Free and Open source Sarsi analyser giella-srs
- Authors
- Divvun and Giellatekno teams, community members
- Software version
- 2012
- Documentation license
- SVN Revision
- $Revision
: 68217 $ - SVN Date
- $Date
: 2013-01-16 11: 31: 33 +0200 (Wed, 16 Jan 2013) $
This is free and open source Sarsi morphology.
Tsuut'ina morphological analyser !
Definitions for Multichar_Symbols
Analysis symbols
- +Asp asp, aspect
- +Dem D, demonstrative
- +Dim dim, diminutive
- +Du du, dual
- +Err/Orth Substandard, not implemented
- +Foc foc, focus
- +Hab hab, habitual
- +Imprs impers, impersonal (+Impers?)
- +Inc inc, inceptive (Incpt?)
- +Inch incho, inchoative
- +Mod M mode (this seems more like category than property)
- +Mom momentaneous
- N+ N, noun
- +Neg neg, negative
- +Num num, Numeral
- +PI+ postposition incorporation (this is not a Morphosyn tag : -(
- +PNS possessed noun suffix (this is not a Morphosyn tag : -(
- +Part Part, particle
- +Pl pl, Plural
- +Po P, Postposition
- +Prt T, tense (past)
- +Qst Q, question marker
- +Qt Qt, quantifier
- +Sem/Hum Human
- +Sem/Obj O, Object (have a look at this)
- V+ V, verb
- 12Du+ 12, first person dual inclusive
- 13Du+ 13, first person dual exclusive
- 1Pl+ 12, first person plural inclusive
- 1PlO+ 12, first person plural inclusive O
- 1Sg+ 1, first person singular
- 2Du+ 22, second person dual
- 2Sg+ 2
- 3Du+ 33, third person dual
- 3Sg+ 3
- 4Sg+ 4, the other
- PxSg1+ Px
- PxSg2+ Px
- PxSg3+ Px
- PxSg4+ Px
- Ar+ 5, areal subject, it (place, condition, weather)
- Impf+ imp, imperfective (or prefix?)
- Iter+ iter, iterative
- NI+ NI, noun incorporation (probably not a tag)
- Opt+ opt, optative
- Prf+ perf, perfective
- Recipr+ rec, reciprocal
- Refl+ refl, reflexive
- Th+ Th, thematic prefix (probably not a tag)
- Unspec+ 0, Unspecified person
- UnspecO+ 0, Unspecified person
- UnspecS+ 0, Unspecified person
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
our flags
- @U.asp.perf@
- @U.asp.ipfv@
- @U.xaH.ON@
- @R.xaH.ON@
- @D.xaH@
- @U.xaM.ON@
- @R.xaM.ON@
- @D.xaM@
- @U.xaL.ON@
- @R.xaL.ON@
- @D.xaL@
- @U.di.ON@
- @R.di.ON@
- @D.di@
- @U.zi.ON@
- @R.zi.ON@
- @D.zi@
- @R.TV.ON@
- @U.TV.ON@
- @U.TV.OFF@
Archphonemes (multi-character definitions)
- %^VH denoting floating high tone
- %< prefix border
- %> suffix border
Flag diacritics
@P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed
@P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first |
@D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX |
@P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds |
@D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R |
@D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding |
@U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding |
@P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R |
@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root. |
Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper
@U.Cap.Obl@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
@U.Cap.Opt@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
The word forms in Tsuut'ina start from noun and verb prefixes
Tsuut'ina Nouns
- Always unpossessed nouns: nàk'ús "cloud"
- Always possessed nouns: sitsì "my head" (body parts, kinship terms)
- Possessed or unpossessed: tłích'á "dog" vs. silích'à "my dog"
Three (phonological) cases for the possessive prefixes:
- Consonant-initial stem: si- "1SG" tsì "head" -> sitsì "my head"
- Preceding H-tone stem: si- "1SG" V́tsí "nose" -> sítsí "my nose"
- Vowel-initial stem: si- "1SG" óó "mother" -> sóó "my mother"
gu- "SOMEONE" óó "mother" -> gwóó gu > gw / _ [oa] ) Cu[oa] > Cw[oa]?
Periphrastic / non-morphological constructions are used for always
- LEXICON AlwaysUnpossessedNouns never Px
- LEXICON AlwaysPossessedNouns always Px, body part, kinship
- LEXICON UnpossessedNouns Px or not, here not. Cf. PossessedNouns
- LEXICON PossessedNouns Px or not, here Px. Cf. UnpossessedNouns
Tsuut'ina verb stems
Intransitive Verbs
- LEXICON PERF_STEMS_1 the list of most verbs in perf
- LEXICON IPFV_STEMS_1a same list in ipfv, but no prefix
- LEXICON IPFV_STEMS_1b same list in ipfv, but with pref
Transitive Verbs
Endlex cleanup
LEXICON T_IPFV_CLASS_1a gives all D flags blocking unwanted forms
Tsuut'ina Noun inflection
- Always unpossessed nouns: nàk'ús "cloud"
- Always possessed nouns: sitsì "my head" (body parts, kinship terms)
- Possessed or unpossessed: tłích'á "dog" vs. silích'à "my dog"
(see explanation in the affixes file)
- LEXICON NounPrefixes Splitting in 3
- LEXICON AlwaysPossessedNounPrefixes Px
- LEXICON VariablyPossessedNouns Px or not
Verb inflection in Tsuut'ina
The lexicon names srs15, srs14, etc. refers to traditional template names.
- LEXICON VerbPrefixes from the Root lexicon, always empty
- LEXICON srs15
- LEXICON srs14 empty
- LEXICON srs13 empty
- LEXICON srs12 empty
- LEXICON srs11 optional Distr+
- LEXICON srs10 empty
- LEXICON srs9 empty
- LEXICON srs8765 contains the person-number complex
- I_IMPERFECTIVE CLASS 1a, no other prefix
- LEXICON Person12_IPFV_CLASS_1b contains the block of 1st and 2nd person
The Tsuut'ina morphophonological/twolc rules file
Alphabet and sets
- a b c d e f g h i j k l ł m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- A B C D E F G H I J K L Ł M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- %^VH: 0
- Vow = a e i o u
- Cns = b c d f g h j k l ł m n p q r s t v w x z ʔ
Dock floating high tone on the preceeding vowel
si<^VHtsí to high-tone prefix sí
- sí<0tsí