Cherokee morphological analyser
This file shows the Cherokee multichar symbols and initial lexica.
Definitions for Multichar_Symbols
Analysis symbols
(It is highly suggested to follow existing standards when adding new tags).
The parts-of-speech could perhaps also be (remove irrelevant):
- +N =
- +V =
- +A =
- +Adv =
- +Pron =
- +CS =
- +CC =
- +Adp =
- +Po =
- +Pr =
- +Interj =
- +Pcle =
- +Num =
- +Def =
- +Indef =
The parts of speech are further split up into:
- +Prop =
- +Pers =
- +Dem =
- +Interr =
- +Refl =
- +Recipr =
- +Rel =
- +Indef =
The Usage extents are marked using the following tags:
- +Err/Orth = Substandard forms
- +Use/-Spell = Not included in speller
The nominals are inflected in the following Number
- +Sg =
- +Pl =
The verbs can have the following morphological features:
- +Fut =
- +FutImp =
- +Hab =
- +Idl =
- +ImmPast =
- +Inf =
- +Ipl =
- +Prs =
- +PrsImp =
- +RemPast =
- +RepPast =
Verb prefixes
- @U.prefix.1sg@ =
- @U.prefix.2dl@ =
- @U.prefix.2pl@ =
- @U.prefix.2sg@ =
- @U.prefix.3pl@ =
- @U.prefix.3sg@ =
- @U.prefix.Edl@ =
- @U.prefix.Epl@ =
- @U.prefix.Idl@ =
- @U.prefix.Ipl@ =
The TAM flags
- @U.TAM.Present@ =
- @U.TAM.Habitual@ =
- @U.TAM.Future@ =
- @U.TAM.FutImp@ =
- @U.TAM.RemPast@ =
- @U.TAM.RepPast@ =
- @U.TAM.ImmPast@ =
- @U.TAM.PrsImp@ =
- @U.TAM.Infinitive@ =
- +ABBR = Abbreviations
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
- +ACR = Acronyms
Special symbols are classified with:
- +CLB = Clause boundary symbols
- +PUNCT = Other punctuation marks
- +LEFT = Left part of paired symbols
- +RIGHT = Right part of paired symbols
The verbs are syntactically split according to transitivity:
- +TV
- +IV
Special multiword units are analysed with:
- +Multi
Non-dictionary words can be recognised with:
- +Guess
The word forms in Cherokee start from the lexeme roots of basic
- VerbPrefixes ;