
Free and Open source Skolt Sámi analyser gtsvn-sms

Divvun and Giellatekno teams, community members
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This is free and open source Skolt Sámi morphology.

Skolt Sámi morphological analyser !

Multichar_Symbols definitions

_sijdd > siid_ This will need a special extra-lengthening rule

Skolt Saami noun morphology

LEXICON n is a dummy lexicon containing N Sg Nom only

LEXICON N-toll for Nouns with -âst Loc

LEXICON N-miarr with -âst Loc but ense Ill

LEXICON N-pess Nouns with -ast Loc

LEXICON N-piess Nouns with -est +Loc

  • There are several stem types
  • pieˊss: pieˊss

Skolt Saami verb lexicon


Copula and Negation verb

  • leeˊd
  • ij


Normal consonant gradation

short vowel in Inf

  • viǯǯâd: viǯǯ VIQQAD "to fetch / noutaa";
  • kõččâd: kõčč VIQQAD "to fall / pudota" ;

Long vowel in Inf

  • viikkâd: viikk VIQQAD "to take away / viedä" ;
  • sõõkkâd: sõõkk VIQQAD "to sigh / huohottaa" ;

I a-stem TEEVVAD

  • repččad: repčč TEEVVAD "/ roikkua" ;
  • lâsmmad: lâsmm TEEVVAD "/ järistä" ;

I e-stem KALMMED

  • ceˊpcced: cepcc KALMMED "/ nipistää" ;
  • kâˊlmmed: kâlmm KALMMED "/ jäätyä" ;

I e-stem JURDDED

  • juˊrdded: jurdd JURDDED "to think / luulla" ;
  • puˊhtted: puhtt JURDDED "/ tuoda" ;

I e-stem TIETTED

  • ââˊnned: âânn TIETTED "/ käyttää" ; is this a KALMMED
  • sieˊltted: siõltt TIETTED "/ laimentaa" ;

I -âd +Imp+Sg2 SILTTEED

  • siltteed: siltt SILTTEED "to know how / osata" ;
  • poppeed: popp SILTTEED "to grab ahold of / tarttua" ;

I -ad +Imp+Sg2 SOLLEED

  • solleed: soll SOLLEED "to set off rowing / lähteä soutamaan" ;
  • kârreed: kârr SOLLEED "to swear / kirota" ;

I -ed +Imp+Sg2 TEEMEED

  • ääˊveed: ääˊv TEEMEED "to open / avata" ;
  • pââˊjeed: pââˊj TEEMEED "to lift, to raise / kohottaa" ;

-at +Imp+Sg2 MAINSTED

  • mainsted: mainQÂ1st MAINSTED "to tell / kertoa, tarinoida" ;

-at +Imp+Sg2 VUEJTED

  • vuejted: vuejQA1t VUEJTED "to drive (causative) / ajattaa" ;

-erd +Imp+Sg2 KAMRDED

-u +Imp+Sg2 SEDGGJED

  • sedggjed: sedgg SEDGGJED "to loom / häämöttää" ;

Skolt Saami adjectives

This file still contains only a handful of words

The lexicon AdjectiveRoot is where we list the adjectives


AdjClass1 suffixes STR-âd (pred) / STR_PAL-es (attr)

  • viõlggâd: viõˊlǧǧ A1 "white" ;
  • čappâd: čaˊpp A1 "black" ;


AdjClass2 suffixes WK-âs (pred) / STR-Ø (attr)

  • oođâs: ođđ A2 "new" ;
  • kõõumâs: kõumm A2 "cold" ;


AdjClass3 suffixes STR-Ø (pred) / WK-es (attr)

  • kuˊǩǩ: kuˊǩ A3 "long" ;

Skolt Saami adpositions

No adpositions yet.

Skolt Saami adverbs

Only a handful so far.

The lexicon adv gives the tag +Adv

The lexicon Adverb contains adverbs. They are taken from

  • ââlda adv "nearby" ;
  • ââˊn adv "now" ;
  • ålggan adv "outside" ;
  • åålǥas adv "to outside" ;

Skolt Saami Conjunctions

The lexicon Conjunction lists the conjunction

    The lexicon Cc gives the tag +CC


    Pointing to all the pronominal subgroups

    • LEXICON Pronoun

    Personal pronouns

    Splitting according to person.

    • LEXICON Personal
    • mon+Pron+Pers: m perspron ;
    • ton+Pron+Pers: t perspron ;
    • son+Pron+Pers: s perspron ;

    Demonstrative pronouns

    • LEXICON Demonstrative

    Reflexive pronouns

    • LEXICON Reflexive

    Interrogative pronouns

    • LEXICON Interrogative
    • mii+Pron+Interr: m MK ;
    • ǩii+Pron+Interr: ǩ MK ;
    • LEXICON MK-long
    • LEXICON MK-short
    • LEXICON MK-low

    Skolt Saami Particles

    List of particles in the lexicon Particle

    ges pcle ;

    The lexicon pcle gives the tag.

    Skolt Saami Interjections

    The lexicon Interjection lists the interjections

    • ai Interj ;

    The lexicon Interj gives the tag +Interj

    Skolt Sámi TWOLC file


    The rule file for Skolt Saami is divided into 5 main types:

    1. Definitions
    2. Consonant shift rules (tbw)
    3. Vowel alternation rules
    4. Consonant gradaton rules
    5. Rules for cleaning up and composing end result

    Alphabets, sets and definitions


    • a b c d e f g h i ï j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
    • æ ä ø ö å á é í
    • Å Ä Ö Ø Æ Á
    • Á É Ó Ú Í À È Ò Ù Ì Ë Ü Ï Â Ê Ô Û Î Ã Ý þ Ñ Ð
    • á é ó ú í à è ò ù ì ë ü ï â ê ô û î ã ý þ ñ ð ß ª ß ç
    • č ǩ ǯ ǧ ž đ ǥ ʒ š ŋ
    • Č Ǩ Ǯ Ǧ Ž Đ Ǥ Ʒ Š Ŋ
    • õ â
    • Õ Â
    • Vertical hyphen: as long consonant marker that does not appear in writing
    • Upper right single quotation mark: Syllable marker that appears in writing
    • Acute accent

    Trigger symbols

    • %^1VOW: 0 %^2VOW: 0 %^3VOW: 0 %^4VOW: 0 %^5VOW: 0 Vow triggers
    • %^VOWLower: 0 i>e, õ>â, â>ä, u>o, o>å
    • %^VOWRaise: 0 e>i, ä>e
    • %^VOWSH: 0
    • %^VOWL: 0 Lengthens vowel in relation to consonant
    • %^VOWXL: 0 Extra lengthens vowel in relation to consonant in nouns, for example
    • %^CXLong: 0 %^CLong: 0 %^CShort: 0 Lengthening, shortening
    • %^VOWFront: 0 Fronting
    • %^PAL: 0 %^PALNo: 0 Palatalisation
    • X3: 0 causes weak grade
    • QÂ1: 0 used with "mainsted" to tell (a story)
    • QA1: 0 used with "vuejted" to drive (causative)
    • QE1: 0 used with "kåˊmrded" to bow
    • %^IMPSG2: 0
    • %^INDPRSSG3: 0
    • %^FRICG: 0
    • %^VOWTense: 0

    Literal quotes and angles must be escaped (cf morpheme boundaries below):

    • »
    • «
    • >
    • <


    • C = b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x z đ ʒ ǯ č ŋ ǩ ǧ ǥ š ž ;
    • V = a e i o u å ä â õ ;
    • CNoJV = b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x z đ ʒ ǯ č ŋ ǩ ǧ ǥ š ž ;




    Consonant shift rules (tbw)

    Even syllabic verbs I, vowel shortening - used in +Ind+Prs+Pl3, +Ind+Prt+Pl3

    Vowel alternation rules



    deriving +Ind+Prt+Sg1, +Ind+Prt+Sg2 +Ind+Prt+Pl3 in teevvad: tivvu

    Even syllabic verbs I, vowel raising - Adding +Prt+Pl3 for ed verbs, Removing u: and i: second element due to njeiddad njeiddu

    Even syllabic verbs I, diphthong raising beginning with u - deriving +Ind+Prt+Pl3 in kuâs'sad > kuõs'su, kuärŋŋad kuårŋŋu

    Even syllabic verbs I, diphthong raising beginning with e:i - deriving +Ind+Prt+Pl3 in reäkkad > riâkku, veârrad > viõrru

    Even syllabic verbs I, diphthong raising with e:i at onset - deriving +Ind+Prt+Pl3 in reäkkad > riâkku, veârrad > viõrru


    Even syllabic verbs I, vowel lowering - deriving +Ind+Prs+Sg3, +Ind+Prs+Pl3 in viǯǯâd

    Even syllabic verbs I, diphthong opening after u - deriving +Ind+Prs+Sg3, in kuõskkâd kueˊsǩǩe

    Even syllabic verbs I, diphthong opening after i:e - deriving +Ind+Prs+Sg3, in čiõkkâd

    Even syllabic verbs I, diphthong opening i:e before õ:, å: - used in conjunction with diphthong opening


    Even syllabic verbs I, secondary vowel fronting with PAL u õ:e - deriving +Ind+Prs+Pl3 in VIQQAD: kuõskkâd >kueˊsǩǩe

    Even syllabic verbs I, secondary vowel fronting with PAL - deriving +Ind+Prs+Pl3 in VIQQAD: čiõkkâd >čeäˊǩ'ǩe, also TIETTED vueˊlǧǧed+V+Ind+Prs+Pl3: vuäˊlǧǧe


    vowel lengthening and consonant shortening, %^VOWL and %^CShort

    Even syllabic verbs I, relative vowel lengthening - deriving +V+Inf in TIETTED: uudd > uˊvdded

    2012-06-05 removing "i" and "u" because viikkâd renders viiiǥǥam

    Even syllabic nouns, relative vowel extra lengthening - deriving +V+Inf in TIETTED: uudd >uˊvdded

    Even syllabic nouns, relative vowel extra lengthening u not followed by v - declension of nouns kunn > kuun

    simultaneous lengthening and raising, hmm: xfst ordering might be easier

    Even syllabic verbs I, relative vowel lengthening and raising - conjugation of ceˊpcced > ciiˊpcež

    Even syllabic verbs I, relative vowel lengthening and lowering - simultaneous lengthening and lowering: juˊrdded > joordam juˊrdded+V+Ind+Prs+Sg1

    Vowel lengthening in INDPRSSG3 and IMPSG2 - kååˊmmerd, maainâst


    Vowel dummy loss when not INDPRSSG3 and IMPSG2 - QE1


    Even syllabic nouns, for j>i - sijdd > siid This will need a special extra-lengthening rule

    Even syllabic verbs, for v>u - uvdd > ouˊdde

    Even syllabic verbs, for v>u - luhtt s s: ...

    trisyllabic verbs and doer derivations, i>j -

    VOWELS TENSE vs LAX 2012-11-28

    Even-syllabic nouns, for â:e - miârr: mieˊrre


    Realization for QE1 in e - kåˊmrded, vuejat, maainâst

    Realization for QE1 in a -


    Loss of _’_ when preceded by vowel - This is a temporary solution to "’" in võˊll’jed


    Even-syllabic verbs I, Palatalization mark between V and C - used +Ind+Prs+Pl3, +Ind+Prt+Pl3

    The left context allows for: Vowel shortening, and j/v > V

    Even-syllabic verbs I, Palatalization of gg and kk -

    Even-syllabic nouns, removing palatalization in -est +Loc nouns - removing palatalization in +Sg+Ill, pieˊss: peässa

    Consonant gradaton rules

    Weakening Consonant Cluster

    dealing with relative length changes mõõnnâd : mõˊnne : mõõn

    Even syllabic verbs I, cg - used with +Imp+Sg2, +Ind+Prs+ConNeg, teevvad > teev, jiõnn: jiõn

    Even syllabic nouns I, with extra lengthening of vowel V>VV and SS>ZZ used with +N+Sg+Nom > +N+Sg+Gen for cases like kuss > kuuzz.

     Cx:Cy <=> [#: | C: ] V: (:V) (%ˊ: | 0:%ˊ) Cx: _ %^VOWXL: ; 
               [#: | C: ] V: (:V) (%ˊ: | 0:%ˊ) _ Cx: %^VOWXL: ; 
                     where Cx in (k s)                          
                           Cy in (ǥ z)                          
                     matched ;                                  

    Even syllabic nouns I, with extra lengthening of vowel ij>ii/uv>uu and dd>d - used with +N+Sg+Nom > +N+Sg+Gen, sijdd > siid

    Even syllabic verbs I, Voicing - ss: zz, +Imp+Sg2, +Ind+Prs+ConNeg, double consonants at coda become voiced in gradation

    Even syllabic verbs I, third consonant loss - lgg: lǥ, V Ca Cx Cx: 0, +Imp+Sg2, +Ind+Prs+ConNeg, double consonants following consonant at coda that become single consonants in gradation

    Even syllabic verbs I, third consonant loss idd:id - idd: id, +Imp+Sg2, +Ind+Prs+ConNeg double consonants following vowel and "i" at coda that become single consonants in gradation

    Even syllabic verbs I, t>đ - tt: đ

    Even syllabic verbs I, second consonant loss -

    Even syllabic verbs I, lgg>lǥ - vueˊlǧǧed+V+Ind+Prs+Sg2 => vuâlǥak

    Even syllabic verbs I, 'lǧǧ>'lj - vueˊlǧǧed+V+Ind+Prt+Pl1 => vuõˊljim

    Rules for cleaning up and composing end result

    • Strengthening Consonant Cluster
    • V shortening and C lengthening
    • %^CLong is generally used in conjunction with a preceding %^VOWSH
    • In verbs this will be observed in finite forms
    • In derivational morphology, e.g. -škuetted, this is not the case

    Orthographic Consonant lengthening in INDPRSSG3 and IMPSG2 - kååˊmmerd