Sg Acc: luohpasav, Attr: luobes. Consonant gradation.
luobes # Odd-syllable test examples:
luobes: luobes+A+Sg+Nom
luohpasav: luobes+A+Sg+Acc
luobes: luobes+A+Attr
- luohpasabbo: luobes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GIMES Adjectives on -es with attribute -a. Vocaal e>a in StrG. As g. in Spiik. Sg Acc: gibmasav, Attr: gibma. Consonant gradation.
gimes # Odd-syllable test examples:
gimes: gimes+A+Sg+Nom
gibmasav: gimes+A+Sg+Acc
gibma: gimes+A+Attr
- gibmasabbo: gimes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON LINES Same as GIMES, only with e>á in StrG. Adjectives on -es with attribute -a. As g. in Spiik. Sg Acc: lidnásav, attr: lidna. Consonant gradation.
lines # Odd-syllable test examples:
lines: lines+A+Sg+Nom
lidnásav: lines+A+Sg+Acc
lidna: lines+A+Attr
- lidnásabbo: lines+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON OAMES Adjectives on -es with attribute -e. As g2. in Spiik. Sg Acc: oabmásav, Attr: oabme. Consonant gradation.
goastes # Odd-syllable test examples:
goastes: goastes+A+Sg+Nom
goasstásav: goastes+A+Sg+Acc
goasste: goastes+A+Attr
- goasstásabbo: goastes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON BASSTEL Adjs on -et, -l, -r, sm om -k, -sj with attr -is and no consonant gradation. As b. in Spiik. Sg Acc: basstelav, Attr: basstelis. Many of these entries might be instances of derivations, like belak, deblak, and maybe also basstel, bargán.
goavrret # Odd-syllable test examples:
goavrret: goavrret+A+Sg+Nom
goavrredav: goavrret+A+Sg+Acc
goavrredis: goavrret+A+Attr
- goavrredabbo: goavrret+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON DABÁR Adjectives on -r. With attr -is like BASSTEL, but with CG. Sg Acc: dahparav, Attr: dabáris. Presently only for dabár. Consonant gradation.
sihkar # Odd-syllable test examples:
dabár: dabár+A+Sg+Nom
dahparav: dabár+A+Sg+Acc
dabáris: dabár+A+Attr
- dahparabbo: dabár+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON MUTTÁK Adjs on -ák/-ak/-ek, two attr: -is and same as pred. As c. in Spiik. Sg Acc: muttágav, Attr: muttágis and mutták. These seem to be instances of the adjectival -k derivation. Unclear whether such derivation have different attr forms or not, and thats maybe why some of these derivations are found in BASSTEL lexicon.
bárvak # Odd-syllable test examples:
bárvak: bárvak+A+Sg+Nom
bárvagav: bárvak+A+Sg+Acc
bárvak: bárvak+A+Attr
bárvagis: bárvak+A+Attr
- bárvagabbo: bárvak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SKÁRBAK Presently only for skárbak, because it has skárbbis attr not skárbagis according to Korhonen. It might be a hybrid. Consonant gradation.
skárbak # Odd-syllable test examples:
skárbak: skárbak+A+Sg+Nom
skárbagav: skárbak+A+Sg+Acc
skárbbis: skárbak+A+Attr
- skárbagabbo: skárbak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON ALLAK Adjs on -ak, attr.on -a. Have both gasep/gaggagabbo and alep/allagabbo as comparatives. As d. in Spiik. So far only the adjectives "allak" and "gassak" go to this lexicon.
gassak # Odd-syllable test examples:
gassak: gassak+A+Sg+Nom
gassagav: gassak+A+Sg+Acc
gassa: gassak+A+Attr
gassagabbo: gassak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- gasep: gassak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GÅBDDÅK Adjs on -åk, attr. on -å. Has even-syllable comparison: gåbdep and gåbdemus. So far "gåbddåk" is the only word in this lexicon. As d2. in Spiik. Sg Acc: gåbddågav, Attr: gåbddå.
gåbddåk # Odd-syllable test examples:
gåbddåk: gåbddåk+A+Sg+Nom
gåbddågav: gåbddåk+A+Sg+Acc
gåbddå: gåbddåk+A+Attr
- gåbdep: gåbddåk+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON STUORAK Only for stuorak. It hase two attributes. Has even-syllable comparison: stuoráp and stuorámus.Sg Acc: stuoragav, attr: stuor and stuorra. This might be a -k derivation of adjective stuorre attr stuor(ra). The comparison is thus based on the original adjective and thus it naturally is an even syll comparison.
stuorak # Odd-syllable test examples:
stuorak: stuorak+A+Sg+Nom
stuoragav: stuorak+A+Sg+Acc
stuorra: stuorak+A+Attr
stuor: stuorak+A+Attr
- stuoráp: stuorak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON RIHTSOK Lexicon for miscellanious uneven adjectives. No vowel changes. The lexicon gives no attribute, either because the adjective dosnºt have attr or because there is stemvowel change in attr that the lexicon canºt handle, or because there are strange atrributes that donºt fit to any other lexicon (these attributes are hardcoded). Sg Acc: rihtsogav (attr for words in this lexicon are hardcoded). Consonant gradation.
måjdås # Odd-syllable test examples:
måjdås: måjdås+A+Sg+Nom
måjddåsav: måjdås+A+Sg+Acc
- måjddåsabbo: måjdås+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SJÆVNNJAT Lexicon for miscellanious uneven adjectives on -k, -t, -l, -s. The last vowel changes, e>á, e>å, o>u, e>i. The lexicon gives no attribute, either because the adjective dosnºt have attr, because there is stemvowel change in attr that the lexicon canºt handle or because there are strange atrributes that donºt fit to any other lexicon (these attributes are hardcoded). Sg Acc: sjævnnjadav.
rávdes # Odd-syllable test examples:
rávdes: rávdes+A+Sg+Nom
rávddásav: rávdes+A+Sg+Acc
- rávddásabbo: rávdes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SUOHKAT Adjectives on -at and -åt, with attribute III -is. No vowel change. As f. in Spiik. Sg Acc: suohkadav, attr: suohkkis,
rávvat # Odd-syllable test examples:
rávvat: rávvat+A+Sg+Nom
rávvadav: rávvat+A+Sg+Acc
rávvis: rávvat+A+Attr
- rávvadabbo: rávvat+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON LÅSSÅT As f3. in Spiik. So far the only word i this lexicon i "låssåt", because both låssis and låsså are attr and comparative is both låsep(hybrid?) and låssådabbo.
låssåt # Odd-syllable test examples:
låssåt: låssåt+A+Sg+Nom
låssådav: låssåt+A+Sg+Acc
låssis: låssåt+A+Attr
låsså: låssåt+A+Attr
låssådabbo: låssåt+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- låsep: låssåt+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TSIBTSA Adjectives that end on -a. Attribute is same as pred. Sg Acc: tsibttsagav, Attr: tsibtsa. Consonant gradation.
bihtja # Odd-syllable test examples:
bihtja: bihtja+A+Sg+Nom
bihttjagav: bihtja+A+Sg+Acc
bihtja: bihtja+A+Attr
- bihttjagabbo: bihtja+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TJALMMIS Adjectives ending on -is. With two attributes; same as pred and -isis. As h. in Spiik. Sg Acc: tjalmmisav, Attr: tjalmmis (Spiik og Kintel).and tjalmmisis (Korhonen).
mujttis # Odd-syllable test examples:
mujttis: mujttis+A+Sg+Nom
mujttisav: mujttis+A+Sg+Acc
mujttis: mujttis+A+Attr
mujttisis: mujttis+A+Attr
- mujttisabbo: mujttis+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON IENNILS no comparatives, no attr
ieŋŋils # Odd-syllable test examples:
ieŋŋils: ieŋŋils+A+Sg+Nom
- ieŋŋilsav: ieŋŋils+A+Sg+Acc
Inherent comparatives and superlatives
LEXICON NUORTTALABBO Inherent comparatives, gives both comp and superl. Most of the words are the compared forms of -el(a) words, like nuorttal, lullel.
guddnelabbo # Even-syllable test examples:
guddnelabbo: guddnelabbo+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
guddnelamos: guddnelabbo+A+Superl+Sg+Nom
guddnelap: guddnelabbo+A+Comp+Attr
- guddnelup: guddnelabbo+A+Comp+Attr
LEXICON GASSKALAMOS Inherent superlatives, gives onlys superl. Words that are lexicalized in their superlative forms.
ájtodamos # Even-syllable test examples:
- ájtodamos: ájtodamos+A+Superl+Sg+Nom
Contracted stems
LEXICON SÁDNES Attr same as pred. Sg Acc: sáddnáv, Attr: sádnes.
hávres # Contracted test examples:
hávres: hávres+A+Sg+Nom
hávrráv: hávres+A+Sg+Acc
hávres: hávres+A+Attr
- hávrráp: hávres+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GOAVSOS Attr same as pred. Sg Acc: goaksuv, Attr: goavsos.(goavsos is so far the only word in this lexicon)
goavsos # Contracted test examples:
goavsos: goavsos+A+Sg+Nom
goaksuv: goavsos+A+Sg+Acc
goaksusav: goavsos+A+Sg+Acc (Eng. # From lexicon TJIEGOS)
goavsos: goavsos+A+Attr
goaksup: goavsos+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- goaksusabbo: goavsos+A+Comp+Sg+Nom (Eng. # from lexicon TJIEGOS)
LEXICON SUVRES Sg Acc: suvrráv, Attr: suvra.
suvres # Contracted test examples:
suvres: suvres+A+Sg+Nom
suvrráv: suvres+A+Sg+Acc
suvrrásav: suvres+A+Sg+Acc (Eng. # From lexicon SJÆVNNJAT)
suvra: suvres+A+Attr
suvrráp: suvres+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- suvrrásabbo: suvres+A+Comp+Sg+Nom (Eng. # from LINES)
LEXICON BU/MUS comparison for even-syll adjectives. Also derivates diminutive and adverbs from the comparisions.
LEXICON ABBO/AMOS comparison for odd-syll adjectives. Also derivates diminutive and adverbs from the comparisions.
LEXICON BUStem Comparative even-syll, case and attr.
LEXICON ABBO Comparative odd-syll, get case and attr. With the dialect differences "-ubbo" and "-æbbo".
LEXICON BUOREMUS Superlative even-syll, get attr and nom case.
LEXICON AMOS Superlative odd-syll, get case and attr. With the dialect differences "-umos" and "-æmos".
Comparative and Superlative sub-lexica
LEXICON ATTR Sends attributes to
LEXICON ATTR_PrsPrc Attr without -vuohta derivation.
Derivation of adjectives
LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1 ! even noun stems are sent here
LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1_1 ! even noun stems without grade alternation are sent here
LEXICON DenominalAdjsV2 ! even noun stems are sent here. -asj derivation
LEXICON DenominalAdjsKINO ! unassimilated nouns are sent here
LEXICON DenominalAdjsODD ! gives derivation -ahtes
LEXICON DenominalAdjsContr
Derivations to adjectives
LEXICON AHTES ! odd syllable
LEXICON DIBME ! even and contracted
LEXICON LIS ! Handlernomen på -is?
LEXICON AGAdj ! denominal derivations go here
LEXICON Ahkásasj ! lexicalized and denominal -asj derivations
LEXICON STÁVVAL ! OK& Kintel: stávval attr stávvalis, also as second compound