Meeting setup
- Date: 21.02.2005
- Time: 10.00 Norw. time
- Place: Wherever we are: -)
- Tools: Phone, iChat, SubEthaEdit
- Opening, agenda review
- Reviewing the task list from a week ago
- Documentation - still issues open?
- Corpus gathering
- Corpus infrastructure
- Linguistics
- Term db
- Other issues
- Summary, task lists
- Closing
Last week's task list
Sjur + Børre: set up
Tomi: Documentation system: Set up everybody (Tomi helps Marit set up
Trond: Erling Paulsen cont.
Tomi, Trond: Continue 7bit > utf-8 issue in the documentation.
Sjur: Resend e-mail about newsgroup problem
- Corpus DTD: Contact Lars Nygård. Start discussing concrete examples, directory
Børre: Have a look at forrest port crash in cochise
Børre, Sjur:.profile issue: Investigate more, discuss on the newsgroup
Maaren: translate corpus letter
Sjur, Børre: set up a suitable format for the meeting memos for easy
Børre: mpage or equiv.
- Sjur + Tomi: fix Maaren's computer problems
1. Opening, agenda review
- Opened at 10
- Agenda accepted as is
2. Reviewing the task list from a week ago
Børre contacts IT-staff about
Børre and Trond: Set up Marit and guest computer with forrest
- Newsgroup issue solved, with the help from Erling Paulsen. Thomas and Maren
Tomi, Trond: Corrected some, more to do
- Corpus DTD: Tomi and Trond had a meeting with Lars. Tomi, Trond and Børre
- cochise: Sjur has added that issue (potential port crash in Forrest, and how
- Meeting memos: still utf-8 issues. Bug filed on forrest, hopefully resolved
Børre: mpage or equiv. Mac OS X has built-in support, but not as pretty as mpage.
- Thomas and Maren have working computers
3. Documentation - still issues open?
- Meeting memo support
- Some computers has to be set up (Marit and guest computer in Romsa)
- Check if cochise and forrest are working.
- XXE has a patch for support for extended chars available through the option-key.
4. Corpus gathering
- letter is translated, Børre to contact Anne Britt
- how should the texts be delivered: (e-mail, physically go to the places ...)
5. Corpus infrastructure
- to be cont. in the news group
- Add Lars Nygård to the news group?
- Strictly focused threads (conversion, file structure, etc.)
6. Linguistics
- Good meeting in Romsa. We are progressing nicely, several bugs regarding
- Maaren has again no time (surprise, surprise) (going to Jåhkåmåhkke this week)...
7. Term db
- Tomi has a look at perl issues. Conversion from old to new format.
- Børre takes a look at the documentation. Multilingual issue.
8. Other issues
- Quality assurance on documentation.
- We need reviewers to read and comment
- Add author and version information in each document
- We need reviewers to read and comment
- pictures in the newsgroup?
- yes, Tomi to ask for binary post support in Unison
- Trond to bug Erling Paulsen using e-mail from Sjur
- yes, Tomi to ask for binary post support in Unison
- status report for dis. proj.
- "Samisk språkteknologi har laga eit program som kjenner att ca. 95 %
- "Samisk språkteknologi har laga eit program som kjenner att ca. 95 %
9. Summary, task lists
- Børre: suggest port numbers in the documentations
- Continue .profile discussion in news, conclusion this week
- Børre: mpage & UTF-8
- Sjur: Post a description on how to patch XXE for Alt key support
- Børre: contact Anne-Britt today, and send the letter.
- Børre and Trond: update emacs and xml-mode, check automatic version-stamp
- Sjur: Send e-mail to Trond regarding binary files on the news group
- Børre: wiki support in forrest
- Trond: invite Lars N
- Børre + Trond: set up computers, check forrest in cochise
- Børre:
- Tomi/Børre: do some work for Sjur on the termdb
10. Closing