Corpus DTD -format
Draft [X] Proposal [ ] Approved [ ]
Version | Date | Explanation | Author |
0.1 | 14.3.2005 | Initial transformation from newsgroup | Tomi |
Content structure
document (header, body) header (fileDesc, sourceDesc) fileDesc (title, translatedFrom, genre) title traslatedFrom (nob|nno|fin|swe|...) genre (fact|fiction|religion) fact (adm|news|science|...) fiction (prose|poetry|...) religion (bible|...) sourceDesc (author, year, place, publDesc) author (name, age, sex, nationality) year place publDesc (publisher, idno) idno body (text) text (title | paragraph | list | table | section) + section (title | paragraph | list | table | section) + list (li+) table (row+) row (cell+)
Formal TEI conformant DTD
FIXME (Tomi)
To be added
by Tomi Pieski