- Meeting setup
- Agenda
- Opening, agenda review, participants
- Updated task status since last meeting
- Pedagogical software online
- Documentation
- Corpus gathering
- Future plans, directions and ideas
- Infrastructure
- Linguistics
- Name lexicon/ infrastructure
- Proofing tools
- Other
- Next meeting, closing
- Appendix - task lists for the next five days
Meeting setup
- Date: 5.5.2008
- Time: 10.15 Norw. time
- Place: Internet
- Tools: SubEthaEdit, iChat/Skype
Cf. one of the following, depending on context:
- the upper bar of the SEE window (provided you use the JSPWiki syntax mode)
- the TOC in Forrest-rendered output, like HTML and PDF
Opening, agenda review, participants
Opened at 10: 24.
Present: Børre, Jovsset, Per-Eric, Sjur, Thomas, Tomi, Trond
Absent: none
Agenda accepted as is.
Updated task status since last meeting
- Hunspell lexicon conversion
- Had a discussion with Sjur on wednesday about how to make .dic and .aff
- Had a discussion with Sjur on wednesday about how to make .dic and .aff
- prepare migration to svn (with Sjur, Trond)
- have set up accounts for the workers at Samediggi and the University of
- have set up accounts for the workers at Samediggi and the University of
- release hunspell public beta at the end of April (with Sjur)
- won't happen, because of problems converting to the hunspell format
- won't happen, because of problems converting to the hunspell format
- review hunspell lexicon branch (with Thomas), merge with trunk if ok
- done
- done
- try to repair G5 accounts for iCal Server
- not done
- not done
- make a test-all target that runs all tests we have
- not done
- not done
- define and document testing routines
- not done
- not done
- fix bugs!
- follow up on sma corpus texts
- get the ped content ready
- Work on test routine with Trond and Sjur
- Put the list of possible sma corpus sources into a document
- try to find other authors who have smj texts digitaly.
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
- Work with missing list from texts written by Sigga Tuolja Sandström.
- Worked and still working, probably finished with
- Worked and still working, probably finished with
- Work with missing list same_dutkama_pgr.txt
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
- Work with missing list sameriekta_tjoahkkagæsos.txt
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
- Keep the contact with Ulf-Stefan Winka.
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
fix bugs!
- Nothing done
- add new XSL/XML headers for proofing test docs
- Set up ways of adding meta-information for proofing correct corpus docs
- implement the ped UI and functionality
- follow up on sma corpus texts
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
- name db/
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
- make an improved sma project plan
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
- publish corpus contracts and project infra as open-source on NoDaLi-sta
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
- prepare migration to svn (with Børre, Trond)
- tested committing, and some GUI clients sitting on top of the command line
- tested committing, and some GUI clients sitting on top of the command line
- release hunspell public beta at the end of April (with Børre)
- depends on the hunspell development
- depends on the hunspell development
- update the Changes document
- follow-up on some Polderland-related bugs: 621, 630, 652, 656
- test latest hunspell lexicon
- done
- done
- InDesign documentation
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
- send calendar info to Jovsset
- partially done
- partially done
- add CG regression test with Lene and Trond
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
- make a test-all target that runs all tests we have
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
- define and document testing routines
- Nothing done
- Nothing done
fix bugs!
- other things:
- worked on the dictionary conversion, to make MacOS dictionaries out of the
- worked on the dictionary conversion, to make MacOS dictionaries out of the
- look at test cases still not behaving properly
- nothing this week
- nothing this week
- review hunspell lexicon branch with Børre
- worked all week
- worked all week
fix bugs!
- not much this week
- Hunspell lexicon conversion
- nothing
- nothing
- document how compounding is controlled in the PLX conversion
- not done
- not done
- fix double hyphen bugs
- not done
- not done
- Make a pedagogical speller (after MA thesis is delivered)
- not done
- not done
fix bugs!
- other
- delivered & defended MA thesis
- Help Jovsset with vislcg3 and sma
- Set up Jabber for Lene, Kimme, Saara
- Prepare svn migration (with Sjur, Børre)
- Work on test routine with Lene and Sjur
- make a test-all target that runs all tests we have
- define and document testing routines
- fix bugs!.
Pedagogical software online
Same as last week: working on it. Saara has a demo UI ready for vocabulary
We are considering a speller tied to the ped tools, with the lexicon consisting
- get the content ready (Lene)
- implement the UI and functionality (Saara)
- get an easy-to-remember URL (UiT/IT)
- More thorough skin, layout, ... (External person within the Ped team,
- Make a pedagogical speller (Tomi when finished with his MA thesis)
- Turn off peripheral compounds (numbers, acros, perhaps names)
- Increase editing distance by one for suggestions? Only possible with limited
- Turn off peripheral compounds (numbers, acros, perhaps names)
- start to reorganise the documentation (Børre, Sjur, Trond)
Corpus gathering
Jovsset has sent texts found at sametinget to Børre, mostly his own
Nothing new regarding smj texts.
- follow up on sma corpus texts (Sjur, Jovsset)
- follow-up on the smj texts from Kurt Tore ( Per-Eric)
- get texts from Sigga Tuolja Sandstrøm, possibly through
- other contacts: Nord-Salten avis (Børge Strandskog), Lena Davidsson
- Put the list of possible corpus sources into a document
- give contract with blank fields to Per-Eric ( Børre)
Future plans, directions and ideas
See a separate document in plan/strat/5year.jspwiki.
Lene has worked on the CG test bench, including adding regression testing.
To accomodate future enhancements in different directions (in rough order of
- test bench for all parts of our language technology efforts
- migrate to svn
- merge gt, kt and st into one, probably after the svn move
- more modularised make / build infra (prepare for smn, sms, sjd, others)
- close certain parts of the code repository (requires svn)
- set up the Leopard Server features for collaborative support:
- permanent chat rooms
- stored (and indexed) chat transcripts of the chat rooms
- iCal server / group calendars
- wiki
- permanent chat rooms
- wiki? (is part of Leopard Server) or other web-based documentation
- improve Forrest stability and i18n support
- reorganise the documentation content:
- differ between target groups
- get better grouping
- decide what to write in forrest and what in wiki
- update/add missing parts
- differ between target groups
- migrate lexicons to XML, splitting the task
- Name lexica (the Name project)
- Dictionaries (already in XML, task is to integrate them)
- Open POSes (Komi as a test case)
- Name lexica (the Name project)
- change the look of the documentation web
- sfst? Both as replacement for xfst and for hunspell/open-source proofing tools
- investigate the NSIS installer, potentially replacing the InstallShield
- corpus content moved to Max Planck repositories?
- add CG regression test (Lene, Sjur, Trond)
- in progress
- in progress
- make a test-all target that runs all tests we have (Børre, Sjur, Trond)
- not yet
- not yet
- define and document testing routines (Børre, Sjur, Trond)
- not yet
- not yet
- add Jabber account in iChat
- check that all accounts are ready for iChat on the G5 (Børre)
- done
- done
- UiT: Lene, Kimme, Saara (Trond)
- check that all accounts are ready for iChat on the G5 (Børre)
- prepare migration to svn (Børre, Sjur, Trond)
- https access is now working.
- https access is now working.
- try to repair G5 accounts for iCal Server (Børre)
North Sámi
(nothing new, see proofing bugs below)
Lule Sámi
(nothing new, see proofing bugs below)
sme->smj lexicon conversion to build bilingual lexicon resources, and
- Add the words when all words are ready.
South Sámi
Nothing new since last week.
Name lexicon/ infrastructure
Much work last week on the SD-terms collection, and the editing code relating to
Next up: to finish the work on the SD-terms collection (editing), then look at
- fix i18n bug in (so they will work without the proper locale
- fix bugs in lexc2xml; add comments to the log element (Saara)
- finish first version of the editing (Sjur)
- test editing of the xml files. If ok, then: ( Sjur, Thomas, Trond)
- make terms-smX.xml <=== automatically from propernoun-sme-lex.xml (add nob as
- convert propernoun-($lang)-lex.txt to a derived file from common xml files
- implement data synchronisation between and
- start to use the xml file as source file
- clean terms-sme.xml such that all names have the correct tag for their use
- merge placenames which are errouneously in different entries: e.g. Helsinki,
- publish the name lexicon on (Sjur)
- add missing parallel names for placenames (linguists)
- add informative links between first names like Niillas and Nils
MacOS X electronic dictionaries for smenob and smesmj. They work with
Install in:
- find similar frameworks for Linux and Windows
- make simple installer applications
- make a public release
- Make a homepage with instructions for dictionary use:
- Clarify the difference between local and online dictionaries:
- Plugin for Firefox and Internet Explorer (online dictionaries)
- Integrated dictionary for Mac 10.5 (local ones), in the future also Windows
- Plugin for Firefox and Internet Explorer (online dictionaries)
- Make a homepage with instructions for dictionary use:
Proofing tools
Strategy for creating .dic and .aff files:
We will make one suffix lexicon for each lexc lexicon
'+' implies continuation lexicon, '*' implies lack of continuation lexicon.
Wordstems // dersuffix // infl // pos&clitic 100000 // 100 // 100 // 10 100000 + (100 * 100 ) + 10 = 110 010 = divide late 100000 + 100 + (100 * 10 ) = 101 100 = divide early
- test latest lexicon (Sjur)
- add smj to the soup, make sure it works roughly as good as sme
- added to derivations, needs to be tested
- added to derivations, needs to be tested
- fix the remaining conversion bugs for sme ( Børre, Tomi)
- return to smj, and fix whatever is left to fix (Børre, Tomi)
- release a public beta at the end of April (Børre, Sjur)
Spelling Error Markup
- Set up ways of adding meta-information (source info, used in testing or not,
- test new and nested error markup (Sjur)
Speller bugs
List of bugs returned from Polderland: 621, 630, 652, 656, 676.
Open issues based on test results :
- 425 - REGRESSION: other words from - two words rejected
- 426 - comp words from - guoktedássásaš accepted - still OPEN
- 435 - roman numbers - REGRESSION: inflection of single letter numbers
- we should pregenerate all numbers once and for all, and store them in a
- we should pregenerate all numbers once and for all, and store them in a
- 452 - REGRESSION: several lexical bugs - oažžuin + ožžuin
- 595 - prefix+name wihtout hyphen (ovdaLot instead of ovda-Lot) - still
- 600 - gen+hyph compound sámi-dáru - still OPEN
- 603 - suomabealdi accepted - still OPEN
- 606 - speller accepts VUOHTA compound - still OPEN
- 607 - acro + hyphen - still OPEN
NRKGA is acro + clitic accepted without colon - what is correct?
NRKGA is acro + clitic accepted without colon - what is correct?
- 611 - double hyphen sugg still accepted - still OPEN
- 613 - short gen. as second compound part - still OPEN
- 619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails - still OPEN
- 627 - prefix + hyhpen does not get accepted - still OPEN
- 629 - a taking part in compounding without hyphen - still OPEN
- 634 - PropGen+hyph+PropGen - still OPEN
- 641 - numeral+noun compounds - still OPEN
- 642 - noun/adj/proper + hyphen + ain - still OPEN
- 644 - cased numeral+numeral compund - still OPEN
- 646 - adverb + hyphen + noun - still OPEN
- 647 - numerals+NOUN - still OPEN
- 648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun - still OPEN
- 649 - name + adj compound without hyphen - still OPEN
- 654 - speller does not recognize ordinals on -nuppelogát - still OPEN
- 655 - pron + nai - still OPEN
- 658 - Suggestion saame - still OPEN
- 665 - adverb superlatives; dieppimus, doppimus - NEW
- 666 - guovtte- and njealje- - NEW
- 668 - caseforms, ordinals and collectives - NEW
- 676 - triple-hyphen - NEW
- 435 - roman number - single letter numbers now recognised
- we should pregenerate all numbers once and for all, and store them in a
- please note that inflection of single letter numerals is fine in
- we should pregenerate all numbers once and for all, and store them in a
- 595 - prefix+name wihtout hyphen (tsåhkeLot instead of tsåhke-Lot) -
- 600 - gen+hyph compound sáme-dáro - still OPEN
- 607 - acro + hyphen
NRKGA is acro + clitic accepted without colon - what is correct?
NRKGA is acro + clitic accepted without colon - what is correct?
- 616 - Bispadime-me-ráden - still OPEN, try to find an acro or abbr me
- 619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails - still OPEN
- 629 - a taking part in compound - still OPEN
- 634 - rop gen + hyphen + Prop gen - still OPEN
- 641 - numeral+noun compounds - still OPEN
- 644 - cased numeral+numeral compund - still OPEN
- 647 - numerals+NOUN - still OPEN
- 648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun - still OPEN
- 649 - name + adj compound without hyphen - still OPEN
- 650 - noun prefix+name compound without hyphen - still OPEN
- 658 - Suggestion saame - still OPEN
- 668 - caseforms, ordinals and collectives - NEW
- compile new speller lexicons (Tomi)
- document how compounding is controlled in the PLX conversion (Tomi)
Hyphenator bugs
Open issues based on test results :
- 468 - REGRESSION: Márkomeanu
- 547 - REGRESSION: hyphen in front of vowel: Lotnolasealáhusas
- 548 - REGRESSION: mid syllable hyphenation: Háliidivččen
- 549 - REGRESSION: division without hyph: Váccedettiin
- 673 - adj-derivations: guovttenuppelotčoarvvagiin (the word is not rec.)
- 677 - NEW: Wrongly hyphenated ending -danidja - invalid
- 545 - REGRESSION: bad hyphenation in compounds: åhpadusorganisásjåvnån
- 546 - REGRESSION: obligatory hyph rules seem to work in facultative
- 547 - REGRESSION: hyphen in front of vowel: Jienastimnjuolgadusá and
InDesign tools
We're waiting for an update from Polderland.
- update the Changes document (Sjur)
- InDesign documentation (Sjur)
- Norwegian translation received from Davvi Girji
- Norwegian translation received from Davvi Girji
- public hunspell beta - sometime in May
- public 1.1 update of the Polderland-based tools towards end of May
Corpus contracts + open source
Now decided to wait until we have changed from cvs to svn.
- publish corpus contracts and project infra as open-source on NoDaLi-sta
Next meeting, closing
The next meeting is 13.5.2008, 12.00 Norwegian time.
Jovsset is away next week.
Summer vacations for next meeting.
The meeting was closed at 12: 07.
Appendix - task lists for the next five days
- Hunspell lexicon conversion
- prepare migration to svn (with Sjur, Trond)
- release hunspell public beta during May (with Sjur)
- try to repair G5 accounts for iCal Server
- make a test-all target that runs all tests we have
- define and document testing routines
- fix bugs!
- follow up on sma corpus texts
- get the ped content ready
- Work on test routine with Trond and Sjur
- Put the list of possible sma corpus sources into a document
- try to find other authors who have smj texts digitaly.
- Work with missing list from texts written by Sigga Tuolja Sandström.
- Work with missing list same_dutkama_pgr.txt
- Work with missing list sameriekta_tjoahkkagæsos.txt
- Keep the contact with Ulf-Stefan Winka.
- fix bugs!
- add new XSL/XML headers for proofing test docs
- Set up ways of adding meta-information for proofing correct corpus docs
- implement the ped UI and functionality
- follow up on sma corpus texts
- name db/
- make an improved sma project plan
- publish corpus contracts and project infra as open-source on NoDaLi-sta
- prepare migration to svn (with Børre, Trond)
- release hunspell public beta at the end of April (with Børre)
- update the Changes document
- follow-up on some Polderland-related bugs: 621, 630, 652, 656
- InDesign documentation
- add CG regression test with Lene and Trond
- make a test-all target that runs all tests we have
- define and document testing routines
- fix bugs!
- look at test cases still not behaving properly
- review hunspell lexicon branch with Børre
- fix bugs!
- Hunspell lexicon conversion
- document how compounding is controlled in the PLX conversion
- fix double hyphen bugs
- Make a pedagogical speller (after MA thesis is delivered)
- fix bugs!
- Help Jovsset with vislcg3 and sma
- Set up Jabber for Lene, Kimme, Saara
- Prepare svn migration (with Sjur, Børre)
- Work on test routine with Lene and Sjur
- make a test-all target that runs all tests we have
- define and document testing routines
- fix bugs!.