Free and Open source Kiowa analyser giella-kio
- Authors
- Divvun and Giellatekno teams, community members
- Software version
- 2012
- Documentation license
- SVN Revision
- $Revision
: 68217 $ - SVN Date
- $Date
: 2013-01-16 11: 31: 33 +0200 (Wed, 16 Jan 2013) $
This is free and open source Kiowa morphology.
Definitions for Multichar_Symbols
Analysis symbols
- +N
- +V
- +Prop
- +Adv
- +CC
- +CS
- +Interj
- +Pron
- +Num
- +Arab
- +Rom
- +PUNCT = punctuation symbols
- +LEFT = the left part of a paired punctuation symbol
- +RIGHT = the right part of a paired punctuation symbol
- +CLB = clause boundary symbols
- +Loc Locative
- +Dim Diminutive
- +Ipc Indeclinable Particle
- +Dem Demonstrative
- +Def This is the intransitive demonstrative, i.e. the definite.
- +Prox Demonstrative Proximate
- +Med Demonstrative Medial
- +Dist Demonstrative Distal
- +Foc Focus particle
Verbal MSP
- +Prs
- +Fut
- +Prt
- +Prf
- +Cnj
- +Int This tag is for the Future Intentional
- +Def This tag is for the Future Definite
- +Ind Indicative, aka Independent
- +Imp Imperative, consider deleting +Imp tag
- +Del Delayed imperative
- +Imm Immediate imperative, consider deleting +Imp tag
- +Sbj Subjunctive, aka Conjunct mode, ê-
- +Cond TODO: Should Future Conditional be tagget Fut only? Conor: we will split the Future tags
- +1Sg first singular
- +2Sg etc
- +2Sg/Pl Used in the syncretic 2sg/pl -> 1pl in the VTA paradigms
- +3Sg
- +1Pl 1Pl is exclusive plural (I, them, not you)
- +2Pl
- +3Pl
- +12Pl 12Pl is inclusive plural (I, you, ...)
- +4Sg Fourth Person inanimate singlar (used only in the VII paradigms)
- +4Pl Fourth Person inanimate plural (used only in the VII paradigms)
- +4Sg/Pl
- +5Sg/Pl
- +1SgO objective conjugation
- +2SgO
- +2Sg/PlO Used in the syncretic 2sg/pl -> 1pl in the VTA paradigms
- +3SgO
- +SgO
- +1PlO
- +2PlO
- +3PlO
- +PlO
- +4Sg/PlO ambiguous 4th person (both Singular and Plural)
- +5Sg/PlO ambiguous 5th person (both Singular and Plural)
- +X Unspecified actor forms Okimāsis p. 118
Nominal MSP
- +Sg singular
- +Pl plural
- +Px1Sg person prefixes for nouns
- +Px2Sg
- +Px3Sg
- +Px4Sg
- +Px1Pl obviative
- +Px12Pl inclusive
- +Px2Pl
- +Px3Pl
- +Px4Pl
- +Der/Dim diminutive derivation
- RdplW+ Reduplication Type 1 (Weak)
- RdplS+ Reduplication Type 2 (Strong)
- +Der/Com Comitative circumfix (wîci-...-m)
- +Der/X VTI x-actor to VII-1
Verb conjugation (transitivity + animacy classes)
- +AI intransitive with animate subject,
- +II intransitive with inanimate subject,
- +TA transitive with animate object, and
- +TI transitive with inanimate object.
Noun animacy and dependency classes
- +A animate noun
- +I inanimate noun
- +D dependent noun
- +Incl me too, etc.
- +Qst yes-no question particle ci
The Usage extents are marked using following tags:
Flag diacritics
@U.person.1Sg@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.2Sg@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.3Sg@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.1Du@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.2Du@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.3Du@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.1Pl@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.2Pl@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.3Pl@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.1SgO@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.2SgO@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.3SgO@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.1DuO@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.2DuO@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.3DuO@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.1PlO@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.2PlO@ | IV person tags |
@U.person.3PlO@ | IV person tags |
crk flags
@P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed
@P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first |
@D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX |
@P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds |
@D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R |
@D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding |
@U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding |
@P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R |
@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root. |
Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper
@U.Cap.Obl@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
@U.Cap.Opt@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
The word forms in UNDEFINED language start from the lexeme roots of basic