2014-01-09- Risten2 Meeting
We want the FAD material - see
... but as two different dictionaries/collections:
- smenob (src not fad)
- FAD-terminologi (src fad)
Pseudo code for splitting:
if e contains attribute src="fad", then the whole article goes to fad (and not to nobsme) elsif at least one t contains attribute src="fad", then lemma goes to fad and nobsme foreach t containing attr. src="fad" t goes to fad (and not nobsme) end foreach foreach t NOT containin src=fad t goes to nobsme end foreach else the article goes to nobsme endif
klangprøve = šuokŋaiskan is from GT (neither <e> nor <t> has FAD-label)
<e> <lg> <l pos="N">klangprøve</l> </lg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="sme"> <t pos="N">šuokŋaiskan</t> </tg> </mg> </e>
- (1) ordfører = ságajođiheaddji occurs only in GT (no label on <e> and no FAD-label on <t>)
<e> <lg> <l pos="N">ordfører</l> </lg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="sme"> <re>i en kommune</re> <t pos="N" type="NomAg" usage="vd">ságajođiheaddji</t> <t pos="N" type="NomAg" usage="vd" src="gt;fad">sátnejođiheaddji</t> </tg> </mg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="sme"> <re>i en gruppe</re> <t pos="N" src="fad">ságadoalli</t> </tg> </mg> </e>
- Both gjenstand = bierggas and gjenstand = dávvir and gjenstand = áhtu occur only in FAD (for each pair,
<e src="fad"> <lg> <l pos="N">gjenstand</l> </lg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="sme"> <t pos="N">bierggas</t> <t pos="N">dávvir</t> <t pos="N">áhtu</t> </tg> </mg> </e>
- store the resulting file sets in different dirs (check in in svn as well)
- add metadata to both dirs/file sets
- import into eXist/sátni.org