- Free and Open source Lule Sami analyser giella-smj
- giella-smj
- Lule Sámi morphological analyser
- Lexicon ENDLEX
- Sublexica for Adjective
- Comparation
- Sublexica for Noun
- Sublexica for Verb
- Auxiliary verbs
- Ordinary main verbs
- Background
- File structure
- The Alphabet section
- The Sets section
- The Definitions section
- The Rules section
Free and Open source Lule Sami analyser giella-smj
- Authors
- Divvun and Giellatekno teams, community members
- Software version
- 2012
- Documentation license
- SVN Revision
- $Revision
: 68217 $ - SVN Date
- $Date
: 2013-01-16 11: 31: 33 +0200 (Wed, 16 Jan 2013) $
This is free and open source Lule Sami morphology.
Lule Sámi morphological analyser
Definitions for Multichar_Symbols
Tags for POS
- +N Noun
- +A Adjective
- +Adv Adverb
- +V Verb
- +Pron Pronouns
- +CS Subjunction
- +CC Conjunction
- +Adp Adposition
- +Po Postposition
- +Pr Preposition
- +Interj Interjection
- +Pcle Particle
- +Num Numeral
+TODO = Code for items that have not been modeled yet
- +Prop Propernouns
- +ACR Acronym
- +Pers Personal pronoun
- +Dem Demonstrative pronoun
- +Interr Interrogative pronoun
- +Refl reflexive pronoun
- +Recipr reciprocal pronoun
- +Rel relative pronoun
- +Indef indefinite pronoun
- +Coll collective numerals
- +Arab arabic numerals
- +Rom remertall
- +Err/Orth Substandard. An ungrammatical, non-normative form of normative lemma.
- +Err/Lex No normative lemma, often ungrammatical compounds like "bajásbuollda" and "songdebutierit".
- +Err/Hyph No normative lemma
- +Err/SpaceCmp No normative lemma
- +Err/Der Lemmas that break with regular derivation rules, both morphologically and semantically
- +Err/Infl Lemmas that break with normative inflection rules, often used with morphological changes
- +Use/Marg Marginal, but normative lemmas. Not in speller.
- +Use/-Spell Excluded from speller
- +Use/-PLX Excluded from PLX speller
+Use/-PMatch | Do not include in fst's made for hfst-pmatch |
- +Use/SpellNoSugg Recognized, but not suggested in speller
- +Use/Circ Circular path
- +Use/CircN Circular number path
- +Use/Ped Remove from pedagogical speller
- +Use/NG Do not generate, only for Oahpa and MT. In speller.
+Use/MT Generate for MT only, for restricting analyses needed
+Use/NGminip Not for miniparadigm in VD dicts
- +Use/NotDNorm For words without formal normalization.
- +Use/DNorm For words without formal normalization.
- +Area/SE In Sweden
- +Area/NO In Norway
- +Dial/N Used in the northern areas. Some might say that
- +Dial/S Used in the southern areas
- +Dial/SH Short forms
Compounding tags
The tags are of the following form:
+CmpNP/xxx - Normative (N), Position (P), ie. the tag describes what
+CmpN/xxx - Normative (N) form ie. the tag describes what
+Cmp/xxx - Descriptive compounding tags, ie. tags that describes
Normative/prescriptive compounding tags:
The first part of the component may be ..
- +CmpN/Sg = Singular
- +CmpN/SgN = Singular Nominative
- +CmpN/SgG = Singular Genitive
- +CmpN/PlG = Plural Genitive
- +CmpNP/All - ... be in all positions, default, this tag does not have to be written
- +CmpNP/First - ... only be first part in a compound or alone
- +CmpNP/Pref - ... only first part in a compound, NEVER alone
- +CmpNP/Last - ... only be last part in a compound or alone
- +CmpNP/Suff - ... only last part in a compound, NEVER alone
- +CmpNP/None - ... not take part in compounds
- +CmpNP/Only - ... only be part of a compound, i.e. can never
- +CmpN/SgLeft Singular to the left
- +CmpN/SgNomLeft Singular nominative to the left
- +CmpN/SgGenLeft Singular genitive to the left
- +CmpN/PlGenLeft Plural genitive to the left
- +CmpN/Def Left override
- +CmpN/DefSgGen Overrides left tag, requires SgGen form
- +CmpN/DefPlGen Overrides left tag, requires PlGen form
+Cmp/Sg Singular
+Cmp/SgNom Singular Nominative
+Cmp/SgGen Singular Genitive
+Cmp/PlGen Plural Genitiv
+Cmp/PlNom Plural Nominative
+Cmp/Attr Attribute
+Cmp Dynamic compound - this tag should always be part of a
+Cmp/SplitR This is a split compound with the other part to the right:
+Cmp/SplitL This is a split compound with the other part to the left
- +Cmp/Sh testing ShCmp
- +Sg Singular number
- +Du Dual number
- +Pl Plural number
- +Ess Essive case
- +Nom Nominative case
- +Gen Genitive case
- +Acc Accusative case
- +Ill Illative case
- +Loc Locative case
- +Com Comitative case
- +Ine Inesive case
- +Ela Elative case
- +Par Partitive case
- +Abe Abessive case
- +PxSg1 possessive suffix singular first person
- +PxSg2 possessive suffix singular second person
- +PxSg3 possessive suffix singular third person
- +PxDu1 possessive suffix dual first person
- +PxDu2 possessive suffix dual second person
- +PxDu3 possessive suffix dual third person
- +PxPl1 possessive suffix plural first person
- +PxPl2 possessive suffix plural second person
- +PxPl3 possessive suffix plural plural person
- +Comp Comparative comparison
- +Superl Superlative comparison
- +Attr Attribute
- +Card
- +Ord CHECK THIS! In closed-sme there are +Ord entries without circ. tag
- +Ind Indicative mood
- +Prs Present tense
- +Prt Past tense
- +Pot Potensial mood
- +Cond conditional mood
- +Imprt Imperative mood
- +Sg1 singular first person
- +Sg2 singular second person
- +Sg3 singular third person
- +Du1 dual first person
- +Du2 dual second person
- +Du3 dual third person
- +Pl1 plural first person
- +Pl2 plural second person
- +Pl3 plural plural person
- +Inf infinitive
- +Ger gerundium
- +ConNeg the main verb form used with negation verb. Like "bårå" in "Iv bårå guolev"
- +Neg negation verb
- +ImprtII second imperative mood
- +PrsPrc present participle
- +PrfPrc past participle
- +Sup supinum
- +VGen verb genitive
- +VAbess verb abessive
- +Actio Actio
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
- +ACR
- +CLB
- +CLBfinal Sentence final abbreviated expression ending in full stop, so that the full stop is ambiguous
- +TV
- +IV Transitivity tags
- +Multi Multiword phrase tag
- +Guess for the name guesser
- +NomAg Actor Noun From Verb - Nomen Agentis
Lexeme disambiguation tags
- +Hom1
- Homonymy
- +Hom2
- Homonymy
Stem variant tags
- +v1 - variant 1
- +v2 - variant 2
- +v3 - variant 3
- +v4 - variant 4
- +v5 - variant 5
+Cmp/Hyph +Cmp/Hyph Compound with (optional) hyphen, heavily weighted
Question and Focus particles:
- +Qst
- +Clt
- +Foc These two are only found in SMJ - do we need them?
Focus particles:
- +Foc/ge
- +Foc/gen
- +Foc/ga
- +Foc/Neg-k
- +Foc/Pos-k
Other tags
- +MWE multi word expressions, goes to abbr
- +Sh Short form
Semantic tags to help disambiguation & syntactic analysis
These tags should always be located just before the POS tag.
- +Sem/Act = Activity; cleaning, work, occupation, project, photosynthesis
- +Sem/Adr = Webadr
- +Sem/Amount = Amount; pile, amount of lynx, amount of food, one fifteenth, ten percent
- +Sem/Ani = Animate; dog, reindeer, teddy bear,ndragon, lice
- +Sem/Ani-fish = Fish
- +Sem/Aniprod = Animal Product; sweat, reindeer skin, lice egg, blood for making dumplings, pee
- +Sem/Body = Bodypart; ear, bone, ear canal, artificial leg, mustache, nervous system
- +Sem/Body-abstr = Non-physical body part; Sjel, ånd, reason, soul, voice, eyesight, conscience
- +Sem/Build = Building; house, museum, Sámi tent, nest, sandcastle
- +Sem/Build-room = Room in a building, typically place to be
- +Sem/Buildpart = Part of building; closet, room, door, balcony, pool, office
- +Sem/Cat = Category; name, subjunction, suffix, password, existential sentence
- +Sem/Clth = Clothes/Clothing; shirt, hat, theater costume, shawl, seatbelt, diaper
- +Sem/Clth-jewl = Jewelery and similar; watch, sunglasses, ring, necklace, crown
- +Sem/Clthpart = Part of clothes; knapp, søm, pocket (OBS! Ctain-abstr), bottom part of an article of clothing, upper part of trousers, seam, button
- +Sem/Ctain = Container; suitcase, terrarium, closet, container, gas tank
- +Sem/Ctain-abstr = Abstract container; bank account, fund, account, loan fund, pot, bank account
- +Sem/Ctain-clth = Eks; lomme/pocket
- +Sem/Curr = Currency; not money, euro, US dollar, denar, Danish crown, currency
- +Sem/Dance = Dance; swing, rumba, ballet, belly dance, war dance
- +Sem/Date = Date
- +Sem/Dir = Direction; GPS course, stock exchange price, graph, tendency, starboard
- +Sem/Domain = Domain like politics, reindeerherding (a system of actions), anthropology, punk rock, biology, linguistics, medicine
- +Sem/Drink = Drink; tea, beer, UHT milk, soda, communion wine
- +Sem/Dummytag = Default tag for uncategorized nouns
- +Sem/Edu = Educational event; skiing high school skiing academy, course, music lesson, lesson, master
- +Sem/Event = Event; wedding, meeting, competition, election, festival
- +Sem/Feat = Feature; Árvu, age difference, homosexuality, femininity, identity, congruence
- +Sem/Feat-measr = Measurable feature; radius, diameter, volume, circumference, perimeter, frequency
- +Sem/Feat-phys = Physiological feature; size, color, height, shape, weight, horsepower
- +Sem/Feat-psych = Psychological feature; authority, nature, childishness, creativity, arrogance
- +Sem/Fem = Female name
- +Sem/Food = Food; bread, vegetarian food, flour, tobacco, salt
- +Sem/Food-med = Medicine; birth-control pill, asthma medicine, medicine, penicillin, vaccine
- +Sem/Fruit = Fruit and fruit-like edibles
- +Sem/Furn = Furniture; throne, chair, table, altar, trampoline
- +Sem/Game = Game; biŋgo bingo, TV game, flipper, paintball, chess
- +Sem/Geom = Geometrical object; triangle, triangle, tetrahedron, asymptote, star
- +Sem/Group = Animal or Human Group; family, herd, group, indigenous people, delegation
- +Sem/Hum = Human
- +Sem/Hum-abstr = Human abstract
- +Sem/ID = ID
- +Sem/Ideol = Ideology; nomadism, buddhism, feminism, christianity, fanaticism
- +Sem/Lang = Language; South Sámi, mother tongue, Maori, Yiddish, second language
- +Sem/Mal = Male name
- +Sem/Mat = Material for producing things; paper, steel, wood, leather, wool
- +Sem/Measr = Measure; unit of volume, quarter meter, hour, minus degree, wátta watt
- +Sem/Money = Has to do with money; wages, not Curr(ency), treasure, belongings, debt, food price, bill, pension
- +Sem/Obj = Object; thing, cup, thing, toy, painting
- +Sem/Obj-catch =
- +Sem/Obj-clo = Cloth; carpet, flag, curtain, silk sheets, napkin
- +Sem/Obj-cogn =
- +Sem/Obj-el = (Electrical) machine or apparatus; player, lamp, TV, radio, oven
- +Sem/Obj-ling = Object with something written on it
- +Sem/Obj-play = Play object
- +Sem/Obj-rope = flexible ropelike object; barbed wire, thread, rope, cable, dental floss
- +Sem/Obj-surfc = Surface object; blackboard, drawing paper, canvas, board (for playing board games), (money) bill
- +Sem/Org = Organisation; newspaper, supreme court, company, museum, administration
- +Sem/Part = Feature, part of something; half, part, percent, rest, tenth
- +Sem/Perc-cogn = Cloth
- +Sem/Perc-emo = Emotional perception; fear, feeling of identity, empathy, sadness, working motivation
- +Sem/Perc-phys = Physical perception; shoulder pain, gass smell, sleep (during the night), need of sleep, hunger
- +Sem/Perc-psych = Psychic perception
- +Sem/Plant = Plant; lichen, plant, cucumber, bluebell, poisonous mushroom
- +Sem/Plantpart = Plant part; twig, leaf, root, seed, pine trunk
- +Sem/Play = Play
- +Sem/Plc = Place; world, nature, airport, workplace, fireplace
- +Sem/Plc-abstr = Abstract place; bachelor level, job market, third place, Troms website, address
- +Sem/Plc-elevate = Elevated place; mountain, peak, mountain top, scree, volcano
- +Sem/Plc-line = Place limitations; national border, border, finish line, stop line, equator
- +Sem/Plc-water = Water; river, lake, polar sea, sea, well
- +Sem/Pos = Position (as in social position job); 50% position, presidency, fixed position, kindergarten place, role in society
- +Sem/Process = Process
- +Sem/Prod = Product
- +Sem/Prod-audio = Audio product; yoik, roar, Beatles song, Bible psalm, blues
- +Sem/Prod-cogn = Cognition product; thought, decision, knowledge, lack of understanding, requirement
- +Sem/Prod-ling = Linguistic product; message, question, agreement, translation, criticism
- +Sem/Prod-vis = Visual product; picture, film, TV series, documentary, art
- +Sem/Rel = Relation; relation, dependency, subordination, analogy, equivalence
- +Sem/Route = Route-like place; street, path, corridor, bridge, winter path
- +Sem/Rule = Rule or convention; cultural tradition, abortion law, EU rule, law of cosines, fair play
- +Sem/Semcon = Abstract semantic concept; result, objective, reason, alternative, case
- +Sem/Sign = Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation); ID number, ČSV letters, quotation mark, hieroglyph, symbol
- +Sem/Sport = Sport; table tennis, judo, motor cross, ice hockey, floorball
- +Sem/State = State; hurry, captivity, anarchy, biodiversity, chaos
- +Sem/State-sick = Illness; allergy, cold, autism, dementia, somnambulism
- +Sem/Substnc = Substance; Water, sand, air, smoke, carbohydrate, vitamin, dust
- +Sem/Sur = Surname
- +Sem/Symbol = Symbol
- +Sem/Time = Time; áigi time, April, half an hour, Tuesday, deadline
- +Sem/Time-clock = Time
- +Sem/Tool = Prototypical tool for repairing things; axe, knife, fire striker, plastic hammer, wrench
- +Sem/Tool-catch = Tool used for catching; artificial fly, fishing net for cod, fishing rod, lasso used in wintertime, mouse trap
- +Sem/Tool-clean = Tool used for cleaning; broom, vegetable brush, toothbrush, cleaning equipment
- +Sem/Tool-it = Tool used in IT/tool within IT; IT infrastructure, analyzer, searching function, computer program, browser
- +Sem/Tool-measr = Tool used for measuring; barometer, hourglass, ruler, spirit level, scale
- +Sem/Tool-music = Musical instrument; shaman drum, guitar, violin, musical instrument, jaw harp
- +Sem/Tool-write = Writing tool; colored pen, pencil, chalk, paintbrush, paint
- +Sem/Txt = Written document; paper, book, letter, e-mail, song
- +Sem/Veh = Vehicle; car, boat, sled, vehicle, draft reindeer, bicycle
- +Sem/Wpn = Weapon; rifle, bow, sword, arrow, war axe
- +Sem/Wthr = The Weather or the state of ground; cloudy weather, wind, driving conditions, night sunlight, rain shower
- +Sem/Year = Year
Multiple Semantic tags:
- +Sem/Ani_Group =
- +Sem/Act_Clth =
- +Sem/Act_Domain =
- +Sem/Act_Domain_Measr =
- +Sem/Act_Event =
- +Sem/Act_Feat =
- +Sem/Act_Feat-psych =
- +Sem/Act_Fruit =
- +Sem/Act_Group =
- +Sem/Act_Hum =
- +Sem/Act_Hum_Obj =
- +Sem/Act_Money =
- +Sem/Act_Obj =
- +Sem/Act_Obj-play =
- +Sem/Act_Org =
- +Sem/Act_Perc-emo =
- +Sem/Act_Plc = A persons job is an activity, and a place as well
- +Sem/Act_Prod-audio =
- +Sem/Act_Prod-vis =
- +Sem/Act_Route = Activity and Route, ie johtolat
- +Sem/Act_Semcon =
- +Sem/Act_State =
- +Sem/Act_Time =
- +Sem/Act_Tool-it =
- +Sem/Act_Txt =
- +Sem/Amount_Build =
- +Sem/Amount_Semcon =
- +Sem/Ani_Body =
- +Sem/Ani_Body-abstr_Hum =
- +Sem/Ani_Build =
- +Sem/Ani_Build_Hum_Txt =
- +Sem/Ani_Buildpart =
- +Sem/Ani_Cat =
- +Sem/Ani_Clth =
- +Sem/Ani_Feat_Hum =
- +Sem/Ani_Feat_Plant =
- +Sem/Ani_Food =
- +Sem/Ani_Group_Hum =
- +Sem/Ani_Group_Prod-vis =
- +Sem/Ani_Hum =
- +Sem/Ani_Hum_Plc =
- +Sem/Ani_Hum_Time =
- +Sem/Ani_Obj =
- +Sem/Ani_Org =
- +Sem/Ani_Plc =
- +Sem/Ani_Plc_Txt =
- +Sem/Ani_State =
- +Sem/Ani_Substnc =
- +Sem/Ani_Time =
- +Sem/Ani_Veh =
- +Sem/Aniprod_Hum =
- +Sem/Aniprod_Mat =
- +Sem/Aniprod_Obj =
- +Sem/Aniprod_Obj-clo =
- +Sem/Aniprod_Perc-phys =
- +Sem/Aniprod_Plant =
- +Sem/Aniprod_Plc =
- +Sem/Aniprod_Plc_Route =
- +Sem/Aniprod_Substnc =
- +Sem/Aniprod_Substnc_Wthr =
- +Sem/Body-abstr_Feat-psych =
- +Sem/Body-abstr_Prod-audio_Semcon =
- +Sem/Body_Body-abstr =
- +Sem/Body_Buildpart =
- +Sem/Body_Clth =
- +Sem/Body_Clthpart =
- +Sem/Body_Food =
- +Sem/Body_Fruit =
- +Sem/Body_Group_Hum =
- +Sem/Body_Group_Hum_Time =
- +Sem/Body_Hum =
- +Sem/Body_Mat =
- +Sem/Body_Measr =
- +Sem/Body_Obj =
- +Sem/Body_Obj_Tool-catch =
- +Sem/Body_Org =
- +Sem/Body_Part =
- +Sem/Body_Plc =
- +Sem/Body_Plc-elevate =
- +Sem/Body_Plc_State =
- +Sem/Body_State =
- +Sem/Body_Time =
- +Sem/Build-room_Furn =
- +Sem/Build-room_Org =
- +Sem/Build_Build-room =
- +Sem/Build_Buildpart =
- +Sem/Build_Clthpart =
- +Sem/Build_Edu_Org =
- +Sem/Build_Event_Org =
- +Sem/Build_Obj =
- +Sem/Build_Org =
- +Sem/Build_Plc =
- +Sem/Build_Route =
- +Sem/Build_Tool =
- +Sem/Build_Veh =
- +Sem/Buildpart_Ctain_Obj =
- +Sem/Buildpart_Obj =
- +Sem/Buildpart_Obj_Plc =
- +Sem/Buildpart_Part =
- +Sem/Buildpart_Plc =
- +Sem/Buildpart_Prod-audio =
- +Sem/Cat_Edu =
- +Sem/Cat_Feat =
- +Sem/Cat_Feat-psych_Plc =
- +Sem/Cat_Group_Hum =
- +Sem/Cat_Hum =
- +Sem/Cat_Measr =
- +Sem/Cat_Obj =
- +Sem/Cat_Plantpart =
- +Sem/Cat_Plantpart_Semcon =
- +Sem/Cat_Txt =
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Curr =
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Fruit =
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Money =
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Obj =
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Org =
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Plant =
- +Sem/Clth_Hum =
- +Sem/Clth_Obj =
- +Sem/Clth_Part =
- +Sem/Clth_Sur =
- +Sem/Clthpart_Plc =
- +Sem/Ctain-abstr_Org =
- +Sem/Ctain-clth_Plant =
- +Sem/Ctain-clth_Veh =
- +Sem/Ctain_Feat-phys =
- +Sem/Ctain_Furn =
- +Sem/Ctain_Obj-surfc =
- +Sem/Ctain_Plc =
- +Sem/Ctain_Txt =
- +Sem/Ctain_Tool =
- +Sem/Ctain_Tool-measr =
- +Sem/Curr_Org =
- +Sem/Dance_Org =
- +Sem/Dance_Prod-audio =
- +Sem/Dir_Geom =
- +Sem/Domain_Feat =
- +Sem/Domain_Feat-phys =
- +Sem/Domain_Food-med =
- +Sem/Domain_Hum =
- +Sem/Domain_Ideol =
- +Sem/Domain_Obj =
- +Sem/Domain_Org =
- +Sem/Domain_Org_Plc-abstr =
- +Sem/Domain_Perc-emo =
- +Sem/Domain_Prod-audio =
- +Sem/Domain_State-sick =
- +Sem/Domain_Txt =
- +Sem/Domain_Edu =
- +Sem/Drink_Plant =
- +Sem/Drink_Plc =
- +Sem/Drink_Plc_Substnc =
- +Sem/Edu_Event =
- +Sem/Edu_Geom =
- +Sem/Edu_Geom_Plc-line =
- +Sem/Edu_Group_Hum =
- +Sem/Edu_Hum =
- +Sem/Edu_Mat =
- +Sem/Edu_Org =
- +Sem/Edu_Txt =
- +Sem/Event_Food =
- +Sem/Event_Hum =
- +Sem/Event_Org =
- +Sem/Event_Plc =
- +Sem/Event_Plc-elevate =
- +Sem/Event_Time =
- +Sem/Feat-measr_Plc =
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Food_State =
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Hum =
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Obj =
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Plc-line =
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Tool-write =
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Veh =
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Wthr =
- +Sem/Feat-psych_Hum =
- +Sem/Feat-psych_Plc =
- +Sem/Feat_Hum =
- +Sem/Feat_Plant =
- +Sem/Food_Part =
- +Sem/Food_Perc-phys =
- +Sem/Food_Plant =
- +Sem/Food_Substnc =
- +Sem/Food_Time =
- +Sem/Fruit_Sport =
- +Sem/Furn_Ctain-abstr =
- +Sem/Game_Obj-play =
- +Sem/Geom_Obj =
- +Sem/Geom_Plc =
- +Sem/Group_Hum =
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Org =
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Plc =
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Prod-vis =
- +Sem/Group_Org =
- +Sem/Group_Plc =
- +Sem/Group_Prod-vis_Txt_Veh =
- +Sem/Group_Sign =
- +Sem/Group_State =
- +Sem/Group_Txt =
- +Sem/Hum-abtsr =
- +Sem/Hum_Lang =
- +Sem/Hum_Lang_Plc =
- +Sem/Hum_Lang_Time =
- +Sem/Hum_Mat_Tool =
- +Sem/Hum_Money =
- +Sem/Hum_Obj =
- +Sem/Hum_Obj_Plc =
- +Sem/Hum_Org =
- +Sem/Hum_Part =
- +Sem/Hum_Plant =
- +Sem/Hum_Plc =
- +Sem/Hum_State =
- +Sem/Hum_Tool =
- +Sem/Hum_Tool-catch =
- +Sem/Hum_Veh =
- +Sem/Hum_Wthr =
- +Sem/Lang_Tool =
- +Sem/Lang_Tool-catch =
- +Sem/Mat_Obj =
- +Sem/Mat_Part =
- +Sem/Mat_Plant =
- +Sem/Mat_Plantpart =
- +Sem/Mat_Plc =
- +Sem/Mat_Tool =
- +Sem/Mat_Tool-catch =
- +Sem/Mat_Txt =
- +Sem/Measr_Plc_Time =
- +Sem/Measr_Sign =
- +Sem/Measr_Time =
- +Sem/Money_Obj =
- +Sem/Money_Plc =
- +Sem/Money_Txt =
- +Sem/Obj-ling_Obj-surfc =
- +Sem/Obj-play =
- +Sem/Obj-play_Sport =
- +Sem/Obj_Part_Sign =
- +Sem/Obj_Perc-emo =
- +Sem/Obj_Plantpart =
- +Sem/Obj_Plc =
- +Sem/Obj_Plc-abstr =
- +Sem/Obj_Plc_Semcon =
- +Sem/Obj_Process =
- +Sem/Obj_Prod-audio =
- +Sem/Obj_Semcon =
- +Sem/Obj_Sign =
- +Sem/Obj_State =
- +Sem/Obj_Tool-music =
- +Sem/Obj_Tool-write =
- +Sem/Obj_Txt =
- +Sem/Obj_Veh =
- +Sem/Org_Play =
- +Sem/Org_Plc =
- +Sem/Org_Prod-audio =
- +Sem/Org_Prod-cogn =
- +Sem/Org_Prod-vis =
- +Sem/Org_Rule =
- +Sem/Org_State =
- +Sem/Org_Txt =
- +Sem/Org_Veh =
- +Sem/Part_Plc =
- +Sem/Part_Plc_Prod-audio =
- +Sem/Part_Prod-cogn =
- +Sem/Part_Substnc =
- +Sem/Part_Txt =
- +Sem/Perc-emo_Plc =
- +Sem/Perc-emo_State =
- +Sem/Perc-emo_Wthr =
- +Sem/Plant_Plantpart =
- +Sem/Plant_Plc =
- +Sem/Plant_Time_Wthr =
- +Sem/Plant_Tool =
- +Sem/Plant_Tool-measr =
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_Rel_State =
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_Route =
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_Rule =
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_State =
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_Txt =
- +Sem/Plc_Pos =
- +Sem/Plc_Route =
- +Sem/Plc_State =
- +Sem/Plc_Substnc =
- +Sem/Plc_Substnc_Wthr =
- +Sem/Plc_Time =
- +Sem/Plc_Time_Wthr =
- +Sem/Plc_Tool-catch =
- +Sem/Plc_Txt =
- +Sem/Plc_Wthr =
- +Sem/Prod-audio_Prod-vis =
- +Sem/Prod-audio_Substnc =
- +Sem/Prod-audio_Txt =
- +Sem/Prod-cogn_Txt =
- +Sem/Route_State =
- +Sem/Route_Txt =
- +Sem/Rule_Txt =
- +Sem/Semcon_State =
- +Sem/Semcon_Txt =
- +Sem/State-sick_Substnc =
- +Sem/State_Veh =
- +Sem/Substnc_Wthr =
- +Sem/Time_Wthr =
- +Sem/Tool-music =
Derivation tags
The following tags are used to describe the dynamic derivational system in
- +Der1 +Der2 +Der3 +Der4 +Der5
- - positional tags, preceeds the actual der tag
Der#1 tags - tags in first position
- +Der/PassL VV - long passive láhpeduvvat
- +Der/PassS VV - Short passive láhpput
- +Der/PassD VV - dallat passive
- +Der/Dimin NN
- +Der/adda VV
- +Der/ahtja VV - only odd syll verbs take this der
- +Der/ahttjá VV - only odd syll verbs take this der
- +Der/Caus VV - previously Der/ahtte
- +Der/alla VV
- +Der/asste VV
- +Der/d VV
- +Der/dalla VV
- +Der/dasste VV
- +Der/Car NA - only even/contr, prev. Der/dibme
- +Der/ferjak NA Adjectival -k der (from ?)
- +Der/k NN / NA
- +Der/l VV
- +Der/ladda VV
- +Der/lahtte VV
- +Der/lasj NA - dont know, guess it Tronds, ojes, I see - is this ok?jes 2 Der: lasj Noun on 1472 Adj on 2040
- +Der/lasj NN
- +Der/lasste VV
- +Der/n NA. Denominal -n adjective (similar t -k adj)
- +Der/r VN - AA?
- +Der/sasj NA
- +Der/segak NA Adj. -k der from?
- +Der/st VV
- +Der/stahtte VV
- +Der/stalla VV
- +Der/stasste VV
- +Der/tj VV
- +Der/u/a/åd VV
- +Der/A NA
Der#2 tags - tags in second position
- +Der/dahtte VV
- +Der/duhtte VV
- +Der/ahkes VA
- +Der/NomAct VN
Der#3 tags - tags in third position
- +Der/duvva VV
- +Der/InchL VV (previosuly Der/goahte)
- +Der/mus VN
- +Der/NomAct VN Realised in two different ways.
- This realisation is Der3. Outcommented
- to not define the tag twice, but kept
- here for documentation purposes.
- +Der/dahka VN
- +Der/lis VA
- +Der/NomAg VN
Der#4 tags - tags in fourth position
- +Der/ahtes NA ! only odd
Der#5 tags - tags in fifth position
- +Der/AAdv NA AAdv, previously +Der/at
- +Der/vuota NA AN (tag harmonization: previosuly Der/vuohta)
Der#other tags - tags that can be in any position
There are no such tags in SMJ, but for symmetry and code coherence with SME
Tags for originating language
- any untagged word is pronounced with SME orthographic conventions
- NNO and NOB have identical pronunciation, NNO is only used if
- SWE has mostly the same pronunciation as NOB, and is only used
- Occasionally even SME (the default) may be tagged, to block other
- +OLang/SME - North Sámi
- +OLang/SMA - South Sámi
- +OLang/FIN - Finnish
- +OLang/SWE - Swedish
- +OLang/NOB - Norw. bokmål
- +OLang/NNO - Norw. nynorsk
- +OLang/ENG - English
- +OLang/RUS - Russian
- +OLang/UND - Undefined
Flag diacritics
@P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@D.ErrOrth.ON@ |
@C.ErrOrth@ |
@P.ErrOrth.ON@ |
For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed
@P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first |
@D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX |
@P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds |
@D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R |
@D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding |
@U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding |
@U.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the two previous ones to block compounding |
@P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R |
@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root. |
@U.CmpHyph.FALSE@ | Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns |
@U.CmpHyph.TRUE@ | Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns |
@C.CmpHyph@ | Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns |
Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper
@U.Cap.Obl@ | Disallow downcasing of names when not derived: Deatnu |
@U.Cap.Opt@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
@P.Px.add@ | Giving possibility for Px-suffixes (all except from Nom 3.p) |
@R.Px.add@ | Requiring P.Px.add-flag for Px-suffixes (all except from Nom 3.p) |
@P.Nom3Px.add@ | Giving possibility for Px-suffixes Nom 3.p |
@R.Nom3Px.add@ | Requiring P.Nom3Px.add flag for Px-suffixes Nom 3.p |
- LEXICON Acronym
- LEXICON ProperNoun
Lexicon ENDLEX
@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@@D.CmpPref.TRUE@@D.NeedNoun.ON@ # ;
The @D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ flag diacritic is ued to disallow words tagged
- LEXICON UNIT As acro, but without paradigm
- LEXICON ACRONOUN_cons is the lexicon for nouns (not +Prop) like ATV
- LEXICON ACRONOUN_vow is the lexicon for nouns (not +Prop) like ATV
LEXICON ACRO_vow Acronyms ending in vowels and which are pronounced as a word, like NATO and UNESCO (Giellagálldo bievddegirjje 2/2016). These only get the case endings: NATO: v, NATO: n, etc.
LEXICON ACRO_cons Mostly acronyms ending in consonants, but also acronyms ending in vowels which are not pronounced as words, like LO and CV (Giellagálldo bievddegirjje 2/2016). These get case endings like a regular a-stem noun with both the vowel and case ending: LO: av, LO: an, etc.
Sublexica for Adjective
Even-syllable stems
LEXICON GIEVRRA Adjectives with attribute in WeG and -s. As 1a in Spiik. Sg Acc: gievrav, Attr: gievras.
gárttje # Even-syllable test examples:
gárttje: gárttje+A+Sg+Nom
gártjev: gárttje+A+Sg+Acc
gártjes: gárttje+A+Attr
- gártjep: gárttje+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON HÁVSSKE Adjectives with attribute -s, without WeG. As 1c in Spiik. Sg Acc: hávsskev, Attr: hávsskes.
hoallá # Even-syllable test examples:
hoallá: hoallá+A+Sg+Nom
hoalláv: hoallá+A+Sg+Acc
hoallás: hoallá+A+Attr
- hoalláp: hoallá+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON NUORRA Adjectives with attribute same as pred. As 1b in Spiik. Sg Acc: nuorav, Attr: nuorra.
visská # Even-syllable test examples:
visská: visská+A+Sg+Nom
viskáv: visská+A+Sg+Acc
visská: visská+A+Attr
- viskáp: visská+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TJUODDJE Adjectives with attribute -is, without WeG. presently only "Tjuoddje" Sg Acc: tjuoddjev, Attr: tjuoddjis.
tjuoddje # Even-syllable test examples:
tjuoddje: tjuoddje+A+Sg+Nom
tjuoddjev: tjuoddje+A+Sg+Acc
tjuoddjis: tjuoddje+A+Attr
- tjuoddjep: tjuoddje+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GALLJE Adjectives on -e, the attribute is in WeG and e > a. As 1d in Spiik. Sg Acc: galjev, Attr: galja.
uhttse # Even-syllable test examples:
uhttse: uhttse+A+Sg+Nom
uhtsev: uhttse+A+Sg+Acc
uhtsa: uhttse+A+Attr
uhtses: uhttse+A+Attr (Eng. # gets this attr from LEXATTR)
- uhtsep: uhttse+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TJÁBBE Adjectives on -e, the attribute is in WeG and e > a. Same as GALLJE only different adv derivation. Sg Acc: tjáppev, Attr: tjáppa.
njálgge # Even-syllable test examples:
njálgge: njálgge+A+Sg+Nom
njálgev: njálgge+A+Sg+Acc
njálga: njálgge+A+Attr
- njálgep: njálgge+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SÁVADAHTTE Causative-participles. No attribute. No comparision. As 1e in Spiik. Sg Acc: sávadahttev. PrsPrc of causative verbs "uttrykker at handlingen lar seg gjøre eller er verdt å gjøre" (Kintel 1991).
vuojedahtte # Even-syllable test examples:
vuojedahtte: vuojedahtte+A+Sg+Nom
- vuojedahttev: vuojedahtte+A+Sg+Acc
LEXICON JUHKKE participles with -s attributive. No comparision As 1e in Spiik. Sg Acc: juhkkev, Attr: juhkkes. Spiik: presens particip har med den attributive formen på -s betydelsen ºnågon som är duktig i, snabb til att, begiven att utföra handlingenº.
vuohttje # Even-syllable test examples:
vuohttje: vuohttje+A+Sg+Nom
vuohttjev: vuohttje+A+Sg+Acc
- vuohttjes: vuohttje+A+Attr
LEXICON BÅRRE participles without the -s attributive. As 1e in Spiik. Sg Acc: bårrev, Attr: bårre. Spiik: presens particip har med den attributiva formen utan -s betydelsen ºdem som utför handlingenº.
ednabårre # Even-syllable test examples:
ednabårre: ednabårre+A+Sg+Nom
ednabårrev: ednabårre+A+Sg+Acc
- ednabårre: ednabårre+A+Attr
Test data:
Loan words lexicas
Correctly assimilated loanwords, derived from real noun.
LEXICON MEKANIHKALASJ LOAN! Foreign -isk adjectives adapted in updated normative way. To smj ending -alasj, adjective is truly derived from a noun. Mekanisk-mekanihkka-mekanihkalasj, instead of mekánalasj that goes to MEKÁNALASJ_BADASS. Pred and attr are both -alasj. Attr same as pred. With comparatives.
kapitalismalasj # Even-syllable test examples:
kapitalismalasj: kapitalismalasj+A+Sg+Nom
kapitalismalattjav: kapitalismalasj+A+Sg+Acc
kapitalismalasj: kapitalismalasj+A+Attr
- kapitalismalabbo: kapitalismalasj+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON IJJALASJ Just lik MEKANIHKALASJ only for words ending on ijjalasj/iddjalasj, so that we don't need a lot of Area and Err tags in stems file.
LEXICON OGIJJALASJ Just like IJJALASJ only for words ending on ogijjalasj/ogiddjalasj, so that we don't need a lot of err tags in stems files. For words like "pedagogijjalasj" which also have "pedagåvgålasj" (not really a wrong derivation, but doesn't mean pedagogisk) and "pedagogalasj" err taged.
LEXICON SJÅNÅLASJ_SJONAL -sjonal/sjonell and -tional/tionel loanwords. Only for words that work as nouns, so that they are REAL dervations, as nasjonal-nasjåvnnå-nasjåvnålasj. NOT for words like "rasjonell", with no real noun. Words as "rasjonell>rasjonálla-rasjonálalasj" go to lexicon ÁLLA. The fake derivation "nasjonálalasj" is err taged, so is the strange "nasjonálla/nasjunálla".
konstitusjåvnålasj # Even-syllable test examples:
nasjåvnålasj: nasjåvnålasj+A+Sg+Nom
nasjåvnålattjav: nasjåvnålasj+A+Sg+Acc
- nasjåvnålasj: nasjåvnålasj+A+Attr
LEXICON SJÅNÅLASJ_SJONELL -sjonal/sjonell and -tional/tionel loanwords. Only for words that work as nouns, so that they are REAL dervations, as nasjonal-nasjåvnnå-nasjåvnålasj. NOT for words like "rasjonell", with no real noun. Words as "rasjonell>rasjonálla-rasjonálalasj" go to lexicon ÁLLA. The fake derivation "nasjonálalasj" is err taged, so is the strange "nasjonálla/nasjunálla".
konstitusjåvnålasj # Even-syllable test examples:
konstitusjåvnålasj: konstitusjåvnålasj+A+Sg+Nom
konstitusjåvnålattjav: konstitusjåvnålasj+A+Sg+Acc
- konstitusjåvnålasj: konstitusjåvnålasj+A+Attr
Badly assimilated loanwords, some against norm others with no norm
LEXICON MEKÁNALASJ_BADASS LOAN! Wronly assimilated -lasj adjectives fro SE/NO -isk. Looks derived but isn't since there is no real noun to be derived from. Like mekanisk-mekánalasj, but "mekádna" is no real noun! Like MEKANIHKALASJ, but gives the Use/-Spell tag, so it's only for these wronly/non-derived loan adjectives.
LEXICON ARKTALASJ_CMP_INFL Foreign -isk, that are not real derivations. Same as MEKÁNALASJ_BADASS, but no +Use/-Spell tag since ther is no "right" way to assimilate these. This is a question for GG. Adapted to smj by simply adding -alasj in place of -isk. These are not real derivations, but sitation borrowed loan adjectives. Only words without a noun base, like arktisk and syntetisk. Pred and attr are both -lasj. No comparatives.
syntetalasj # Even-syllable test examples:
syntetalasj: syntetalasj+A+Sg+Nom
syntetalattjav: syntetalasj+A+Sg+Acc
- syntetalasj: syntetalasj+A+Attr
LEXICON ORÁNSSJA Loan adjectives, not -isk. Used without the -lasj. Adjectives with attribute same as pred. So far only for oránssja.
LEXICON DEMONSTRATIJVA_LASJ_NO_NORM Loan adjectives from norwegian/swedish (Not adjectives ending on -isk). Words like demonstrativ, transitiv, dupleks, informativ, analog, privat. Gives both "demonstratijvva" and "demonstratijvalasj". There are two ways of adapting these adjectives, the adding of -lasj isn't okey, because that's a false derivation. But GG hasn't decided how these should be handled, so so far both ok. Looks like noun instead of adjective when adapted without the -lasj ending. Attr is in weak grad, used in strong grad ass pred even thou this seems a little bit odd "Værbba l transitijvva".
aktijvva # Even-syllable test examples:
aktijva: aktijvva+A+Attr
aktijvalasj: aktijvva+A+Attr
aktijvva: aktijvva+A+Sg+Nom
aktijvalasj: aktijvva+A+Sg+Nom
aktijvalattjav: aktijvva+A+Sg+Acc
- aktijvav: aktijvva+A+Sg+Acc
LEXICON ÁLA_LASJ_NO_NORM Same as DEMONSTRATIJVA_LASJ_NO_NORM. Only for adjectives ending on -al. Words like digital,liberal, lokal. Gives both "eksponentiálla" and "eksponentiálalasj". Different lexicon for these -al adjectives because of Err/Orth tags. OBS, "dialektal", is assimilated "dialevtalasj", and goes to lexicon MEKANIHKALASJ.
+Err/Orth: álal%> ABBO/AMOS ;
LEXICON ELLA_LASJ_NO_NORM Loanwords, same as ÁLA_LASJ_NO_NORM and DEMONSTRANTIJVA_LASJ_NO_NORM. For NO and SE adjectives ending on -ell, eksperimentell, ideell, parallell. The short form is nom parallælla, attr, parallella The long form: paralellalasj, attr parallellalasj. Different lexicon for these -ell adjectives because of err/orth tags. OBS, "individuell", is assimilated "indivijdalasj", and goes to lexicon MEKANIHKALASJ.
LEXICON MEKÁNALASJ_CMP_INFL Same as mekanihkalasj only without vuohta.
Inherent comparatives and superlatives lexica
LEXICON OANEP Inherent comparatives, gives comp and superl. There are two main groups of word here: Adjectives that are lexicalized in their comparative (and superlative) forms, like sisŋep, bárep. And Nouns that can be compared, like nuortap, gáttep, oarjep (some of these are compared from their noun lexicas and thus are found twice). Some entries are likely incorrect compared forms of other adjectives, like ådåp and ruvvap (more research needed).
lagáp # Even-syllable test examples:
lagáp: lagáp+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- lagámus: lagáp+A+Superl+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TJAVGGÁMUS Inherent superlatives, only gives superl. Some words are lexicalized in their superlative forms, like dájvvámus. Some are likely incorrect superlative forms, like tjábbámus (more research is needed)
dájvvámus # Even-syllable test examples:
- dájvvámus: dájvvámus+A+Superl+Sg+Nom
4-syllable miscellanious stems
LEXICON ÁRMMOGIS Adjectives on -is, attribute same as pred. Odd-syllable comparison. As 2 in Spiik. Sg Acc: ármmogisáv, Attr: ármmogis.
bahágis # Even-syllable test examples:
bahágis: bahágis+A+Sg+Nom
bahágisáv: bahágis+A+Sg+Acc
bahágis: bahágis+A+Attr
- bahágabbo: bahágis+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SÆHKÁLAK Adjectives on -álak, attribute same as pred. Odd-syllable comparison. So far only for "sæhkálak".
sæhkálak # Even-syllable test examples:
sæhkálak: sæhkálak+A+Sg+Nom
sähkálak: sæhkálak+A+Sg+Nom
sæhkálagáv: sæhkálak+A+Sg+Acc
sähkálagáv: sæhkálak+A+Sg+Acc
sæhkálak: sæhkálak+A+Attr
sähkálak: sæhkálak+A+Attr
sæhkálabbo: sæhkálak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- sähkálabbo: sæhkálak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON ÅLLAGSJ_CMP_INFL Adjectives on -asj, attribute same as pred. No comparatives. 2 in Spiik. Sg Acc: ållagattjav, Attr: ållagasj.
belulasj # Even-syllable test examples:
belulasj: belulasj+A+Sg+Nom
belulattjav: belulasj+A+Sg+Acc
- belulasj: belulasj+A+Attr
LEXICON DÁRBULASJ_CMP_INFL Adjectives on -asj, attribute same as pred. Odd-syllable comparison. Sg Acc: dárbulattjav, Attr: dárbulasj. Essive -attjan, -adtjan is subtaged.
dábálasj # Even-syllable test examples:
dábálasj: dábálasj+A+Sg+Nom
dábálattjav: dábálasj+A+Sg+Acc
dábálasj: dábálasj+A+Attr
dábális: dábálasj+A+Attr
- dábálabbo: dábálasj+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON ASIDASJ_CMP_INFL Adjectives on -asj, -is attr. Odd-syllable comparison. Sg Acc: asidattjav, Attr: asidis.
gågulasj # Even-syllable test examples:
gågulasj: gågulasj+A+Sg+Nom
gågulattjav: gågulasj+A+Sg+Acc
gågulis: gågulasj+A+Attr
- gågulabbo: gågulasj+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON UDNODIBME Adjectives on -dibme, attribute on -is. Odd-syllable comparison. Sg Acc: udnodimev, Attr: udnodis.
gælvodibme # Even-syllable test examples:
gælvodibme: gælvodibme+A+Sg+Nom
gälvodibme: gælvodibme+A+Sg+Nom
gælvodimev: gælvodibme+A+Sg+Acc
gälvodimev: gælvodibme+A+Sg+Acc
gælvodis: gælvodibme+A+Attr
gälvodis: gælvodibme+A+Attr
gælvodabbo: gælvodibme+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- gälvodabbo: gælvodibme+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TJALMEDIBME Like UDNODIBME but no comparatives. Sg Acc: tjalmedimev, Attr: tjalmedis.
huvsodibme # Even-syllable test examples:
huvsodibme: huvsodibme+A+Sg+Nom
huvsodimev: huvsodibme+A+Sg+Acc
- huvsodis: huvsodibme+A+Attr
LEXICON SUOLASIEHKE -siehke. Sg Acc: suolasiegev, attr: suolasiek
hánessiehke # Even-syllable test examples:
hánessiehke: hánessiehke+A+Sg+Nom
hánessiegev: hánessiehke+A+Sg+Acc
- hánessiek: hánessiehke+A+Attr
Odd-syllable stems
LEXICON TJIEGOS Adjectives on -s, negating adjs on -dahkes, with attr same as pred. For adjectives with -e in second syllable e>á: divtes>diktásav in StrG. As a. in Spiik. Sg Acc: tjiehkusav, Attr: tjiegos. Consonant gradation.
hánes # Odd-syllable test examples:
hánes: hánes+A+Sg+Nom
hádnásav: hánes+A+Sg+Acc
hánes: hánes+A+Attr
- hádnásabbo: hánes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GÅNTSAS Same as TJIEGOS but with vokal change å=oa. Attr is same as pred. Sg Acc: goanntsasav, attr: gåntsas. Consonant gradation.
måskas # Odd-syllable test examples:
måskas: måskas+A+Sg+Nom
moasskasav: måskas+A+Sg+Acc
måskas: måskas+A+Attr
- moasskasabbo: måskas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GALMAS Adjectives on -as, ås- and ás, with attr ending on a (-as and -ás pred) and å (-ås pred). As e. in Spiik. Sg Acc: galmmasav, attr: galmma, Consonant gradation.
njuoskas # Odd-syllable test examples:
njuoskas: njuoskas+A+Sg+Nom
njuosskasav: njuoskas+A+Sg+Acc
njuosska: njuoskas+A+Attr
- njuosskasabbo: njuoskas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SÁJSAS For -as adjectives with attribute -e. Presently only used for "sájsas", because this -as adj gets -e attr. Sg Acc: sájssasav, Attr: sájsse. Consonant gradation.
sájsas # Odd-syllable test examples:
sájsas: sájsas+A+Sg+Nom
sájssasav: sájsas+A+Sg+Acc
sájsse: sájsas+A+Attr
- sájssasabbo: sájsas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON RÁDAS Presently only used for "rádas". This word has special consonant gradation d>dd. Attr same as pred. Sg Acc: ráddasav, Attr: rádas. Consonant gradation.
rádas # Odd-syllable test examples:
rádas: rádas+A+Sg+Nom
ráddasav: rádas+A+Sg+Acc
rádas: rádas+A+Attr
ráda: rádas+A+Attr (Eng. # from LEXATTR)
- ráddasabbo: rádas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON LUOBES Adjectives on -es. Attribute same as pred. Does the same as TJIEGOS only e>a. Sg Acc: luohpasav, Attr: luobes. Consonant gradation.
luobes # Odd-syllable test examples:
luobes: luobes+A+Sg+Nom
luohpasav: luobes+A+Sg+Acc
luobes: luobes+A+Attr
- luohpasabbo: luobes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GIMES Adjectives on -es with attribute -a. Vocaal e>a in StrG. As g. in Spiik. Sg Acc: gibmasav, Attr: gibma. Consonant gradation.
gimes # Odd-syllable test examples:
gimes: gimes+A+Sg+Nom
gibmasav: gimes+A+Sg+Acc
gibma: gimes+A+Attr
- gibmasabbo: gimes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON LINES Same as GIMES, only with e>á in StrG. Adjectives on -es with attribute -a. As g. in Spiik. Sg Acc: lidnásav, attr: lidna. Consonant gradation.
lines # Odd-syllable test examples:
lines: lines+A+Sg+Nom
lidnásav: lines+A+Sg+Acc
lidna: lines+A+Attr
- lidnásabbo: lines+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON OAMES Adjectives on -es with attribute -e. As g2. in Spiik. Sg Acc: oabmásav, Attr: oabme. Consonant gradation.
goastes # Odd-syllable test examples:
goastes: goastes+A+Sg+Nom
goasstásav: goastes+A+Sg+Acc
goasste: goastes+A+Attr
- goasstásabbo: goastes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON BASSTEL Adjs on -et, -l, -r, sm om -k, -sj with attr -is and no consonant gradation. As b. in Spiik. Sg Acc: basstelav, Attr: basstelis. Many of these entries might be instances of derivations, like belak, deblak, and maybe also basstel, bargán.
goavrret # Odd-syllable test examples:
goavrret: goavrret+A+Sg+Nom
goavrredav: goavrret+A+Sg+Acc
goavrredis: goavrret+A+Attr
- goavrredabbo: goavrret+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON DABÁR Adjectives on -r. With attr -is like BASSTEL, but with CG. Sg Acc: dahparav, Attr: dabáris. Presently only for dabár. Consonant gradation.
sihkar # Odd-syllable test examples:
dabár: dabár+A+Sg+Nom
dahparav: dabár+A+Sg+Acc
dabáris: dabár+A+Attr
- dahparabbo: dabár+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON MUTTÁK Adjs on -ák/-ak/-ek, two attr: -is and same as pred. As c. in Spiik. Sg Acc: muttágav, Attr: muttágis and mutták. These seem to be instances of the adjectival -k derivation. Unclear whether such derivation have different attr forms or not, and thats maybe why some of these derivations are found in BASSTEL lexicon.
bárvak # Odd-syllable test examples:
bárvak: bárvak+A+Sg+Nom
bárvagav: bárvak+A+Sg+Acc
bárvak: bárvak+A+Attr
bárvagis: bárvak+A+Attr
- bárvagabbo: bárvak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SKÁRBAK Presently only for skárbak, because it has skárbbis attr not skárbagis according to Korhonen. It might be a hybrid. Consonant gradation.
skárbak # Odd-syllable test examples:
skárbak: skárbak+A+Sg+Nom
skárbagav: skárbak+A+Sg+Acc
skárbbis: skárbak+A+Attr
- skárbagabbo: skárbak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON ALLAK Adjs on -ak, attr.on -a. Have both gasep/gaggagabbo and alep/allagabbo as comparatives. As d. in Spiik. So far only the adjectives "allak" and "gassak" go to this lexicon.
gassak # Odd-syllable test examples:
gassak: gassak+A+Sg+Nom
gassagav: gassak+A+Sg+Acc
gassa: gassak+A+Attr
gassagabbo: gassak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- gasep: gassak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GÅBDDÅK Adjs on -åk, attr. on -å. Has even-syllable comparison: gåbdep and gåbdemus. So far "gåbddåk" is the only word in this lexicon. As d2. in Spiik. Sg Acc: gåbddågav, Attr: gåbddå.
gåbddåk # Odd-syllable test examples:
gåbddåk: gåbddåk+A+Sg+Nom
gåbddågav: gåbddåk+A+Sg+Acc
gåbddå: gåbddåk+A+Attr
- gåbdep: gåbddåk+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON STUORAK Only for stuorak. It hase two attributes. Has even-syllable comparison: stuoráp and stuorámus.Sg Acc: stuoragav, attr: stuor and stuorra. This might be a -k derivation of adjective stuorre attr stuor(ra). The comparison is thus based on the original adjective and thus it naturally is an even syll comparison.
stuorak # Odd-syllable test examples:
stuorak: stuorak+A+Sg+Nom
stuoragav: stuorak+A+Sg+Acc
stuorra: stuorak+A+Attr
stuor: stuorak+A+Attr
- stuoráp: stuorak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON RIHTSOK Lexicon for miscellanious uneven adjectives. No vowel changes. The lexicon gives no attribute, either because the adjective dosnºt have attr or because there is stemvowel change in attr that the lexicon canºt handle, or because there are strange atrributes that donºt fit to any other lexicon (these attributes are hardcoded). Sg Acc: rihtsogav (attr for words in this lexicon are hardcoded). Consonant gradation.
måjdås # Odd-syllable test examples:
måjdås: måjdås+A+Sg+Nom
måjddåsav: måjdås+A+Sg+Acc
- måjddåsabbo: måjdås+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SJÆVNNJAT Lexicon for miscellanious uneven adjectives on -k, -t, -l, -s. The last vowel changes, e>á, e>å, o>u, e>i. The lexicon gives no attribute, either because the adjective dosnºt have attr, because there is stemvowel change in attr that the lexicon canºt handle or because there are strange atrributes that donºt fit to any other lexicon (these attributes are hardcoded). Sg Acc: sjævnnjadav.
rávdes # Odd-syllable test examples:
rávdes: rávdes+A+Sg+Nom
rávddásav: rávdes+A+Sg+Acc
- rávddásabbo: rávdes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SUOHKAT Adjectives on -at and -åt, with attribute III -is. No vowel change. As f. in Spiik. Sg Acc: suohkadav, attr: suohkkis,
rávvat # Odd-syllable test examples:
rávvat: rávvat+A+Sg+Nom
rávvadav: rávvat+A+Sg+Acc
rávvis: rávvat+A+Attr
- rávvadabbo: rávvat+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON LÅSSÅT As f3. in Spiik. So far the only word i this lexicon i "låssåt", because both låssis and låsså are attr and comparative is both låsep(hybrid?) and låssådabbo.
låssåt # Odd-syllable test examples:
låssåt: låssåt+A+Sg+Nom
låssådav: låssåt+A+Sg+Acc
låssis: låssåt+A+Attr
låsså: låssåt+A+Attr
låssådabbo: låssåt+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- låsep: låssåt+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TSIBTSA Adjectives that end on -a. Attribute is same as pred. Sg Acc: tsibttsagav, Attr: tsibtsa. Consonant gradation.
bihtja # Odd-syllable test examples:
bihtja: bihtja+A+Sg+Nom
bihttjagav: bihtja+A+Sg+Acc
bihtja: bihtja+A+Attr
- bihttjagabbo: bihtja+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON TJALMMIS Adjectives ending on -is. With two attributes; same as pred and -isis. As h. in Spiik. Sg Acc: tjalmmisav, Attr: tjalmmis (Spiik og Kintel).and tjalmmisis (Korhonen).
mujttis # Odd-syllable test examples:
mujttis: mujttis+A+Sg+Nom
mujttisav: mujttis+A+Sg+Acc
mujttis: mujttis+A+Attr
mujttisis: mujttis+A+Attr
- mujttisabbo: mujttis+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON IENNILS no comparatives, no attr
ieŋŋils # Odd-syllable test examples:
ieŋŋils: ieŋŋils+A+Sg+Nom
- ieŋŋilsav: ieŋŋils+A+Sg+Acc
Inherent comparatives and superlatives
LEXICON NUORTTALABBO Inherent comparatives, gives both comp and superl. Most of the words are the compared forms of -el(a) words, like nuorttal, lullel.
guddnelabbo # Even-syllable test examples:
guddnelabbo: guddnelabbo+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
guddnelamos: guddnelabbo+A+Superl+Sg+Nom
guddnelap: guddnelabbo+A+Comp+Attr
- guddnelup: guddnelabbo+A+Comp+Attr
LEXICON GASSKALAMOS Inherent superlatives, gives onlys superl. Words that are lexicalized in their superlative forms.
ájtodamos # Even-syllable test examples:
- ájtodamos: ájtodamos+A+Superl+Sg+Nom
Contracted stems
LEXICON SÁDNES Attr same as pred. Sg Acc: sáddnáv, Attr: sádnes.
hávres # Contracted test examples:
hávres: hávres+A+Sg+Nom
hávrráv: hávres+A+Sg+Acc
hávres: hávres+A+Attr
- hávrráp: hávres+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON GOAVSOS Attr same as pred. Sg Acc: goaksuv, Attr: goavsos.(goavsos is so far the only word in this lexicon)
goavsos # Contracted test examples:
goavsos: goavsos+A+Sg+Nom
goaksuv: goavsos+A+Sg+Acc
goaksusav: goavsos+A+Sg+Acc (Eng. # From lexicon TJIEGOS)
goavsos: goavsos+A+Attr
goaksup: goavsos+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- goaksusabbo: goavsos+A+Comp+Sg+Nom (Eng. # from lexicon TJIEGOS)
LEXICON SUVRES Sg Acc: suvrráv, Attr: suvra.
suvres # Contracted test examples:
suvres: suvres+A+Sg+Nom
suvrráv: suvres+A+Sg+Acc
suvrrásav: suvres+A+Sg+Acc (Eng. # From lexicon SJÆVNNJAT)
suvra: suvres+A+Attr
suvrráp: suvres+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
- suvrrásabbo: suvres+A+Comp+Sg+Nom (Eng. # from LINES)
LEXICON BU/MUS comparison for even-syll adjectives. Also derivates diminutive and adverbs from the comparisions.
LEXICON ABBO/AMOS comparison for odd-syll adjectives. Also derivates diminutive and adverbs from the comparisions.
LEXICON BUStem Comparative even-syll, case and attr.
LEXICON ABBO Comparative odd-syll, get case and attr. With the dialect differences "-ubbo" and "-æbbo".
LEXICON BUOREMUS Superlative even-syll, get attr and nom case.
LEXICON AMOS Superlative odd-syll, get case and attr. With the dialect differences "-umos" and "-æmos".
Comparative and Superlative sub-lexica
LEXICON ATTR Sends attributes to
LEXICON ATTR_PrsPrc Attr without -vuohta derivation.
Derivation of adjectives
LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1 ! even noun stems are sent here
LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1_1 ! even noun stems without grade alternation are sent here
LEXICON DenominalAdjsV2 ! even noun stems are sent here. -asj derivation
LEXICON DenominalAdjsKINO ! unassimilated nouns are sent here
LEXICON DenominalAdjsODD ! gives derivation -ahtes
LEXICON DenominalAdjsContr
Derivations to adjectives
LEXICON AHTES ! odd syllable
LEXICON DIBME ! even and contracted
LEXICON LIS ! Handlernomen på -is?
LEXICON AGAdj ! denominal derivations go here
LEXICON Ahkásasj ! lexicalized and denominal -asj derivations
LEXICON STÁVVAL ! OK& Kintel: stávval attr stávvalis, also as second compound
Sublexica for Noun
Even-syllable stems
2syll stems
LEXICON MUORRA Standard even stems with cg (note Q1). OBS: Nouns with invisible 3>2 cg (as busºsa) go to this lexicon.
#Even-syllable test examples:
kártta: kártta+N+Sg+Nom
- kártajn: kártta+N+Sg+Com
LEXICON ALMME Same as MUORRA, but with special -LASJ derivation. For noun that have strong grade -lasj. "Almmelasj" instead of "almálasj".
LEXICON NOADE Even stem without cg. OBS: No nouns with invisible 3>2 cg (as busºsa) in this lexicon. OBS: Because of denominal nouns taking a weak grade stem, entries in grade 3 are given the gradation mark º in order to prevent alternation to weak grade. We should consider creating a separate denominal nouns lexicon for NOADE instead.
låda # Even-syllable test examples:
låda: låda+N+Sg+Nom
- lådas: låda+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON LINNJA Only for the loan word "linnja". Because it's a loan word, the "nnj" is pronounced "nn-j", and therefore does not behave as the regular lule sami "nj" sound and therefore it doesn't follow the rule that makes a: á in 1. grade with short vowel in first syllable (It isn't as linnja-linjáv or birás-birrasav). This word is therefore sub taged. Norwegian/Swedish words with a short "i" followed by two different consonants are assimilated to lule sami in different manners accoring to the consonants in question, but the word is always on grade III (Morén-Duolljá 2014). The correctly assimilated form linºnja is added to NOADE lexicon in stems file.
linja # Even-syllable test examples:
- linnja: linnja+N+Sg+Nom
LEXICON SÁMEGIEL Compounds on -giella, with short -giel as middle compound (sámegielåhpadiddje)
rievsakgiella # Even-syllable test examples:
- rievsakgiella: rievsakgiella+N+Sg+Nom
LEXICON AHKA Words like tjerastahka, with short compound form
báládahka # Even-syllable test examples:
báládahka: báládahka+N+Sg+Nom
báládak: báládahka+N+Sg+Nom
- báládagáv: báládahka+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON DARRHA Only for "darrha" or compounds that end on "darrha".
báktedarrha # Even-syllable test examples:
báktedarrha: báktedarrha+N+Sg+Nom
- báktedarháv: báktedarrha+N+Sg+Acc
Nouns with comparatives
LEXICON GÁDDE 2 syllable stems with cg (note Q1) with comparatives
boassjo # Even-syllable test examples:
boassjo: boassjo+N+Sg+Nom
båssjujn: boassjo+N+Sg+Com
boassjojn: boassjo+N+Sg+Com
- boassjop: boassjo+N+Der/A+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON ÅLGGO Like MUORRA, but with comparatives. This lexicon was previously without sg ill/ine/elat, but these nouns can be conjugated for regular location cases. However, "adverbs" like ålggot (from outside), nuorttan (at north), oarjas (to south), etc., are more commonly used to denote location/direction (should therefore maybe consider subing the regular location case forms).
lulle # Even-syllable test examples:
lulle: lulle+N+Sg+Nom
lulev: lulle+N+Sg+Acc
- lulep: lulle+N+Der/A+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON MIEHTE Like MUORRA but no locative/elative/illative sg. Presently no words in this lexica except for err subed nuortto
nuortto # Even-syllable test examples:
nuortto: nuortto+N+Sg+Nom
- nuortov: nuortto+N+Sg+Acc
Plural stems
LEXICON BÅVSÅ Like MUORRA, only in plural. All, except ganta, juvdá and ávta, have regular, singular stem counterparts.
båvså # Even-syllable test examples:
båvså: båvså+N+Pl+Nom
- båvsåjt: båvså+N+Pl+Acc
Partially assimilated loanwords. The first part of the word is "citation borrowed" and keeps its norwegian/swedish orthography, only the last two syllables are adapted to sami.
LEXICON MUORRA_LOAN For loan words that do not fit in a loan word lexicon because of wrong short cmp, or partially assimilated loanwords without separate lexicas (medállja). This lexicon gives no short compound forms. Potential short cmps must therefore be hard coded into the FirstComponent lexicon. This also for compounded words with partially assimilated loan words. Examples of problem words: sirup>siráhppa og stetoskop>stetoskoahppa.
LEXICON ADVÆRBBA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ærbba with long and short compound-form
detransitijvvaværbba # Even-syllable test examples:
detransitijvvaværbba: detransitijvvaværbba+N+Sg+Nom
detransitijvvavärbba: detransitijvvaværbba+N+Sg+Nom
- detransitijvvaverbas: detransitijvvaværbba+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON KAFIEDJA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -edja. Ends on -é in norwegian. Short and long cmp. "Kafea" and "kaféa" are subtaged. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABIEHTTA.
LEXICON DEMAGÅVGGÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords ending on -og with long and short compound form. Assimilated to smj as -åvggå. The old stadarization -oga that does not follow lulesami rules is sub taged.
pedagoga # Even-syllable test examples:
pedagåvggå: pedagåvggå+N+Sg+Nom
pedagåvggå: pedagåvggå+N+Sg+Nom
- pedagåvgås: pedagåvggå+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON A_CMP_INFL Sub-forms. Lexicon for giving sub-variation conjugation by simply adding an -a to the norwegian/swedish word. No cg. Like "alkohola" and "agronoma". These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
LEXICON ALLEGORIJJA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords ending on -i in NOR/SWE, with long and short compound form. Standardized as-iddja (SWE) and -ijºja (NOR). Previously often assimilated as -ija (or just -ia), but both forms are ungrammatical: Short vowels cannot preceed and follow a single intervocalic consonant. -ija is thus ungrammatical as the short a would be lenghtened to á, like "idja-ijá".
partijja # Even-syllable test examples:
partiddja: partijja+N+Sg+Nom
partijja: partijja+N+Sg+Nom
partidjas: partijja+N+Sg+Ela
- partijjas: partijja+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON APOTIEHKKA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -iehkka in NOR, -æhkka in SWE. -ehkka as sub. With long and short compound-form on -k. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABIEHTTA.
kartotiehkka # Even-syllable test examples:
kartotæhkka: kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Nom
kartotähkka: kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Nom
kartotehkas: kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Ela
kartotehkas: kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Ela
kartotiehkka: kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Nom
- kartotiehkas: kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON ANTIHKKA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -hkka in Norway, both -ijkka and -hkka are used in Sweden (Antik vs antikk). With long and short compound-form on -kk/-k. The swedish forms were earlier added to stems for the Swedish version, but now added here.
dialektihkka # Even-syllable test examples:
dialektihkka: dialektihkka+N+Sg+Nom
dialektihkas: dialektihkka+N+Sg+Ela
dialektijkka: dialektihkka+N+Sg+Nom
- dialektijkas: dialektihkka+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON AREÁLLA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -álla with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
gasskavokálla # Even-syllable test examples:
gasskavokálla: gasskavokálla+N+Sg+Nom
- gasskavokálas: gasskavokálla+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON TABÆLLA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -älºla with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
flotælla # Even-syllable test examples:
flotælla: flotælla+N+Sg+Nom
flotälla: flotælla+N+Sg+Nom
- flotellas: flotælla+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON TEKSTIJLLA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijlla with long and short compound-form. . Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
tekstijlla # Even-syllable test examples:
tekstijlla: tekstijlla+N+Sg+Nom
- tekstijlas: tekstijlla+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON ASIJLLA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijlla, from nor and swe words ending on -yl. With long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
asijlla # Even-syllable test examples:
asijlla: asijlla+N+Sg+Nom
- asijlas: asijlla+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON ALKOHÅVLLÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvllå with long and short compound-form. The old stadarization form "alkohola" is sub taged. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
parabåvllå # Even-syllable test examples:
parabåvllå: parabåvllå+N+Sg+Nom
- parabåvlås: parabåvllå+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON TELEGRÁMMA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ámºma with long and short compound-form
grámma # Even-syllable test examples:
grámma: grámma+N+Sg+Nom
- grámmas: grámma+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON SYSTIEBMA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ebma/-iebma with long and short compound-form. -em in NOR and SWE. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABIEHTTA. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
vokalsystiebma # Even-syllable test examples:
vokalsystebma: vokalsystiebma+N+Sg+Nom
vokalsystiebma: vokalsystiebma+N+Sg+Nom
vokalsystiemas: vokalsystiebma+N+Sg+Ela
- vokalsystemas: vokalsystiebma+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON AGRONÅVMMÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvmma with long and short compound-form. The old stadarization form -oma that does not follow lulesami rules is sub taged.
agronåvmmå # Even-syllable test examples:
agronåvmmå: agronåvmmå+N+Sg+Nom
- agronåvmås: agronåvmmå+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON FANATISSMA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ssma with long and short compound-form.
kabbalissma # Even-syllable test examples:
kabbalissma: kabbalissma+N+Sg+Nom
- kabbalismas: kabbalissma+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON ORGÁDNA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ádna with long and short compound-form
guovllopládna # Even-syllable test examples:
guovllopládna: guovllopládna+N+Sg+Nom
- guovlloplánav: guovllopládna+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON HYDROGIEDNA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -iedna in NOR and -edna in SWE. Both long and short compound-form. Norwegian/swedish -en. The old standardization form -ena, without cg, is subtaged. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABIEHTTA.
LEXICON BENSIJNNA Recent loanwords on -ijnna with long and short compound-form
LEXICON BENSIJNNA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijnna with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
tamburijnna # Even-syllable test examples:
tamburijnna: tamburijnna+N+Sg+Nom
- tamburijnas: tamburijnna+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON MASJIJNNA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjijnna with long and short compound-form: -SKIN
bivtasmasjijnna # Even-syllable test examples:
bivtasmasjijnna: bivtasmasjijnna+N+Sg+Nom
- bivtasmasjijnas: bivtasmasjijnna+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON TELEFÅVNNÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvnnå with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
persåvnnå # Even-syllable test examples:
persåvnnå: persåvnnå+N+Sg+Nom
- persåvnås: persåvnnå+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON INSTITUSJÅVNNÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjåvnnå with long and short compound-form: -TION IN SWEDISH. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
populasjåvnnå # Even-syllable test examples:
populasjåvnnå: populasjåvnnå+N+Sg+Nom
- populasjåvnås: populasjåvnnå+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON MISJÅVNNÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjåvnnå with long and short compound-form: -SSION IN SWEDISH. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
sesjåvnnå # Even-syllable test examples:
sesjåvnnå: sesjåvnnå+N+Sg+Nom
- sesjåvnås: sesjåvnnå+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON PENSJÅVNNÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjåvnnå with long and short compound-form: -SION IN SWEDISH. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
suspensjåvnnå # Even-syllable test examples:
suspensjåvnnå: suspensjåvnnå+N+Sg+Nom
- suspensjåvnås: suspensjåvnnå+N+Sg+Ela
partisihppa # Even-syllable test examples:
partisihppa: partisihppa+N+Sg+Nom
- partisihpas: partisihppa+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON SEMINÁRRA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -árra with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
hektárra # Even-syllable test examples:
hektárra: hektárra+N+Sg+Nom
- hektáras: hektárra+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON FAKTÅVRRÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvrrå with long and short compound-form.
oajvvekontåvrrå # Even-syllable test examples:
oajvvekontåvrrå: oajvvekontåvrrå+N+Sg+Nom
- oajvvekontåvrås: oajvvekontåvrrå+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON KULTUVRRA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -vrra with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
muvrra # Even-syllable test examples:
muvrra: muvrra+N+Sg+Nom
- muvrajn: muvrra+N+Sg+Com
LEXICON INTERIERRA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ør with long and short compound-form. Standarized by Giellagálldo 05.0514 as -erra. -ørra is subtaged
observaterra # Even-syllable test examples:
observaterra: observaterra+N+Sg+Nom
- observateras: observaterra+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON SUBSTÁNSSA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ánssa with long and short compound-form. Originally -ans in SWE and NOR. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
instánssa # Even-syllable test examples:
instánssa: instánssa+N+Sg+Nom
- instánsas: instánssa+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON VALÆNSSA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ænssa with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
intelligænssa # Even-syllable test examples:
intelligænssa: intelligænssa+N+Sg+Nom
intelligänssa: intelligænssa+N+Sg+Nom
- intelligensav: intelligænssa+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON PARADIJSSA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijssa with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
servijssa # Even-syllable test examples:
servijssa: servijssa+N+Sg+Nom
- servijsas: servijssa+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON ADVOKÁHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -áhtta with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
klimáhtta # Even-syllable test examples:
klimáhtta: klimáhtta+N+Sg+Nom
- klimáhtas: klimáhtta+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON ALFABIEHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords originally on -et both in Norway and Sweden. Assimilation differences, however, create two lule sami forms: -iehtta in NOR and -æhtta in SWE. LONG -e is assimilated in different ways in Norway and Sweden: In Norway, it becomes -ie, and in Sweden -e. Tiedja/tedja, systiebma/systebma and so on. This is especially apparent in assimilated words with long e in third grade: E becomes æ in third grade so we get "universitæhtta" in SWE, but this is very strange to people on the norwegian side of the border as they want "universitiehtta". Both -ie and -e are dialtaged in lexicons HYDROGIEDNA, APOTIEHKKA, SYSTIEBMA, KAFÉ. Previously people often wrote -ehtta in Norway, but this is incorrect as e always becomes æ in grade three.
mobilitiehtta # Even-syllable test examples:
mobilitæhtta: mobilitiehtta+N+Sg+Nom
mobilitähtta: mobilitiehtta+N+Sg+Nom
mobilitiehtta: mobilitiehtta+N+Sg+Nom
mobilitehtav: mobilitiehtta+N+Sg+Acc
- mobilitiehtav: mobilitiehtta+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON INTERNÆHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -æhtta with long and short compound-form: -ET IN SWEDISH, -ETT in norwegian. Differs from ALFABIEHTTA because -ehtta isn't used in NOR.
intranæhtta # Even-syllable test examples:
intranæhtta: intranæhtta+N+Sg+Nom
intranähtta: intranæhtta+N+Sg+Nom
- intranehtas: intranæhtta+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON TABLÆHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -æhtta with long and short compound-form. -ETT in both norwegian and in swedish.
kvartæhtta # Even-syllable test examples:
kvartæhtta: kvartæhtta+N+Sg+Nom
kvartähtta: kvartæhtta+N+Sg+Nom
- kvartehtas: kvartæhtta+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON INSTITUHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -uhtta, with long and short compound-form on -utt(NOR)/-ut(SWE). The swedish -ut also gets uvtta, as ANTIHKKA-antijkka, but instituhtta is also used in sweden, so no Area/NO tag.
minuhtta # Even-syllable test examples:
minuhtta: minuhtta+N+Sg+Nom
minuvtta: minuhtta+N+Sg+Nom
minuhtas: minuhtta+N+Sg+Ela
- minuvtas: minuhtta+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON SATELIHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ihtta, with long and short compound-form on -itt(NOR)/-it(SWE). The swedish -it also gets ijtta, as ANTIHKKA-antijkka, but satelihtta is also used in sweden, so no Area/NO tag.
inuihtta # Even-syllable test examples:
inuihtta: inuihtta+N+Sg+Nom
inuijtta: inuihtta+N+Sg+Nom
inuihtas: inuihtta+N+Sg+Ela
- inuijtas: inuihtta+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON PATÆNNTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ænnta with long and short compound-form. The -ennta form (used in "Ådå testamennta") is taged as sub (e always becomes æ in grade three).
patænnta # Even-syllable test examples:
patænnta: patænnta+N+Sg+Nom
patännta: patænnta+N+Sg+Nom
- patentas: patænnta+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON VARIÁNNTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ánnta with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
praktikánnta # Even-syllable test examples:
praktikánnta: praktikánnta+N+Sg+Nom
- praktikántas: praktikánnta+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON KOLLÆKTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ækta with long and short compound-form
subjækta # Even-syllable test examples:
subjækta: subjækta+N+Sg+Nom
subjäkta: subjækta+N+Sg+Nom
- subjevtas: subjækta+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON TURISSTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ssta with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.
journalissta # Even-syllable test examples:
journalissta: journalissta+N+Sg+Nom
- journalistas: journalissta+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON ADJEKTIJVVA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijvva with long and short compound-form
datijvva # Even-syllable test examples:
datijvva: datijvva+N+Sg+Nom
- datijvas: datijvva+N+Sg+Ela
Loanwords becoming odd-syll
LEXICON PRIEMIJ_CMP_INFL Assimilated loanwords. on -ie/-y, like premie and bandy. Become odd syllable loan words with cg, like "riebij". Nom: premij, gen prebmiha. Long and short essive.
priemij # Even-syllable test examples:
priemij: priemij+N+Sg+Nom
premij: priemij+N+Sg+Nom
priebmihis: priemij+N+Sg+Ela
prebmihis: priemij+N+Sg+Ela
priemin: priemij+N+Ess
premin: priemij+N+Ess
priebmihin: priemij+N+Ess
- prebmihin: priemij+N+Ess
Badly assimilated loanwords
LEXICON NOADE_BADASS 2 syll stems without cg. Badly or wrongly assimilated words, ie. assimilated in a way that isn't lulesami. (Same as NOADE) Most of the words are Err/Orth tagged with a standardized lemma. Some are Err/Lex tagged, 5.9.2019: EJP/SNM: fjerna +Use/-Spell - sjølv om vi ikkje likar orda, så vil vi sjå til at dei blir skrive rett etter smj-ortografien! Dei fleste orda er uansett merka med +Err/Orth : )
balláda # Even-syllable test examples:
balláda balláda+N+Sg+Nom
- balládas balláda+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON BOAKSA_BADASS_CMP_INFL This is an Err/Sub, and all the words pointing to lexicon BOAKSA are therfore Err/Sub taged. Only for words "boaksa-båksav". Boaksa-båksa is assimilated wrongly, must be boaksa-båvsa if it's to follow lulesami rules.
LEXICON C_ILL_IJ_BADASS Badly or wrongly assimilated words. Last letter is consonant, no cg, no vowchange, with illative -ij. (Same as GAHPER) Assimilated in a way that isn't lulesami. Most of the words are Err/Orth tagged with a standardized lemma. Some are Err/Lex tagged, and some only recieve the +Use/-Spell tag from the lexicon.
sentimehter # Odd-syllable test examples:
sentimehter sentimehter+N+Sg+Nom
sentimehteris sentimehter+N+Sg+Ela
- sentimehterij sentimehter+N+Sg+Ill
LEXICON C_ILL_AJ_BADASS Badly or wrongly assimilated words. Last letter in consonant, no cg, no vowchange, with illative -aj. Should have been assimilated to even-syll, but are used as odd-syll, and mostly just assimilated with changing to letter á. So almosed same as CELSIUS_UNASS.
kálsium # Odd-syllable test examples:
kálsium kálsium+N+Sg+Nom
kálsiumas kálsium+N+Sg+Ela
- kálsiumaj kálsium+N+Sg+Ill
Unassimilated loanwords
LEXICON KINO_UNASS_CMP_INFL V-final unassimilated loanwords. Not lulesami. No diacritics whatsoever. Words that aren't assimilated at all. Really just norwegian words with a kind of sami inflection. Get even syllable case marking. Are part of the spell checker.
netto # Even-syllable test examples:
netto: netto+N+Sg+Nom
- nettos: netto+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON C_ILL_IJ_UNASS C-final unassimilated loanwords, gives illative- ij. Not lulesami. No diacritics whatsoever. Really just foreign words with a kind of sami inflection. Odd syllable case marking (like GAHPER). Are part of the spell checker.
sirkus # Even-syllable test examples:
sirkus: sirkus+N+Sg+Nom
sirkusij: sirkus+N+Sg+Ill
- sirkusis: sirkus+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON C_ILL_AJ_UNASS C-final unassimilated loanwords, gives illativ -aj. Also odd-syll words ending on letter i, as selleri. Not lulesami. No diacritics whatsoever. Really just norwegian words with a kind of sami inflection. Case marking like standard even 4 syllable stems (see proper nouns file on the case marking of foreign words with stressed last syllable). Are part of the spell checker.
aids # Even-syllable test examples:
aids: aids+N+Sg+Nom
aidsaj: aids+N+Sg+Ill
aidsas: aids+N+Sg+Ela
aidsan: aids+N+Ess
aidsadak: aids+N+Abe
aidsada: aids+N+Abe
- aidsasj: aids+N+Der/Dimin+N+Sg+Nom
+Der4+Der/ahtes: e»g AHTES ; Only for odd-syllble stems
4syll stems
LEXICON GÅNÅGIS Standard C-final 4-syllabic stems
rahtjamus # Even-syllable test examples:
rahtjamus: rahtjamus+N+Sg+Nom
rahtjamussaj: rahtjamus+N+Sg+Ill
- rahtjamusás: rahtjamus+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON BERULASJ For words ending on -asj. Same as GÅNÅGIS but with strong essive and illative -adjtan and -adtjaj subtaged, same with PX "-adjtam". These forms are barely used today.
LEXICON BEDNAGASJ Like BERULASJ, but for derived nouns in diminutive. No cg, no vowchange, no short Ess. Has only one dimin derivation since these words already are dimin, ie. no double dim as for GAHPER. No abessive, not totally sure about this, I think we must use postposition dagi when it's diminutive,
stiebil # Odd-syllable test examples:
bednagasj: bednagasj+N+Sg+Nom
- bednagattjas: bednagasj+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON JIHPELIJ gen: jihpelahá
gehtsulij # Even-syllable test examples:
gehtsulij: gehtsulij+N+Sg+Nom
- gehtsulaháv: gehtsulij+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON OARJJILIJ gen: oarjjilihá
allilij # Even-syllable test examples:
allilij: allilij+N+Sg+Nom
- allilihás: allilij+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON VIESSOMUJ gen: viessumuhá
bårråmuj # Even-syllable test examples:
bårråmuj: bårråmuj+N+Sg+Nom
- bårråmuháj: bårråmuj+N+Sg+Ill
4 syllable plurals
LEXICON OADÁDAGÁ Plural forms of words like tjerastahka with short compound-form
látjádagá # Even-syllable test examples:
látjádagá: látjádagá+N+Pl+Nom
- látjádagájs: látjádagá+N+Pl+Ela
LEXICON BERRAHATTJA Plural stems. Like IEDNITJA, these do not have corresponding singular stems. Most stems here have the same form as the pl nom form of diminutive derivations, but (while it may have originated as a diminuitive derivation) it is not the same derivation (today) and it does not have a singular form.
gahpanisá # Even-syllable test examples:
gahpanisá: gahpanisá+N+Pl+Nom
gahpanisájda: gahpanisá+N+Pl+Ill
- gahpanisájs: gahpanisá+N+Pl+Ela
lullelahá # Even-syllable test examples:
lullelahá: lullelahá+N+Pl+Nom
- lullelahájt: lullelahá+N+Pl+Acc
LEXICON SISSNELUHÁ plurals. presently only for sissŋeluhá
sissŋeluhá # Even-syllable test examples:
sissŋeluhá: sissŋeluhá+N+Pl+Nom
- sissŋeluhájda: sissŋeluhá+N+Pl+Ill
Adjectival sublexicas. Give 4 syll adjectives inflection
Compound lexicas
Odd-syllable stems
without cg
LEXICON GAHPER Odd-syllable C-final noun without cg, no vowchange, no short Ess. Spiik A3
stiebil # Odd-syllable test examples:
stiebil: stiebil+N+Sg+Nom
- stiebilis: stiebil+N+Sg+Ela
with cg
LEXICON ÅRES Odd-syllable C-final noun with CG, 2ndsyll vowchange. Long and short essive. Spiik A1
sjattos # Odd-syllable test examples:
sjattos: sjattos+N+Sg+Nom
sjaddusis: sjattos+N+Sg+Ela
sjaddusin: sjattos+N+Ess
- sjatton: sjattos+N+Ess
LEXICON SÅHKÅR Odd-syllable C-final noun with CG and 2ndsyll vowelchange. Has only long essive. Spiik 2b
spiger # Odd-syllable test examples:
spiger: spiger+N+Sg+Nom
spihkáris: spiger+N+Sg+Ela
- spihkárin: spiger+N+Ess
LEXICON GÁMAS Odd-syllable C-final noun with CG, no 2ndsyll vowchange (OBS: a does not change). Long and short essive. Spiik A2
sjábtjas # Odd-syllable test examples:
sjábtjas: sjábtjas+N+Sg+Nom
- sjábttjasis: sjábtjas+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON BENA Odd-syllable V-final noun with cg, no vowchange. Long and short essive. Spiik 2a
galma # Odd-syllable test examples:
galma: galma+N+Sg+Nom
- galmmagis: galma+N+Sg+Ela
Irregular stems
LEXICON SÁGE gen: sáhkaha. Presently only for "ságe". Long and short essive.
ságe # Odd-syllable test examples:
ságe: ságe+N+Sg+Nom
- sáhkahav: ságe+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON BAVSEV Ends on -v and last vowel changes to i: bavsev: baksIma. Not like gierkav gierkkAma and birev birEma.
sievtev # Odd-syllable test examples:
sievtev: sievtev+N+Sg+Nom
- siektimis: sievtev+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON RÁBEV rábev: ráhpuga. Presently only for "rábev".
rábev # Odd-syllable test examples:
rábev: rábev+N+Sg+Nom
- ráhpugis: rábev+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON RITJAS ! Like GÁMAS but without stem a-lengthening for grade I (underlying long -i-). presently only for "ritjas".
ritjas # Odd-syllable test examples:
ritjas: ritjas+N+Sg+Nom
- rihtjasis: ritjas+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON SÅGAS gen: sågaska. Presently only for "sågas".
sågas # Odd-syllable test examples:
sågas: sågas+N+Sg+Nom
- sågaskav: sågas+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON SJUVÁJ Presently only for "sjuváj". sjuváj-sjuvvaga. Only this word
sjuváj # Odd-syllable test examples:
sjuváj: sjuváj+N+Sg+Nom
- sjuvvagis: sjuváj+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON BØSOJ Because of bösoj in O.Korhonen, and bæsoj-bessuga. Only for these two words. J becomes g.
LEXICON GUOVSOJVUOJOJ vuojoj: vuodjom. Presently only for "guovsojvuojoj".
guovsojvuojoj # Odd-syllable test examples:
guovsojvuojoj: guovsojvuojoj+N+Sg+Nom
- guovsojvuodjomav: guovsojvuojoj+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON BUTJES butjes-buttjása. Presently only for "butjes". This is an sub. Korhonen has this form but if you look in Grundstöm it's buttjes-budtjasa. Must be a typo in Korhonen, because ttj-tj dosn't exist in smj. This form is err subed in stems file.
LEXICON TJÅLKES tjålkes: tjoalkkas- Presently only for "tjålkes and tsålkes". This must be wrong, and it dosn't exist in Grundström. Å in 1. syll isn't possible with e in 2. syll. Must be tjoalkes-tjoalkkása or tjålkas-tjoalkkasa. This form is err subed in stems file.
tsålkes # Odd-syllable test examples:
*tsålkes: tsålkes+N+Sg+Nom (is not standard language)
- *tsoalkkasav: tsålkes+N+Sg+Acc (is not standard language)
LEXICON VÁJES vájes: vádjas- Presently only for "báhkovájes". It's a sub: 2. syll e doesn't become a. Must be vájes-vádjása or vájas-vádjasa. The second is used in NT, so I belive thats the right one. This form is err subed in stems file.
Derived stems
LEXICON BADJEL Derived nouns with acc -elav, ill -elij, elat -elas, etc. These were previously categorized as adpositions and adverbs, but according to Bruce Morén-Duolljá (2014) they are actually case forms of nouns derived from certain location nouns. Derived from even strong stems (badje -> badjel). Odd syllable inflection, but only singular nominative-elative (not clear if they take comitative and essive case). With comparatives. No Px.
allel # Odd-syllable test examples:
allel: allel+N+Sg+Nom
allelis: allel+N+Sg+Ela
- allelabbo: allel+N+Der/A+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
LEXICON BÁRNEP bárnep: bárnebu-. Comparisation of nouns. No -ahtá abesive.
iednep # Odd-syllable test examples:
iednep: iednep+N+Sg+Nom
- iednebuv: iednep+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON OAPPÁSJ Like GAHPER, but for derived nouns in diminutive, have an underived form. Doesn't get abesive -ahtá or -ahtes derivation. Oddsyll, no cg, no vowchange, no short Ess. Has only one dimin derivation since these words already are dimin, ie. not double dim as in GAHPER.
stiebil # Odd-syllable test examples:
oappásj: oappásj+N+Sg+Nom
- oappátjis: oappásj+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON FIERUN Like GAHPER, but instruments derived from verbs. Fierrot>fierun. No short essive.
stiebil # Odd-syllable test examples:
fierun: fierun+N+Sg+Nom
- fierunis: fierun+N+Sg+Ela
LEXICON GUOLLÁR Like GAHPER, but actor derived from contracted verbs (ACTOR for evensyll verbs). Guollit>guollár. No short essive.
Plural odd-syll
LEXICON DÁRBBAGA Like BENA, but plural. Presently only for "dárbbaga", has singular stem counterpart.
dárbbaga # Odd-syllable test examples:
dárbbaga: dárbbaga+N+Pl+Nom
- dárbbagijt: dárbbaga+N+Pl+Acc
LEXICON BÆLLJASA Like GÁMAS, but plural. These have corresponding singular stems.
jiednabælljasa # Odd-syllable test examples:
jiednabælljasa: jiednabælljasa+N+Pl+Nom
jiednabälljasa: jiednabælljasa+N+Pl+Nom
jiednabælljasijt: jiednabælljasa+N+Pl+Acc
- jiednabälljasijt: jiednabælljasa+N+Pl+Acc
LEXICON IEDNITJA Odd syllable pluralforms only. These do not have a singular form.
jáhkoguojmitja # Odd-syllable test examples:
jáhkoguojmitja: jáhkoguojmitja+N+Pl+Nom
- jáhkoguojmitjijt: jáhkoguojmitja+N+Pl+Acc
LEXICON SNJIERÁGA Odd syllable pluralforms only. These have corresponding singular stems.
guovlloådåsa # Odd-syllable test examples:
guovlloådåsa: guovlloådåsa+N+Pl+Nom
- guovlloådåsijt: guovlloådåsa+N+Pl+Acc
LEXICON MANEBU oddsyllable plural only. presently only for "maŋebu".
maŋebu # Odd-syllable test examples:
maŋebu: maŋebu+N+Pl+Nom
- maŋebujt: maŋebu+N+Pl+Acc
Contracted stems
LEXICON SUOLOJ C-final with cg II-III: ålmåj: ålmmå
njurgoj # Contracted test examples:
njurgoj: njurgoj+N+Sg+Nom
- njurgguv: njurgoj+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON ÅLMÅJ_LOAN Same as SUOLOJ, only for loan words. Follows Ráhka/Mikkelsen's Bårjås 2014. C-final with cg II-III: ålmåj: ålmmå
bistroj # Contracted test examples:
bistroj: bistroj+N+Sg+Nom
- bisstruv: bistroj+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON GUOMOJ C-final with cg I-III: guomoj: guobbmu
ænoj # Contracted test examples:
ænoj: ænoj+N+Sg+Nom
æddnuv: ænoj+N+Sg+Acc
änoj: ænoj+N+Sg+Nom
- äddnuv: ænoj+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON SARVES C-final with cg II-III. sarves: sarvvá
moarmes # Contracted test examples:
moarmes: moarmes+N+Sg+Nom
- moarmmáv: moarmes+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON SVÁLES C-final with cg I-III. sváles: svállá (lºl)
sváles # Contracted test examples:
sváles: sváles+N+Sg+Nom
- sválláv: sváles+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON GÅHKES C-final with cg II-III with vowel harmony (a/á=å). gåhkes: gåhkkå. Presently only for "gåhkes".
gåhkes # Contracted test examples:
gåhkes: gåhkes+N+Sg+Nom
- gåhkkåv: gåhkes+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON SJUOKKAJ sjuokkaj: sjuoggá. Presently only for "sjuokkaj".
sjuokkaj # Contracted test examples:
sjuokkaj: sjuokkaj+N+Sg+Nom
- sjuoggáv: sjuokkaj+N+Sg+Acc
LEXICON GISTÁ gistá: gisstá. Presently only for "gistá".
gistá # Contracted test examples:
gistá: gistá+N+Sg+Nom
- gisstáv: gistá+N+Sg+Acc
Contracted stems sublexica
Px lexica
Sublexica for Verb
Table of content:
- The auxiliaries
- Negation verb
- Copula
- Modals
- Negation verb
- Main verbs
- Even syllable stems
- Intransitives
- Transitives
- Intransitives
- Odd syllable stems
- Intranstives
- Transitives
- Intranstives
- Contracted stems
- Intransitives
- Transitives
- Intransitives
- Assimilated loan verbs
- Intransitives
- Transitives
- Intransitives
- Main inflectional categories
- suffix lexicas
- suffix lexicas
- Verb derivation
- Even syllable stems
IV means intransitive verbs, TV means transitive verbs.
Auxiliary verbs
Negation verb
LEXICON GALGGAT_IV even-syllable modal verbs.
soajttet # Eveb-syllable test examples:
soajtáv: soajttet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
soajttiv: soajttet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- såjtijma: soajttet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON VIERTTIT_IV Contracted modal verbs.
hæhttut # Eveb-syllable test examples:
hæhttut: hæhttut+V+IV+Inf
hähttut: hæhttut+V+IV+Inf
hæhttuv: hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
hähttuv: hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
hæhttujma: hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- hähttujma: hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
Ordinary main verbs
Even-syllable stems
LEXICON GALSSJOT_IV Impersonal o-verbs
hærmmot # Eveb-syllable test examples:
hærmmu: hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3
härmmu: hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3
hærmoj: hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3
- härmoj: hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3
hæssot # Eveb-syllable test examples:
hæsov: hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
häsov: hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
hessuv: hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
hæsojma: hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- häsojma: hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON VILSSJOT_IV o-verbs as BÅRSSJOT but without derivations -stit, -stallat, -stahtte, - stasste. With dim -astit that are hardcoded
libjjot # Eveb-syllable test examples:
libjov: libjjot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
libjjuv: libjjot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- libjojma: libjjot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
liddet # Even-syllable test examples:
littáv: liddet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
liddiv: liddet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- littijma: liddet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON BOAHTET_IV e-verbs like BUOLLET_IV without passive
boahtet # Even-syllable test examples:
boadáv: boahtet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
båhtiv: boahtet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- bådijma: boahtet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
biehket # Eveb-syllable test examples:
bægáv: biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
bägáv: biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
biehkiv: biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- biegijma: biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON ASSTAT_IV only for asstat, no passive
asstat # Even-syllable test examples:
astav: asstat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
asstiv: asstat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- astajma: asstat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON RAVGGAT_IV a- and å-verbs only Sg3 passive.
bajássjaddat # Even-syllable test examples:
bajássjattav: bajássjaddat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
bajássjaddiv: bajássjaddat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- bajássjattajma: bajássjaddat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
dednjat # Even-syllable test examples:
dædnjá: dednjat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3
dädnjá: dednjat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3
- denjaj: dednjat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3
LEXICON RAVGGALASSTET_IV Like RAVGGAT for already derived words (except words ending -uššat) - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced
dehpudallat # Even-syllable test examples:
dehpudaláv: dehpudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
dehpudalliv: dehpudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- dehpudalájma: dehpudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON BIEKKASTALLAT_IV Already derived impersonals
dehpudallat # Even-syllable test examples:
duhpárasstá: duhpárasstet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3
- duhpárastij: duhpárasstet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3
LEXICON GUOTTEDALLAT_IV passives on -allat - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced
duolmudallat # Even-syllable test examples:
duolmudaláv: duolmudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
duolmudalliv: duolmudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- duolmudalájma: duolmudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON HIEBADUVVAT_IV passives on -uvvat - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced
duostoduvvat # Even-syllable test examples:
duostoduváv: duostoduvvat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
duostoduvviv: duostoduvvat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- duostoduvájma: duostoduvvat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
jáhkket # Even-syllable test examples:
jáhkáv: jáhkket+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
jáhkkiv: jáhkket+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- jáhkijma: jáhkket+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON BASSAT_TV a- and å-verbs. Three passives
jåksåt # Even-syllable test examples:
jåvsåv: jåksåt+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
jåksiv: jåksåt+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- jåvsåjma: jåksåt+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON BASSALASSTET_TV Like BASSAT for already derived words (except words ending -uššat) - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced. Three passives
jårgudallat # Even-syllable test examples:
jårgudaláv: jårgudallat+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
jårgudalliv: jårgudallat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- jårgudalájma: jårgudallat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON JUHKAT_TV a-verbs like BASSAT_TV but but without derivations -stit, -stallat, -stahtte, - stasste. Dim -istit that are hardcoded. Three passives
njammat # Even-syllable test examples:
njamáv: njammat+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
njammiv: njammat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- njamájma: njammat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON LÁHPPET_TV e-verbs. Three passives
oajttet # Even-syllable test examples:
oajtáv: oajttet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
oajttiv: oajttet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- åjtijma: oajttet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
sievvet # Even-syllable test examples:
sæváv: sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
säváv: sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
sievviv: sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- sievijma: sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON DIEHTET_TV Only this one word, unusual diphtong behavior. No passive
diehtet # Even-syllable test examples:
diedáv: diehtet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
diehtiv: diehtet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- diedijma: diehtet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON GÁDJOT_TV o-verbs. only duvvat passive.
sjpædtjot # Even-syllable test examples:
sjpættjov: sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
sjpättjov: sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
sjpædtjuv: sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
sjpädtjuv: sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
sjpættjojma: sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- sjpättjojma: sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON JÅRGGOT_TV o-verbs with dim -astit that are hardcoded. Duvvat and dallat passive.
boarkkot # Even-syllable test examples:
boarkov: boarkkot+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
boarkkuv: boarkkot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- boarkojma: boarkkot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
Odd-syllable stems
This is just awaiting a manual classification
LEXICON BIEKKASTIT_IV Impersonals, only Sg3
LEXICON JÅRGESTIT_IV At the moment IV, we may perhaps change IV/TV.
doalvestit # Odd-syllable test examples:
doalvestav: doalvestit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
doalvestiv: doalvestit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- doalvestijma: doalvestit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON BEGATJIT_IV Words ending -tjit, -jdit, reciprocals on -dit, momentatives on -dit, -edit, continuatives on -ldit, -nit, essives on -hit and 5-syllables - no actio cmps, but only Sg3 passivereintroduced
duojkkuhit # Odd-syllable test examples:
duojkkuhav: duojkkuhit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
duojkkuhiv: duojkkuhit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- duojkkuhijma: duojkkuhit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON BALÁDIT_IV continuatives on -dit, frequentatives on -odit, reciprocals, momentatives and frequentatives ending -alit - actio cpms, only Sg3 passive
lihtudit # Odd-syllable test examples:
lihtudav: lihtudit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
lihtudiv: lihtudit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- lihtudijma: lihtudit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON SUOGNALIT_IV Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit. only Sg3 passive
loavkkalit # Odd-syllable test examples:
loavkkalav: loavkkalit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
loavkkaliv: loavkkalit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- loavkkalijma: loavkkalit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON LASSÁNIT_IV verbs ending -nit, -sit, no passive
rievddánit # Odd-syllable test examples:
rievddánav: rievddánit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
rievddániv: rievddánit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- rievddánijma: rievddánit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON BÁHTARIT_IV verbs ending -rit. only Sg3 passive
sjtávttjurit # Odd-syllable test examples:
sjtávttjurav: sjtávttjurit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
sjtávttjuriv: sjtávttjurit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- sjtávttjurijma: sjtávttjurit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON UNNEDIT_TV All -uvvat passives.
nuoledit # Odd-syllable test examples:
nuoledav: nuoledit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
nuolediv: nuoledit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- nuoledijma: nuoledit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON MUJTATJIT_TV Words ending -tjit, -jdit, reciprocals on -dit, momentatives on -dit, -edit, continuatives on -ldit, -nit, essives on -hit and 5-syllables - no actio cmps, but reintroduced. All -uvvat passives
nårddådit # Odd-syllable test examples:
nårddådav: nårddådit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
nårddådiv: nårddådit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- nårddådijma: nårddådit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON BÅNJÅDIT_TV continuatives on -dit, frequentatives on -odit, reciprocals, momentatives and frequentatives ending -alit - actio cpms. All -uvvat passives.
tsirggalit # Odd-syllable test examples:
tsirggalav: tsirggalit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
tsirggaliv: tsirggalit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- tsirggalijma: tsirggalit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON VUORDDELIT_TV Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit. All -uvvat passives
tsåggålit # Odd-syllable test examples:
tsåggålav: tsåggålit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
tsåggåliv: tsåggålit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- tsåggålijma: tsåggålit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
Contracted stems
boavddit # Contracted test examples:
boavddi: boavddit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3
- boavddij: boavddit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3
buvvut # Contracted test examples:
buvvuv: buvvut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
buvvujiv: buvvut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- buvvujma: buvvut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON OADDÁT_IV Incoative, (doarrut,jåhttåt). Only Sg3 passive. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation.
bæhkkát # Contracted test examples:
bæhkkáv: bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
bähkkáv: bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
bæhkkájiv: bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
bähkkájiv: bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
bæhkkájma: bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- bähkkájma: bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON TJUOLLÁT_TV Incoativ. All passive. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation, (gullát, bårråt)
gajkkát # Contracted test examples:
gajkkáv: gajkkát+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
gajkkájiv: gajkkát+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- gajkkájma: gajkkát+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON DULLUT_IV Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. Only Sg3 passiv.
dussut # Contracted test examples:
dussuv: dussut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
dussujiv: dussut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- dussujma: dussut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON STRÁFFUT_TV Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. All duvvat passives.
gáhpput # Contracted test examples:
gáhppuv: gáhpput+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
gáhppujiv: gáhpput+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- gáhppujma: gáhpput+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON TSIEGGIT_TV Makes nouns via -ár derivation. All duvvat passives. asdf
gámmpit # Contracted test examples:
gámmpiv: gámmpit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
gámmpijiv: gámmpit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
gámmpijma: gámmpit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- gámmpár: gámmpit+V+TV+Der/r+N+Sg+Nom
LEXICON VALLIT_TV Makes nouns via -ár derivation. Gets only passive Sg3
hinnit # Contracted test examples:
hinniv: hinnit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
hinnijiv: hinnit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
hinnijma: hinnit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- hinnár: hinnit+V+TV+Der/r+N+Sg+Nom
Assimilated loan verbs
LEXICON PÁNNTIT_TV Two syllable transitive NEW loan verbs. Makes nouns via -ár derivation. All passives.
hinnit # Contracted test examples:
bloaggiv: bloaggit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
blåggiv: bloaggit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
bloaggijiv: bloaggit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
blåggijiv: bloaggit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
bloaggijma: bloaggit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
blåggijma: bloaggit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
bloaggár: bloaggit+V+TV+Der/r+N+Sg+Nom
- blåggår: bloaggit+V+TV+Der/r+N+Sg+Nom
LEXICON HÅŊŊLIT_IV Two syllable intransitive NEW loan verbs. Only Sg3 passiv.
håŋŋlit # Contracted test examples:
håŋŋliv: håŋŋlit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
håŋŋlijiv: håŋŋlit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
- håŋŋlijma: håŋŋlit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON TV_BADASS NEW badly assimilated two syllable transitive loan verbs. Makes nouns via -ár derivation. All passives.
LEXICON IV_BADASS NEW badly assimilated two syllable intransitive loan verbs. Makes nouns via -ár derivation. Only Sg3 passiv.
LEXICON BRILJERE_IV Intransitive loan words with more than two syllables with -rit endings. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. Only the two last syllables are assimilated to sami. Long -e is assimilated in different ways in dialects in Norway and Sweden: In Norway it often becomes -ie, while in Sweden itºs usually -e.
briljierit # Contracted test examples:
briljieriv: briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
briljeriv: briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
briljierijiv: briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
briljerijiv: briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
briljierijma: briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- briljerijma: briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_NOR Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as BRILJERE_TV. +Area/SE forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -ierit.
eksplodierit # Contracted test examples:
eksplodieriv: eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
eksploderiv: eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
eksplodierijiv: eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
eksploderijiv: eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
eksplodierijma: eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- eksploderijma: eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_SW Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as BRILJERE_TV. +Area/NO forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -erit
exploderit # Contracted test examples:
explodieriv: exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
exploderiv: exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
explodierijiv: exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
exploderijiv: exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
explodierijma: exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- exploderijma: exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON ABBONERE_TV Transitive loan words with more than two syllables with -rit endings. Duvvat passives. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. Only the two last syllables are assimilated to sami. LONG -e is assimilated in different ways in Norway and Sweden: In Norway, it becomes -ie, and in Sweden -e.
abbonierit # Contracted test examples:
abbonieriv: abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
abboneriv: abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
abbonierijiv: abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
abbonerijiv: abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
abbonierijma: abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- abbonerijma: abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_NOR Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as ABBONERE_TV. +Area/SE forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -ierit
akseptierit # Contracted test examples:
akseptieriv: akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
aksepteriv: akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
akseptierijiv: akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
aksepterijiv: akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
akseptierijma: akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- aksepterijma: akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_SW Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as ABBONERE_TV. +Area/NO forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -erit
accepterit # Contracted test examples:
acceptieriv: accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
accepteriv: accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1
acceptierijiv: accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
accepterijiv: accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1
acceptierijma: accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
- accepterijma: accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1
The file itself is located in langs/smj/src/phonology/smj-phon.twolc.
File structure
The Alphabet section
The real Lule Sámi Alphabet
All Lule Saami letters are listed. The Lule Sámi ENG sound is represented as ñ.
The 3rd degree mark º is never realized, hence declared as º: 0.
h2, g2 etc. are consonants deleted in the Nom. m3, d3 etc. (?) are consonants that undergo certain processes word-finally.
The Dummy symbols
- X1:0
- Deletes final consonants in short essive of odd syllables
- X2:0
- WeG and neutralization of g8, etc. (hivsik-hivsiga)
- X3:0
- Weg and deletion of g8, etc. (bena-bednaga)
- X4:0
- e
: á and e: å in illatives and px. a: á and o: u in Px and ill of a-stem actors and o-stems - X5:0
- e
: á, e: å and o: u in odd-syllable nouns, but also for some even nouns (o: u f.eks) - X6:0
- Deviant III-I consonant gradation (in contracted stems, guobbmu
: guomoj) - X7:0
- WeG and e
: á, e: å, o: á, o: u in front of diminutives, e: å in -lasj der - X8:0
- Stem vowel alternations in Px
- X9:0
- Stem-vowel and central consonant shortening in first part(s) of compounds
- Q1:0
- The general weak grade trigger. Stem vowel change e
: i and o: u in front of j. - Q2:0
- Vowel harmony
: 2nd syll e realized as å whenever 1st syll is å. - Q3:0
- WeG in contracted, also does not trigger Dipht simpl.
- Q4:0
- Stem vowel change e
: i and o: u in front of j. Dipht. simpl. Like Q1 but strong grade. - Q5:0
- e
: á stem vowel change for word diehtet. Weak grade. - Q6:0
- e
: á stem wovel change for word diehtet. Strong grade. - Q7:0
- e
: á stem vowel change for word diehtte. Extra strong grade - Q8:0
- Stem vowel deletion, impII of verbs.
- Q9:0
- Y1:0
- Stem vowel deletion, imp 3sg, 3du, 2pl, 3pl of verbs
- Y2:0
- "Indicative Present Singular 3rd Final Vowel in verbs"
- Y3:0
- PrsPrc
- Y4:0
- e > u in front of dersuff, o > u and e > á in front of dersuffix -alla
- Y5:0
- e > a, i > á, o > u, e > å in verb derivation
- Y6:0
- "Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation", verbs +PrsPrt and +Imprt+Du2
- Y7:0
- "Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation", nouns and propernouns
- Y8:0
- "Stem vowel deletion in even-syllable verbs, imp 1du, 1pl"
- Y9:0
- "Stem vowel deletion in short passives of even-syllable verbs
- Z1:0
- TBW "i
: á in Verb Derivation guollir>guollár" - Z2:0
- e
: å, o: u in -lasj der
Morpheme boundaries:
- «
- Derivational prefix
- »
- Derivational suffix
- %<
- Inflectional prefx
- %>
- Inflectional suffix
- #
- Word boundary for both lexicalised and dynamic compounds
- %^
- (exceptional) soft hyphenation point
- %
- a space
- ∑
- mark before # to indicate dynamic comounds
The Sets section
These are the sets:
- Vow
- the vowels
- Cns
- the consonants
- StemCns
- consonants that may occur in stem-final position
- DelCns
- the consonants that are deleted in nominative
- Dummy
- the set of dummy symbols, they are there to trigger certain morphophonological symbols
- WeG
- the dummy symbols that trigger weak grade
The Definitions section
In this section, the consonants are defined. This includes consonant clusters in the various grades and consonant alternations.
G3 vs G2
S7 | kkn: k0n | series 1 |
S8 | fºf: f0f | series 2 |
S9 | jgg: j0g | series 3 |
S4 | hkk: h0k | series 4 |
S5 | xy: zy (no zeros) | series 5 |
S6 | xx: yy (no zeros) | series 6 |
S7 | xy: zy (no zeros) | series 7 |
S8 | ----- (no cg) | series 8 |
- LowerG2
- A definition of Grade2 consonant sequences referring mostly to the surface level
- LowerG1
- A definition of Grade 1 consonant sequences
- LowerG12
- A definition of Grade 1 or 2 consonant sequences
- G32
- A definition of Grade 3 or 2 consonant sequences
- G3
- A definition of Grade 3 consonant sequences
The Rules section
The rules section has the following chapters: Consonant alternations in certain pos, vowel lengthening, diphthong simplification, stem vowel alternations, consonant gradation rules
Consonant alternations in certain pos
All rules deal with word-final position.
*a (is not standard language)
- *b (is not standard language)
Word Final Devoicing of Certain Single Consonants d9 etc.
- iemet#
Word final weakening -tj and -ttj to -sj part 1
Word final weakening -tj and -ttj to -sj part 2
- jågåsj
- gål0lå0sj
Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8
- l0åv0da00#
Word Final Neutralization of g8, h8, m8
Deleting Final h9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables
Deleting Final l9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables
Deleting Final m9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables
Deleting Final n9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables
Deleting Final r9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables
- máles0#
Vowel lengthening
The second syllable vowel a is lengthened to á whenever the stem consonants are in grade 1 and the first syllable vowel is short. Short vowels cannot preceed and follow a single intervocalic consonant.
Compulsatory lengthening in grade I even-syllables
- ski0bá0s#
Diphtong simplification
The diphthong simplification handles oa: å and æ: e. Phonologically, these are identical processes, but since the dipthong is written by two letters in the former case and by one letter in the latter, the alternations must be handled separately. This section also handles ie: æ, these are in principle the same as oa: å, but the alternation does not occur in so many contexts.
oa:å Diphtong Simplification Part I
oa:å Diphtong Simplification Part II
- toahkki00jn
*toahkkeY6X5jn (is not standard language)
- *t0åhkki00jn (is not standard language)
- b0ållu0j
*roavggoX4j (is not standard language)
- *r0åvggu0j (is not standard language)
- t0ås0su00jn
*toasºsoQ1X5jn (is not standard language)
- *toas0su00jn (is not standard language)
*moasºsoX5jn (is not standard language)
- *m0ås0su0jn (is not standard language)
- moas0su0jn
- goar0ru00jn
- goarru00jn
*goarºroY6X5jn (is not standard language)
- *g0år0ru00jn (is not standard language)
*goarºroY2 (is not standard language)
- *g0år0ru0 (is not standard language)
- g0årru0
- doaddje0
*doad0jeY6 (is not standard language)
- *d0åddje0 (is not standard language)
- g0år0ru0dit
*goarºroY5d9it (is not standard language)
- *goar0ru0dit (is not standard language)
- toabbmu00j
- t0åbmu0j
*toa0mboY6X4j (is not standard language)
- *t0åbbmu00j (is not standard language)
*toabmoX7dallat (is not standard language)
- *toa0mu0dallat (is not standard language)
- oaddu00j
- b0å0sjku00jn
*boassjkoQ1X5jn (is not standard language)
- *boas0jku00jn (is not standard language)
- b0åj0stu00jn
*boajsstoQ1X5jn (is not standard language)
- *boaj0stu00jn (is not standard language)
- b0åkku00jn
*boaggoQ1X5jn (is not standard language)
- *boakku00jn (is not standard language)
æ:e Diphthong Simplification 1
æ:e Diphthong Simplification 2
- hærránis
- hærránis#gæhttjalibme>
- pasien0ta>0
- paten0ta>0
- kvotien0ta>0
- klien0ta>0
- Lev0nja>0
ie:æ Diphthong Simplification Part I
- 0ælvv00ut
- 0æhtts00up
- g0ess00us
ie:æ Diphthong Simplification Part IIa Norwegian æ is an option...
ie:ä Diphthong Simplification Part IIb Swedish ä is an option...
ie:ä Diphthong Simplification Part IIc And there are no other options. This rule to block the e, and allow for the æ and ä.
- jæhttse>0
- jähttse>0
- g0æ0rá»0dalla>t
- l0åv0da00#
Vowel-change oa:å for verbs part I
Vowel-change oa:å for verbs part II
- hoallá0
- goaddne0
*hållaY2 (is not standard language)
- *hållá0 (is not standard language)
- goahttse0
Stem vowel alternations
This section is divided according to stem vowels: a-, e-, o-, å-stems.
a-stem alternations
For a-stems, there is a: e and a: i. Each alternation is triggered by a combination of phonological content and dummy symbols.
a:e in Present Participle of even-syllable verbs
- basse>0
a:i in Prs Prc of even-syllable verbs
- bas0si0jt#
a-stem vowel deletion
- giedjeg>a#
e-stem alternations
For e-stems, there is e: i, e: á, e: å, e: u and e: a. Each alternation is triggered by a combination of phonological content and dummy symbols.
e:i in e-stems
- manassi0j
- bie0si0j
- boahtti0j
- gá0li0sj
- gá0li0tjav
- gá0li0tjin
- gá0li0tjihpit
- gá0li0tjibá
- gá0li0tjip
- gá0li0tja
- gie0ri>0tja
- gie0ri>0sj
The following two rules constitute a <= / => rule pair.
e:á in certain stem types 1
- bálggá0v
- gállá0m#
- gá0lá0v#
- bá0gu0sj#
- goa0dá0sj#
*goahteX7tj# (is not standard language)
- *go00dá0sj# (is not standard language)
e:á in certain stem types 2
- bárnná0m
*bárnneX4m (is not standard language)
- *bárnne0m (is not standard language)
e:å in certain stem types with å as root vowel
- jå0då0v
- jåhtå0
- jåhtå0m
- låhkkå0sj#
e-stem vowel deletion
- 0ælvv00ut
i-stem alternations
For i-stems, there is i: á. The alternation is triggered by a combination of phonological content and dummy symbols.
i:á in Verb Derivation
o-stem alternations
The duplicates of the three lines of the two following rules are
o:u in certain stem types 1
o:u in certain stem types 2
u:o in contracted nouns
o-stem vowel deletion
For å-stems there is å:e and å:i and vowel deletion. Each alternation is triggered by a combination of phonological content and dummy symbols.
å:e in Present Participle of even-syllable verbs
å:i in Actor nouns of even-syllable verbs
å-stem vowel deletion
alternations valid for several stem types
Stem vowel deletion in even-syllable verbs, imp 3sg, 3du, 2pl, 3pl
- 0ælvv00up
- giess00up
- bårr00up
Consonant gradation rules
The consonant gradation rules differ considerably from the corresponding rules for North Sámi.
This actually opens up for a migration to an xfst rule file
The rules are divided in two subsections, deletion rules and
Deletion rules
The b, d, g deletion rules are similar, via the optional ( b ) etc. in front of the "_" symbol, both
Note that one of the rules for t: 0 refers to #: as part of its context. As soon as clitics are
Consonant gradation b:0
Consonant gradation d:0
- be0na0>0
Consonant gradation g:0
Consonant gradation k:0
Consonant gradation l:0
Consonant gradation m:0
Consonant gradation n:0
Consonant gradation p:0
Consonant gradation s:0
- ru0sjpe0
*russjpeQ1 (is not standard language)
- *russjpe0 (is not standard language)
Consonant gradation ŋ:0
Consonant gradation f:0
Consonant gradation r:0
Consonant gradation v:0
Consonant gradation j:0
Consonant gradation t:0
- oajvála0sj#
Gradation Series 4, II-I, tj and ts
Change rules
The Cx: Cy format was kept for hk: g, hp: b, ht: d, since the left context h: 0 was unique,
The bb: pp, gg: kk, dd: tt alternations were split into three rules,
Gradation Series 4, II-I
- oappá0
- vákke0
*vággeQ1 (is not standard language)
- *vágge0 (is not standard language)
g:k change for clitic -ge
dd:tt and dtj, dts
Gradation Series 7, III-II, ks(t), kt, ktj, kts
Exceptional II-III inverse gradation in present participles
This gradation is only for II-I syllable verbs that get III as
- bbm - bm - m
- ddn - dn - n
- ddnj- dnj- nj
- ggŋ - gŋ - ŋ
- ddj - dj - dj
- hkk - hk - g
- hpp - hp - b
- htt - ht - d
- httj- htj- tj
- htts- hts- ts
Strategy: Do insertion rule for the initial element.
Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with bm, gŋ
Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with dn/j + as I-III strengthening gradation with d
Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with hk, hp,
Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with htt(j/s)
Debugging of twol-rules
All rule conflicts have been successfully resolved. The rule file