Continuation lexicons for Finnish abbreviations
Lexica for adding tags and periods
The sublexica
Continuation lexicons for abbrs both with and witout final period
Lexicons without final period
LEXICON ab-nodot-noun The bulk
Lexicons with final period
LEXICON ab-dot-noun This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period.
LEXICON ab-dot-adj This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period.
LEXICON ab-dot-adv This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period.
LEXICON ab-dot-num This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period.
LEXICON nodot-attrnomaccgen-infl
LEXICON nodot-nomaccgen-infl
LEXICON dot-attrnomaccgen-infl
LEXICON dot-nomaccgen-infl
LEXICON DOT - Adds the dot to dotted abbreviations.