This is free and open source South Sámi morphology.
Analysis symbols
The morphological analyses of wordforms of UDMURT language are presented
in this system in terms of following symbols.
(It is highly suggested to follow existing standards when adding new tags).
The parts-of-speech are:
The parts of speech are further split up into:
The Usage extents are marked using following tags:
The nominals are inflected in the following Case and Number
The possession is marked as such:
The comparative forms are:
Numerals are classified under:
Verb moods are:
+Cond Conditional
+Imprt Imperative
+Ind Indicative
+Opt Optional
Verb tenses are:
+Fut Future
+Prs Present
+PrtI Preterite One
+PrtII Preterite Two
Verb personal forms are:
Other verb forms are
Special symbols are classified with:
The verbs are syntactically split according to transitivity:
Special multiword units are analysed with:
Non-dictionary words can be recognised with:
Question and Focus particles:
Semantics are classified with
Derivations are classified under the morphophonetic form of the suffix, the
source and target part-of-speech.
To represent phonologic variations in word forms we use the following
symbols in the lexicon files:
And following triggers to control variation
We have manually optimised the structure of our lexicon using following
flag diacritics to restrict morhpological combinatorics:
The word forms in UNDEFINED language start from the lexeme roots of basic
word classes, or optionally from prefixes:
Undeveloped contlexes
AdjTag ;
AdvTag ;
AdjTag ;
AdvTag ;
DescrTag ;
AdjTag ;
AdvTag ;
PcleTag ;
AdjTag ;
NumTag ;
AdjTag ;
NTag ;
AdjTag ;
NTag ;
AdvTag ;
AdjTag ;
PrcTag ;
NTag ;
AdvTag ;
AdjTag ;
AdvTag ;
AdjTag ;
NTag ;
AdvTag ;
AdjTag ;
PronTag ;
AdvTag ;
NTag ;
AdvTag ;
NTag ;
PoTag ;
AdvTag ;
PoTag ;
AdvTag ;
PronTag ;
AdvTag ;
PronTag ;
NumTag ;
DescrTag ;
AdjTag ;
DescrTag ;
AdvTag ;
NTag ;
DescrTag ;
NTag ;
DescrTag ;
NTag ;
AdjTag ;
GerTag ;
ConjTag ;
GerTag ;
PoTag ;
AdjTag ;
NumTag ;
NTag ;
AdjTag ;
PcleTag ;
NTag ;
AdvTag ;
NTag ;
AdvTag ;
DescrTag ;
NTag ;
DescrTag ;
NTag ;
NumTag ;
NTag ;
PrcTag ;
PcleTag ;
NTag ;
PcleTag ;
NTag ;
PoTag ;
NTag ;
VTag ;
NTag ;
VTag ;
PronTag ;
PcleTag ;
AdjTag ;
AdvTag ;
PoTag ;
PcleTag ;
PoTag ;
AdvTag ;
PronTag ;
PronTag ;
NumTag ;
PronTag ;
NumTag ;
AdvTag ;
PronTag ;
PcleTag ;
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