
Meeting SamEst, April 8th 2014

Present: Jaak, Heli, Heiki, Fran, Sjur, Trond, Neeme


No explicit licence online so far.

Solution: Ask Kaili to put the licence on her webpage, but she is not available for 2 weeks or so. She is apparently happy to release it under the LGPL.

Kaili and Tiina Puolukainen are working on a dependency grammar, on top of Kaili's parser. Tiina and Kaili have changed to the compiler vislcg3. There are now more rules than can be found on Kaili's webpage.

Does the grammar has to be compatible? Yes. The best solution would be to synchronise with Kaili. At the moment They use filosoft + a relabeling perlscript.

The gt pipeline:

text | preprocess & m-analysis & postprocess | dis        | syntfunc      | dep
                                             | (per lang) | (common sámi) | (common all langs)

The apertium pipeline:

text | analysis | dis | syntfunc | dep 



TWolC applied on both sides:

  • Sjur has set up certain things: the analyser/generator-raw-gt-desc.xfst (and .hfst)
    • build lexical fst - from all lexc files
    • build twol fst - from twol rules
    • combine these two
      • earlier: => directly producing the -raw-
      • now: => producing first a -raw-.tmp.hfst file, which can then be further processed

That is: add in src/Makefile.am a target to produce the final raw file with the twolc processing you want from the -raw-*.tmp.hfst file

Jaak has something already working and some more tests passing but nothing committed yet.

  • adding inverse twolc rules ok
  • adding other transducers (?) from plamk did not rule
  • in plamk there are filters for preventing overgeneration, for written numbers,

plamk lets everything else be done before applying phonological rules, at the moment simple words with phon-rules applied.

the same rules should be applied in an normal way to numbers, and then combine.

fst steps forwards

The TODO list:

  • Jaak to continue on the fsts
  • Large enough yaml tests?
    • Jaak took Neeme's test files and changed the tags
    • TODO: Check the paradigms for completeness
  • Many enough yaml tests?
    • One for each Ülle Viks category (NN)
  • CG license issue: Trond, Fran in may
  • Tag filters: input taglist: root.lexc
    • Trond, Fran
  • Report before end of this month
    • Heiki, Trond


The estonian Oahpa is there, but empty.


  • Numra: the numerals
  • Leksa: Pedagogical vocabulary: appr 3000 words
    • Heli has a list from the univ, in tabular format
  • MorfaS: Testing the fst against this list
    • fst-ers to look at fst, then Heli to implement
  • MorfaC: Making the sentence frames
    • We will wait with MorfaC


  • Heli to check in the Leksa list in main/ped/est/inc/
    • Then for Jaak or anyone to check against the est.fst
  • Fill inn numbers.lexc, date.lexc, clock.lexc
    • Heli and Trond to look at Numra

Next meeting

May 14th, at 13.00 Swedish time