Meeting setup
- Date: 08.03.2005
- Time: 10.00 Norw. time
- Place: Wherever we are: -)
- Tools: Phone, iChat, SubEthaEdit
- Opening, agenda review
- Reviewing the task list from a week ago
- Documentation - status
- Corpus gathering
- Corpus infrastructure
- Linguistics
- Term db
- Other issues?
- Summary, task lists
- Closing
Last week's task list:
Sjur, Børre, Tomi: terminology database
Børre: will set up a separate main tab How-To
All: we move from .profile to .bash_profile, Børre: docu to be updated
Børre: mpage & UTF-8 - file a bug in Bugzilla, with the solution postponed
- update emacs and xml-mode: Børre has a solution, will document
- check automatic version-stamp in cvs $id$? As above.
- update emacs and xml-mode: Børre has a solution, will document
Trond: will follow up the issue with binary postings in news
Børre: wiki support in forrest works, will follow up on the UTF-8 problem
Børre + Trond: set up computers, check forrest in cochise
Børre: -
1. Opening, agenda review
Opened at 10.12. Additions to the agenda:
- PaNoLa-Plus (under "Other")
2. Reviewing the task list from a week ago
Sjur, Børre, Tomi: terminology database
- Not completed yet.
- Not completed yet.
Børre: will set up a separate main tab How-To
- Not appearing as intended yet
- Not appearing as intended yet
All: we move from .profile to .bash_profile, Børre: docu to be updated
- Document checked in
- Document checked in
Børre: mpage & UTF-8 - file a bug in Bugzilla, with the solution postponed
- PS contains the correct UTF-8 strings
- PS contains the correct UTF-8 strings
- update emacs and xml-mode: Børre has a solution, will document
- check automatic version-stamp in cvs $id$? As above.
- update emacs and xml-mode: Børre has a solution, will document
Trond: will follow up the issue with binary postings in news
- called and e-mailed, no answer so far. Will continue
- called and e-mailed, no answer so far. Will continue
Børre: wiki support in forrest works, will follow up on the UTF-8 problem
- still an issue
- temporary workaround: use Latin 1-encoding for the memos
- still an issue
Børre + Trond: set up computers, check forrest in cochise
- Should be solved, docu at gt/doc/infra/forrest-howto.xml
- Should be solved, docu at gt/doc/infra/forrest-howto.xml
Børre: -
- Forgot it... : -(
3. Documentation - status
We should aim at generating static html. There is "forrest run" dynamically,
X [0] doc/lang/sms/src/verb-sms-lex.txt BROKEN: No pipeline matched request: doc/lang/sms/src/verb-sms-lex.txt X [0] doc/ling/vislcg.html BROKEN: /Users/trondtro/xtdoc/sd/src/documentation/content/xdocs/doc/ling/vislcg.xml (No such file or directory) X [0] index_smi.html BROKEN: /Users/trondtro/xtdoc/sd/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index_smi.xml (No such file or directory) X [0] doc/lang/smj/docu-sme-flowchart.html BROKEN: /Users/trondtro/xtdoc/sd/src/documentation/content/xdocs/doc/lang/smj/ docu-sme-flowchart.xml (No such file or directory)
Link problems:
- link to other documentation (internal links) broken(?)
- links to source files broken
- links to image files
All internal links should be corrected, and links to original source files should be
Forrest on cochise is still problematic: no such command
4. Corpus gathering
Thomas has done a lot of work last week, many positive answers (see last week's
Also Info nuorra. Agriculture ministry in Sweden have sent some texts in Northern,
We need a contract to use when making agreements with people and organisations.
5. Corpus infrastructure
The antiword issue: Antiword thinks everything is in Unicode in word, and converts that
Use antiword to convert from .doc to docbook format. Then perl postprocesses the
6. Linguistics
Thomas: I have now gone through all the 54 northern sami adjectival sublexicas in
Maaren: no time last week. Maybe sitting home would work?
Trond, Lena: Worked on transitivity in verbs. Checked so far: -ot verbs, -eret ^LOAN
7. Term db
Sjur and Børre will continue working on that until the official opening at wednesday
8. Other issues
FIN1) Asiakas syö lounasta. (The client is eating lunch.) (FIN1a) A1 STA:cl(fcl) S:n(sg,nom) Asiakas P:v(fin,pres,ind,3sg) syö Od:n(sg,par) lounasta FIN82) Soittaessasi viulua unohdin ajan kuluvan. (While you were playing the violin, I forgot how the time passes.) (FIN9b) A1 STA:cl(fcl) A:cl(icl) =P:v(inf2,act,ine+poss2sg) Soittaessasi =Od:n(sg,par) viulua P:v(fin,imperf,ind,1sg) unohdin Od:cl(icl) =S:n(sg,gen) ajan =P:v(pcp1,act,sg,gen) kuluvan, cf. e.g. Finnish, under languages:
"Projektets overordnede målsætning er at udvikle og udbygge et unificeret
Samisk: fx Ressourceinventarisering, aktuelle CG-aktiviteter, specifikke grammatiske
What we will need from the project is a view on syntactic analysis (S, Od, P, A, ...)
Wednesday 1/2 day, Thursday and Friday off, as well as Monday.
9. Summary, task lists
Børre: mpage & UTF-8 - file a bug in Bugzilla, with the solution postponed
Trond: will follow up the issue with binary postings in news
- called and e-mailed, no answer so far. Will continue
- called and e-mailed, no answer so far. Will continue
Børre: correct image linking in termdb and divvun projects
All: discuss our own corpus format in the newsgroup - what do we want and need?
Tomi: identify the input encodings antiword can handle
Sjur, Børre: terminology database
Børre: -
Børre: should make the How-To tab appear as intended
Børre: add automatic version-stamp in cvs $id$ somewhere in the docu,
Børre: wiki support in forrest works, will follow up on the UTF-8 problem
- temporary workaround: use Latin 1-encoding for the memos
- temporary workaround: use Latin 1-encoding for the memos
Trond: check forrest in cochise, issue is still open.
- Should be solved, docu at gt/doc/infra/forrest-howto.xml
- Should be solved, docu at gt/doc/infra/forrest-howto.xml
- Trond, Børre, all: fix the links
10. Closing
Closed at 12.10