Meeting setup
- Date: 21.02.2006
- Time: 09.30 Norw. time
- Place: Wherever we are : -)
- Tools: iChat, SubEthaEdit
- Opening, agenda review
- Reviewing the task list from two weeks ago
- Linguistics
- name lexicon infrastructure
- Spellers
- Other issues
- Summary, task lists
- Closing
1. Opening, agenda review, participants
Opened at 09: 44.
Present: Børre, Maaren, Sjur, Thomas, Tomi
Absent: Maaren, Saara, Trond
Main secretary: Børre
Agenda shortened substantially due to time constraints.
2. Reviewing the task list from the last meeting
- send out contracts with accompanying letter
- Anders Kintel
- Anders Kintel
- Gather public texts, preferrably also parallel ones
- Gathered some from samediggi, will add them soonish
- Gathered some from samediggi, will add them soonish
- Continue converting text from input format to our xml
- Not done
- Not done
- convert nob and nno bible texts to be used as part of a parallel corpus
- Not done
- Not done
- review the paratext2xml converter
- Not done
- Not done
- convert smj NT to paratext
- not done, we don't have the nny and nob NT paratexts
- not done, we don't have the nny and nob NT paratexts
- Call Ove Sæth and Olavi Korhonen
- Not done
- Not done
- Correct Forrest integration for new projects and project ideas
- Helped Sjur a bit
- Helped Sjur a bit
- Move complex name lexicon issue to bugzilla
- Not done
- Not done
- fix bugs!
- work with
- Not done. Worked with top ten missinglist
- Not done. Worked with top ten missinglist
- discuss with relevant people regarding seminar on proofing tools, normativity
- waiting for an answer from SGL when and where is best to hold normativity seminar.
- continue discussion on the new lexicon format
- Move the issue "Refine language detection for Finnish" to Bugzilla
- done.
- done.
- Move the issue "Finnish the review of the hyphenation detection" to Bugzilla
- done.
- done.
- Add version information of the tools to part of the corpus infra.
- done.
- done.
- Fix the preprocess script and optimize it.
- finalize an improved working version of the CGI and command line scripts for
- done.
- done.
- update conversion from lexc to xml (proper names) with the latest refinements
- not done.
- not done.
- Try to add numeral treatment as part of the analyzator.
- not done.
- not done.
- Look at crontab ga/ directory issue with Trond.
- not done. I will move the -script to darwin this week,
- not done. I will move the -script to darwin this week,
fix bugs!
- Changed the status of some corpus infra bugs to fixed.
- Follow up the lawyer treatment of the contracts
- Lule Sámi twol problems, with Thomas and Trond
- project planning with Trond, continued
- Follow up on place names from Norge Digitalt
- Evaluate SFST as speller (and analyzer) lexicon
- write a background document on the corpus contracts
- public tender:
- review draft tender document from Finnut
- almost ready, to be published next Monday or Tuesday
- almost ready, to be published next Monday or Tuesday
- review draft tender document from Finnut
- smj G3 issue with Thomas and Trond
- sme G3 issue with Thomas and Trond
- call EDD/ Christian Emil Ore about national place name lexicon
- noun lexicon development: fix bugs, continue development
- more work
- more work
- fix bugs!
- work on North Sámi compounding and derivation
- nothing due to sickleave
- nothing due to sickleave
- review corpus usage documentation
- nothing due to sickleave
- nothing due to sickleave
- smj G3 issue with Sjur and Trond
- nothing due to sickleave
- nothing due to sickleave
- sme G3 issue with Sjur and Trond
- nothing due to sickleave
- move aspell UTF-8 suffix bug to Bugzilla
- corpus infrastructure:
- dtd location (both public and internal)
- dtd location (both public and internal)
- Document aspell infrastructure: finish doc/proof/spelling/X-spell/aspell.xml
- new proper name lexicon
- discuss the new lexicon format and other issues in the newsgroup
- Look into data synchronisation of proper nouns between and CVS
- new version of xml2lexc (based on ccat), should handle complex names correct:
- discuss the new lexicon format and other issues in the newsgroup
fix bugs!
- Other
- On sick leave
- Work on corpus texts with Børre.
- Contact the Finnish and Swedish Bible societies to get Bible texts.
- Look at ga/ directory issue with Saara.
- News group discussion followup.
- Do a bug report (if not done) on commandline (mis)behaviour in the Xerox tools
- Ask IT guys for an e-mail adress for corpus upload script:
- fix bugs!.
3. Linguistics
North Sámi
Maaren has been adding words from the top-ten missing list.
Lule Sámi
We need to get a working version of the Lule Sámi lexicon by Monday next week.
Børre, Thomas and Trond will convert the material to lexc, in
4. Other
SGL Seminar
SGL has now been elected, with the folowing members:
- Rolf Olsen (Else Turi)
- Tor Magne Berg (Marit Breie Henriksen)
- Elle Marja Vars (-)
- Lena Kappfjell (Albert Jåma)
- Heidi Andersen (-)
SGL/normativity seminar:
- all members = potentially/likely all languages
- not all languages, only North Sámi
- not all languages, only North Sámi
- date? As early as possible, end of February/beginning of March
- place? Maaren will investigate
- I am waiting for the answer from Laila. Place? Do you have ideas?
- I am waiting for the answer from Laila. Place? Do you have ideas?
Leaves and vacations
Maaren will be away from the end of March and three weeks.
Sjur is on winter holidays this week, as well as Maaren from Wednesday
Børre will be in Karesuando in two weeks, but will be working (some, at
5. Summary, task list
- send out contracts with accompanying letter
- Gather public texts, preferrably also parallel ones
- Continue converting text from input format to our xml
- convert nob and nno bible texts to be used as part of a parallel corpus
- review the paratext2xml converter
- convert smj NT to paratext
- Call Ove Sæth and Olavi Korhonen
- Correct Forrest integration for new projects and project ideas
- Move complex name lexicon issue to bugzilla
- fix bugs!
- work with top-ten missing list
- discuss with relevant people regarding seminar on proofing tools, normativity
- continue discussion on the new lexicon format
- Move the issue "Refine language detection for Finnish" to Bugzilla
- Move the issue "Finnish the review of the hyphenation detection" to Bugzilla
- Add version information of the tools to part of the corpus infra.
- Fix the preprocess script and optimize it.
- finalize an improved working version of the CGI and command line scripts for
- update conversion from lexc to xml (proper names) with the latest refinements
- Try to add numeral treatment as part of the analyzator.
- Look at crontab ga/ directory issue with Trond.
- Create a parallel corpora of the new testaments.
- Routine for adding new languages to the propernoun xml-structure.
- fix bugs!
- Follow up the lawyer treatment of the contracts
- Lule Sámi twol problems, with Thomas and Trond
- project planning with Trond, continued
- Follow up on place names from Norge Digitalt
- Evaluate SFST as speller (and analyzer) lexicon
- write a background document on the corpus contracts
- public tender:
- review draft tender document from Finnut
- review draft tender document from Finnut
- smj G3 issue with Thomas and Trond
- sme G3 issue with Thomas and Trond
- call EDD/ Christian Emil Ore about national place name lexicon
- noun lexicon development: fix bugs, continue development
- fix bugs!
- convert the Lule sámi lexicon
- write convertion list for Lule sámi propernoun cont. lexicas and define the lexicas
- work on North Sámi compounding and derivation
- review corpus usage documentation
- smj G3 issue with Sjur and Trond
- sme G3 issue with Sjur and Trond
- move aspell UTF-8 suffix bug to Bugzilla
- corpus infrastructure:
- dtd location (both public and internal)
- dtd location (both public and internal)
- Document aspell infrastructure: finish doc/proof/spelling/X-spell/aspell.xml
- new proper name lexicon
- discuss the new lexicon format and other issues in the newsgroup
- Look into data synchronisation of proper nouns between and CVS
- new version of xml2lexc (based on ccat), should handle complex names correct:
- discuss the new lexicon format and other issues in the newsgroup
- fix bugs!
- Work on corpus texts with Børre.
- Contact the Finnish and Swedish Bible societies to get Bible texts.
- Look at ga/ directory issue with Saara.
- News group discussion followup.
- Do a bug report (if not done) on commandline (mis)behaviour in the Xerox tools
- Ask IT guys for an e-mail adress for corpus upload script:
- fix bugs!.
6. Next meeting, closing
27.02.2006 09: 30
Closed at 10: 13