For parallelltekst mellom nord-, lule- og sørsamisk og evt. andre språk. I praksis vil det primært gjelde tekstar mellom norsk og dei tre samiske språka.
To månadsverk + overhead til UiT
- Handsame parallelltekstar frå statsadministrasjonen i korpus (programmerar)
- Parallellføre tekst på setnings- og ordnivå (datalingvist)
- Parallelle setningar og ord som del av datastøtta omsetjing i eit omsetjarverkty (programmerar, datalingvist)
Resultatet av a-c vil bli ein deskriptiv database over departementet sine tekstar, og eit grensesnitt omsetjarane kan bruke for å samanlikne omsetjingane sine med tidlegare omsetjingar.
Det trengst deretter mange månadsverk for å bearbeide materialet vidare til ei forvaltningsordbok:
- Leksikografisk arbeid med parallellistene (filolog * 3 språk)
- Utvide det terminologiske grunnlaget til fleire språk
Eit grovt overslag kunne vere ca 6 månadsverk pr språk.
Project plan
- Collect files, for each smX with parallel texts in nob (nno, eng, swe, smX?) (Børre)
- sme: XXX words
Governmental whitepapers
- Governmental web page documents, freecorpus/converted/sme/admin/depts/regjeringen.no/
- Saami parliament files: freecorpus/converted/sme/admin/sd/
Governmental whitepapers
- smj: YYY words
- Governmental pdf files, freecorpus/converted/smj/admin/depts/
- Governmental web page documents, freecorpus/converted/smj/admin/depts/regjeringen.no/
- Governmental pdf files, freecorpus/converted/smj/admin/depts/
- sma: ZZZs words
- Governmental pdf files, freecorpus/converted/smj/admin/depts/
- Governmental web page documents, freecorpus/converted/sma/admin/depts/regjeringen.no/
- Governmental pdf files, freecorpus/converted/smj/admin/depts/
- sme: XXX words
- Sentence align (Ciprian, Børre?)
- Word align (Francis)
- Make parallel wordlists
- Check for relevant vocabulary (nob frequency deviant from normal, i.e. nob words with higher frequency in the material than in a big reference corpus. What we would expect is (freq in big ref corpus / wordcount of ref corpus) x wordcount of material
- Make parallel wordlists
- Manual lexicographic work (Lexicographers)
- Go through the word pair lists and evaluate them
- The goal here is not a normative evaluation, but a descriptive:
- Remove erroneous alignments and keep good ones
- Remove erroneous alignments and keep good ones
- A normative term collection (these are the term pairs we want) is outside
- Go through the word pair lists and evaluate them
- Integrate the resulting list into Autshumato (Ciprian, etc.)
Gamle månadsrapportar
nob-sme files are in the folder $BIGGIES/gt/sme/corp/forvaltningsordbok/.
First 2000 words (sorted after confidence), have a look
- First 10000 words (sorted after nob), have a look
- Collect files, for each smX with parallel texts in nob (nno, eng, swe, smX?) (Børre)
- sme:
Governmental whitepapers -
- Governmental web page documents, freecorpus/converted/sme/admin/depts/regjeringen.no/ -
- Saami parliament files: freecorpus/converted/sme/admin/sd/ -
Governmental whitepapers -
- smj: YYY words
- Governmental pdf files, freecorpus/converted/smj/admin/depts/
- XXX documents, YYY words
- Governmental web page documents, freecorpus/converted/smj/admin/depts/regjeringen.no/
- XXX documents, YYY words
- Governmental pdf files, freecorpus/converted/smj/admin/depts/
- sma: ZZZs words
- Governmental pdf files, freecorpus/converted/smj/admin/depts/
- XXX documents, YYY words
- Governmental web page documents, freecorpus/converted/sma/admin/depts/regjeringen.no/
- XXX documents, YYY words
- Governmental pdf files, freecorpus/converted/smj/admin/depts/
- sme:
- Sentence align (Ciprian, Børre?)
- Word align (Francis)
- Make parallel wordlists
- Check for relevant vocabulary (nob frequency deviant from normal, i.e. nob words with higher frequency in the material than in a big reference corpus. What we would expect is (freq in big ref corpus / wordcount of ref corpus) x wordcount of material
- Make parallel wordlists
- Manual lexicographic work (Lexicographers)
- Go through the word pair lists and evaluate them
- The goal here is not a normative evaluation, but a descriptive:
- Remove erroneous alignments and keep good ones
- Remove erroneous alignments and keep good ones
- A normative term collection (these are the term pairs we want) is outside
- Go through the word pair lists and evaluate them
- Integrate the resulting list into Autshumato (Ciprian, etc.)
Original deadlines
- Collect files
- nob-sme: december
- nob-smj: january
- nob-sma: january
- nob-sme: december
- Sentence align
- nob-sme: january
- nob-smj: january
- nob-sma: january
- nob-sme: january
- Word align
- nob-sme: january
- nob-smj: january
- nob-sma: january
- nob-sme: january
- Term extraction
- nob-sme: january
- nob-smj: january
- nob-sma: january
- nob-sme: january
- Term evaluation
- nob-sme: febrary
- nob-smj: febrary
- nob-sma: febrary
- nob-sme: febrary
- Autshumato integration
- nob-sme: febrary
- nob-smj: febrary
- nob-sma: febrary
- nob-sme: febrary
- Evaluation, report
- nob-sme: march
- nob-smj: march
- nob-sma: march
- nob-sme: march
- March, 31st: Final report due.
Obsolete docu?
How to convert files to xml
Inside $GTFREE: find orig -type f | grep -v .svn | grep -v .xsl | grep -v .DS_Store | xargs convert2xml2.pl The output is thanks, «you gave me $numArgs files to process» and then . or | for each file that is processed. . means success, | means failure to convert a file. For a lot more verbose output to the terminal, use the --debug option After the conversion, get a summary of the converted files this way: java -Xmx2048m net.sf.saxon.Transform -it main $GTHOME/gt/script/corpus/ym_corpus_info.xsl inDir=$GTFREE/converted This results in a file corpus_report/corpus_summary.xml To find out which and how many files have no content, use this command: java -Xmx2048m net.sf.saxon.Transform -it main ../corpus/get-empty-docs.xsl inFile=`pwd`/corpus_report/corpus_summary.xml This results in a file out_emptyFiles/correp_emptyFiles.xml The second line tells how many empty files there are.