
Meeting setup

  • Date: 18.10.2010
  • Time: 09.30 Norw. time
  • Place: Internet
  • Tools: SubEthaEdit, iChat


  • Dictionaries release plan
  • Divvun release plan

Cf. one of the following, depending on context:

  • the upper bar of the SEE window (provided you use the JSPWiki syntax mode)
  • the TOC in Forrest-rendered output, like HTML and PDF

Opening, agenda review, participants

  • Opened at 10: 02.
  • Present: Børre, Ciprian, Lene, Maja, Sjur, Thomas, Tomi, Trond
  • Absent:


  • status of smanob/nobsma
    • nobsma is too early - not really worked on
    • smanob - must be evaluated by Maja
  • status of smenob/nobsme
    • smenob - update only, it is ready
      • todo: generate forms (separate intelligent (for MacDict and StarDict, i.e., offline) vs. half-intelligent versions for mobile solutions vs. non-intellligent versions for web online dicts)
    • nobsme - not really worked on it yet
      • done: reverted smanob to nobsma; distributed by nob pos;
      • todo: merge doublings
  • release versions
    • platforms, formats, etc - what are we going to release? We need an exact list
  • user documentation
    • what do we need (more than we have?) - if so, who is going to write, where should it be available, in what languages?
  • installation packages? Do we need them, or is a DIY approach ok?
  • testing: we need to test technical functionality on all supported platforms, and this is work for more than one person
  • deadlines

New dictionary meeting Wednesday 9: 30, to conclude on whether to release or not.

smanob: Pro: - mange fleire oppslagsord enn 1.0-versjonen - ca 870 av dei 1000 vanlegaste orda finst i ordboka (ok dekning) Con: - for dårleg dekningsgrad - inkonsistensar i parallelle ordgrupper (inkoativar og passivar) - vanskelege ord som postp. adv, modale hjelpeverb har vi ikkje arbeidd med, og artiklane er for dårlege

nobsma og nobsme er utelukka, fordi vi ikkje har jobba med dei. Dei er automatisk genererte, og manglar ord for norske brukarar.

Konklusjon: ingen ordbøker 8. desember. Kanskje rundt 1. februar, eller mot påske. Det bestemmer vi seinare.


  • status of sma open issues (bugs: just the number, we won't spend time on the issues themselves; other open issues?)
  • documentation
  • v2.0 sticker
  • installer status
  • testing, esp. on MS Office 2010 (Win) and MS Office 2011 (Mac)
    • installation
    • uninstallation
    • usage (no crashes, correct language, etc)
  • user documentation - on our site, as part of the installer, etc.
  • web pages
  • deadlines

34 open bugs: TODO!!

  • 595 - prefix+name as split comp without hyphen
  • 619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails
  • 621 - hyphen-suggestions resulting in double hyphen
  • 629 - a taking part of compound
  • 634 - Prop gen + hyphen + Prop gen
  • 641 - numeral+noun compounds
  • 644 - cased numeral+numeral compounds
  • 647 - numerals+NOUN
  • 648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun
  • 652 - UPPERCASE-typos only get acronym-suggestions
  • 711 - numeral compounds and cases
  • 785 - does not recognize alphabet-abbr+noun
  • 802 - multi word proper nouns
  • 803 - FINJU-/VINJU- words accepted single-handed
  • 805 - Nouns+Acronyms
  • 826 - gæhtsani
  • 827 - VGen
  • 828 - magkeres
  • 829 - +A+Ord
  • 830 - +Ine and +Ela +Attr
  • 831 - gellie not recognized
  • 833 - Gerund odd stem
  • 834 - collective numerals
  • 837 - noun+adjective compounds
  • 845 - compounds with Pl+Gen in second part
  • 846 - non existent words accepted
  • 869 - sub-marked entries accepted by speller
  • 870 - Default compounding
  • 889 - number+case
  • 890 - proper nouns does not compound
  • 891 - millijovne is not recognized
  • 892 - noun+Acro without hyphen
  • 893 - wowels in compound - how should we resolve this?
  • 894 - hyphens or not in compounds

Prio for Maja:

  • sammensetinger
  • wowels in compound - how should we resolve this? - send til SGM i dag! - hvordan vil de normere dem med dobbelvokal- med eller uten bindestrek. info: bindestrek tre like vokaler. Bindestrek mellom alle ord som begynner med dobbelvokal i det andre ordet. Med Polderland - finsk har det slik: altid bindestrek mellom tre like vokaler. Foreløpig løsning.

Vokal + vokal ved ordgrense, der andre ordet byrjar på:

  1. lang vokal
  2. kort vokal
  3. diftong

Bindestrek eller ikkje mellom orda?

[Vow Vow ^ Vow]


Børre + Sjur + Leif Åge


nov 19: binaries, NSIS installer(s) from the Netherlands, new lexicons ready nov 22: installers ready nov 26: testing finished nov 29: backup compilation of lexicons dec 1: final compilation of lexicons, deadline for user documentation, sticker dec 2: deadline for cd image dec 3: cd burning dec 7: travelling dec 8: release