Log Extraction
User logs
NDS contains a few means of logging user interaction with the system:
- Google Analytics
- Dictionary Lookup Log
- HTTP access log
Google Analytics
Google Analytics tracks demographic and geographic information about use, and
tracks individual page views versus unique visitors. Many more detailed
possibilities are available here: users' devices, users' languages, how users
navigate the site, page views per visit, as well as live data for who is using
the site currently.
Dictionary Lookup Log
The dictionary lookup log contains one line per entry for each lookup that the
morpholexicon performs, from any source: the reader plugin and API, or from the
web interface directly. The file is tab separated, and the format is the
following, though the header isn't included in the file:
user_input success source_lemma target_definitions source_lang target_lang
Some sample data:
frynse True frynse riesaldat; riessat, riessut nob sme
munnje False nob sme
munnje True munnje, mun til meg; jeg sme nob
It is meant for easy grepping.
The file is stored in the main NDS server folder, as
Mostly error messages if the tools don't work. If they work, no problems.
HTTP access log
HTTP access logs allow for a little more detailed look at all of the resources
transferred by each page view, and make it possible to look only at page-views
to the API, or all page views. Anyone looking for statistics on usage of the
reader plugin will need to take a look at this. It is greppable, but because of
the file structure, it can be annoying to grep for very detailed things since
so much data is contained in each line, without consistent delimiters between
each piece of data. However, some good tools exist for browsing such log formats.