Layout images for illustration
Alternative 1:Komi keyboard (Komi letters on D02, D09)
Suggestion for a Komi keyboard layout having the Komi letters (і, ӧ) on Level 1 and 2, replacing two rare Russian letters (ц, щ) almost not used in Komi. The Russian replaced letters will be placed on the same positions on level 3 and 4.
Alternative 2:Russian keyboard with Komi letters
Suggestino for a Komi keyboard layout having the Komi letters (і, ӧ) on Level 3 and 4, on the same positions as letters и, о (B05, C07).
The Russian keyboard layout for Mac
The Komi letters on level 3, 4 (B05, C07) of the Russian Mac keyboard
For reference:The Russian PC layout (as shown on the Mac)