
Change wordorder

From pr to post

Example sme: maŋŋel can be both pr and post, maŋa is post


<e><p><l>maŋŋel<s n="pr"/></l><r>maŋa<s n="post"/></r></p></e>
<e><p><l>maŋŋel<s n="post"/></l><r>maŋa<s n="post"/></r></p></e>

sme-smn t1x: REGLA: prep to postp: adding pr_po as name to the chunk, we change order in t2x

    <rule comment="REGLA: prep to postp">
        <pattern-item n="prep"/>
        <call-macro n="remove-semtag1"><with-param pos="1"/></call-macro>
        <let><clip pos="1" side="tl" part="a_func"/><lit v=""/></let>
         <when><test><and><equal><clip pos="1" side="sl" part="a_adpos"/><lit-tag v="pr"/></equal>
                          <equal><clip pos="1" side="tl" part="a_adpos"/><lit-tag v="post"/></equal>
           <let><var n="adpos_chunk_name"/><lit v="pr_po"/></let></when>
           <let><var n="adpos_chunk_name"/><lit v="pr_pr"/></let>
          <chunk namefrom="adpos_chunk_name" case="caseFirstWord">
              <tag><lit-tag v="SN"/></tag>
              <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="whole"/>

sme-smn t2x: REGLA: PR_PO - here we change the order from 1 2 to 2 1

    <def-cat n="PR_PO">
       <cat-item lemma="pr_po" tags="*"/>

    <rule comment="REGLA: PR_PO">
       		<pattern-item n="PR_PO"/>
       	 	<pattern-item n="GenCompl"/>
					<clip pos="2" part="whole"/>
				<b pos="1"/>
					<clip pos="1" part="whole"/>

From SOV to SVO

sme-smn t1x: category obj_l (object to left) when function tag is @OBJ→. All the other function tags are category nom.
see REGLA: OBJ to left

sme-smn t2x: REGLA: OBJ - here we change the order from 1 2 to 2 1

<rule comment="REGLA: OBJ">
       <pattern-item n="OBJL"/>
       <pattern-item n="SV"/>
        	<clip pos="2" part="whole"/>
      	<b pos="1"/>
        	<clip pos="1" part="whole"/>