Northern Haida morphological analyser
This file shows the Northern Haida multichar symbols and initial lexica.
Definitions for Multichar_Symbols
Analysis symbols
(It is highly suggested to follow existing standards when adding new tags).
The parts-of-speech could perhaps also be (remove irrelevant):
These are vowel morphophonemes which will lose their accent when they are no long in closed syllables
- á2 =
- é2 =
- í2 =
- ú2 =
- s2 =
Haida has these tags for real, says Jordan.
- +V = Verbs
- +N = Nouns
- +Prop = Proper nouns
- +Neg = Negative
- +3pl = 3rd personal definite plural participant
- +Interr = Interrogative
- +Fut = Future
- +Past = Past
- +Pres = Present
- +Hab = Habitual
- +Bias = Biased
- +Cert = Certain
- +Simp = Simple
- +Rel = Relative
- +NonFact = Non_Factive
- +Imm = Immediate
- +VNear = Very near
- +Rflx = Reflexive
- +Near =
- +Indir = Indirect evidentiality
- +Dir = Direct evidentiality
- +Cont = Should keep on verbing
- +Short =
- +Res = Resigned obligation
- +Long =
- +Ints = Intensive
- +Impv = Imperative
- +Evid = Evidential
- +Ctfact = Counterfactual
- +Sg = Singular
- +Pl = Plural
- +Def =
- +Indef =
- +Rfx = Used for reflexively possessed body parts and kinterms
- +Abs = Non-reflexive forms of body parts and kinterms
- +Pron =
- +Ptcl =
- +Cond-Aux1 = Used before non-ablauting secondary verbs
- +Cond-Aux2 = Used before ablauting secondary verbs
Quasi-inflectional Tags
- +Ext = Extensional suffix -dáal
- +Circum = Circumambulative singular suffix -gwáang
- +Stand-Sg = Singular standing quasi-infl suffix -gyaʼáng
- +Stand-Pl = Plural standing quasi-infl suffix -gyaʼáang
- +Order = Quasi-infl suffix -hahl "tell to V"
- +Incep = Quasi-infl suffix -hid "start to V"
- +Almost = Quasi-infl suffix -sgä "almost V"
- +Nocturn = Quasi-infl suffix -ʼuhla "V all night"
- +Sit-Sg = Quasi-infl suffix -ʼwä "V sitting (sg)"
- +Sit-Pl = Quasi-infl suffix -ʼwaʼáang "V sitting (pl)"
- +Distrib = Quasi-infl suffix -agang "each"
Valency Tags
- +Val/0 = Environmental verbs (no subject) (0)
- +Val/I = Impersonal Descriptive verbs (Si)
- +Val/A = Active Descriptive verbs (Sa)
- +Val/P = Passive Descriptive verbs (Sp)
- +Val/AO = Active Dynamic verbs (Sa) (O)
- +Val/AOR = Active Dynamic Reflexive verbs (Sa) (Or)
- +Val/PO = Passive Dynamic verbs (Sp) (O)
- +Val/IO = Impersonal Dynamic verbs (Si) (O)
- +Val/AC = Active Causative verbs (Sa) (C)
- +Val/ACR = Active Causative Reflexive verbs (Sa) (Cr)
- +Val/PC = Passive Causative verbs (Sp) (C)
- +Val/IC = Impersonal Causative verbs (Si) (C)
- +Val/ACO = Active Transcausative verbs (Sa) (C) (O)
- +Val/0X = Extended Environmental verbs (no subject) (0) (X)
- +Val/IX = Extended Impersonal Descriptive verbs (Si) (X)
- +Val/AX = Extended Active Descriptive verbs (Sa) (X)
- +Val/PX = Extended Passive Descriptive verbs (Sp) (X)
- +Val/AOX = Extended Active Dynamic verbs (Sa) (O) (X)
- +Val/AORX = Extended Active Dynamic Reflexive verbs (Sa) (Or) (X)
- +Val/POX = Extended Passive Dynamic verbs (Sp) (O) (X)
- +Val/IOX = Extended Impersonal Dynamic verbs (Si) (O) (X)
- +Val/ACX = Extended Active Causative verbs (Sa) (C) (X)
- +Val/ACRX = Extended Active Causative Reflexive verbs (Sa) (Cr) (X)
- +Val/PCX = Extended Passive Causative verbs (Sp) (C) (X)
- +Val/ICX = Extended Impersonal Causative verbs (Si) (C) (X)
- +Val/ACOX = Extended Active Transcausative verbs (Sa) (C) (O) (X)
The Human Classifiers
- +CL/dla =
- +CL/hlga =
- +CL/k’u =
The Shape Classifiers
- +CL/cha =
- +CL/gáng =
- +CL/gi =
- +CL/gu =
- +CL/g̲a =
- +CL/hlga =
- +CL/hlgi =
- +CL/hlg̲a =
- +CL/hlk’u =
- +CL/hlk̲’a =
- +CL/hlk̲’uhl =
- +CL/ja =
- +CL/k̲ʼíi =
- +CL/sda =
- +CL/sga =
- +CL/sg̲a =
- +CL/skáa =
- +CL/sk’a =
- +CL/sk̲’a =
- +CL/stl’a =
- +CL/tíi =
- +CL/tl’a =
- +CL/ts’as =
- +CL/t’a =
- +CL/t’áw =
- +CL/xa =
The Descriptive Classifiers
- +CL/cháam =
- +CL/chab =
- +CL/dab =
- +CL/dám =
- +CL/dláam =
- +CL/dlál =
- +CL/gám =
- +CL/gáw =
- +CL/gyáam =
- +CL/g̲áam =
- +CL/ĝám =
- +CL/hám =
- +CL/hlgáam =
- +CL/hlgám =
- +CL/hlgi =
- +CL/hlg̲áam =
- +CL/hlg̲áy =
- +CL/hlĝám =
- +CL/hlku =
- +CL/hlkuhl =
- +CL/hlkʼu =
- +CL/hlk̲ám =
- +CL/hlk̲ʼáam =
- +CL/hlk̲ʼuhl =
- +CL/hlk̲ʼwáahl =
- +CL/hltab =
- +CL/hltám =
- +CL/hltʼáam =
- +CL/hltʼab =
- +CL/hltʼahl =
- +CL/id =
- +CL/is =
- +CL/ja =
- +CL/jah =
- +CL/jíi =
- +CL/káa =
- +CL/kál =
- +CL/kám =
- +CL/ki =
- +CL/kún =
- +CL/kʼu =
- +CL/kʼúl =
- +CL/k̲ám =
- +CL/k̲áw =
- +CL/k̲ʼa =
- +CL/k̲ʼáam =
- +CL/k̲ʼéem =
- +CL/k̲ʼuhl =
- +CL/k̲ʼún =
- +CL/k̲ʼwáahl =
- +CL/mál =
- +CL/sdáam =
- +CL/sdah =
- +CL/sdúu =
- +CL/sga =
- +CL/sgab =
- +CL/sgáam =
- +CL/sgám =
- +CL/sgíl =
- +CL/sgún =
- +CL/sg̲áam =
- +CL/skám =
- +CL/skʼáam =
- +CL/skʼál =
- +CL/sk̲ʼáam =
- +CL/sk̲ʼihl =
- +CL/smál =
- +CL/stad =
- +CL/stlúu =
- +CL/stlʼáam =
- +CL/sʼahl =
- +CL/tlúu =
- +CL/tlʼáam =
- +CL/tlʼab =
- +CL/tlʼad =
- +CL/tlʼúu =
- +CL/tsʼúu =
- +CL/tʼáam =
- +CL/tʼab =
- +CL/tʼám =
- +CL/xab =
- +CL/xáw =
- +CL/x̲a =
Restricted Descriptive Classifiers
- +CL/ga =
- +CL/gáam =
- +CL/gab =
- +CL/gáng =
- +CL/gu =
- +CL/gúl =
- +CL/hlkwáahl =
- +CL/hlkʼib =
- +CL/hlk̲áa =
- +CL/hlk̲íl =
- +CL/hltáam =
- +CL/hltab =
- +CL/hltʼah =
- +CL/hltʼab =
- +CL/jám =
- +CL/jíi =
- +CL/jíihl =
- +CL/kám =
- +CL/kún =
- +CL/kʼwáa =
- +CL/kʼwáahl =
- +CL/k̲ab =
- +CL/k̲ʼa =
- +CL/k̲ʼah =
- +CL/síi =
- +CL/skáy =
- +CL/sk̲ʼéehl =
- +CL/stláam =
- +CL/stlab =
- +CL/stlʼúu =
- +CL/sʼab =
- +CL/sʼyúu =
- +CL/tláa =
- +CL/tlʼáahl =
- +CL/tlʼán =
- +CL/tlʼál =
- +CL/tsʼám =
- +CL/tʼab =
- +CL/xáam =
- +CL/xwáad =
- +CL/x̲a =
- +CL/x̲ab =
- +CL/x̲aw =
- +CL/x̲áam =
- +CL/x̲ún =
- +CL/x̲úl =
Sound Classifiers (ALSO LEXICALIZE?)
Human Classifers (to be added)
The pre-verb classifiers
- CL/Shape+ =
- CL/Manner+ =
- CL/Human+ =
- CL/Human_Male+ =
- CL/Human_Female+ =
- CL/Descriptive+ =
- CL/Sound+ =
- CL/Color+ =
- +CL/Shape =
- +CL/Manner =
- +CL/Human =
- +CL/Human_Male =
- +CL/Human_Female =
- +CL/Descriptive =
- +CL/Sound =
- +CL/Color =
Semantic Tags
Dialect Tags
The parts-of-speech could perhaps also be (remove irrelevant):
- +A =
- +Adv =
- +Pron =
- +CS =
- +CC =
- +Adp =
- +Po =
- +Pr =
- +Interj =
- +Pcle =
- +Num =
- +Def =
- +Indef =
The parts of speech are further split up into:
- +Prop =
- +Pers =
- +Dem =
- +Interr =
- +Refl =
- +Recipr =
- +Rel =
- +Indef =
The Usage extents are marked using the following tags:
- +Err/Orth = Substandard forms
- +Use/-Spell = Not included in speller
The nominals are inflected in the following Number
- +Sg =
- +Pl =
- +Indef =
- +Def =
- +Abs =
- +Rfx =
The verbs can have the following morphological features:
- +1sg =
- +2dl =
- +2pl =
- +2sg =
- +3pl =
- +3sg =
- +Edl =
- +Epl =
- +Fut =
- +FutImp =
- +Hab =
- +Idl =
- +ImmPast =
- +Inf =
- +Ipl =
- +Prs =
- +PrsImp =
- +RemPast =
- +RepPast =
Verb prefixes
Muilti word expressions
tag for generating the MWE for abbr
The TAM flags
Verbs and prnouns
- +1Sg first singular
- +2Sg etc
- +3Sg third singular
Verbs and pronouns
- +1Sg = first person singular
- +2Sg = second person singular
- +3Sg = third person singular
- +1Pl = first person plural
- +2Pl = second person plural
- +3Pl = third person plural
- +ABBR = Abbreviations
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
- +ACR = Acronyms
Special symbols are classified with:
- +CLB = Clause boundary symbols
- +PUNCT = Other punctuation marks
- +LEFT = Left part of paired symbols
- +RIGHT = Right part of paired symbols
The verbs are syntactically split according to transitivity:
- +TV
- +IV
Special multiword units are analysed with:
- +Multi
Non-dictionary words can be recognised with:
- +Guess
Composite UTF-8 characters, i.e. g, k, and x with
Flag diacritics
@P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed
@P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first |
@D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX |
@P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds |
@D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R |
@D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding |
@U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding |
@P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R |
@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root. |
Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper
@U.Cap.Obl@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
@U.Cap.Opt@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
The word forms in Northern Haida start from the lexeme roots of basic