Konteaksta Adding New Topics
Instructions for extending Konteaksta with new exercise topics
Every time you have to create a new topic (such as SubstantiveSingular, VerbConjugation, Object etc.) you have to do the following:
- Edit the source code
a) Create a new directory YourTopic under src/main/webapp/activities/ by making a copy of an existing sub-directory. Edit the file activity.xml. Change the tag sequences that identify the words you are looking for and the name of the post processing descriptor file (desc/operators/vislcg3PostProc_YourTopic.xml).
b) Add a new file yourtopic.js under src/main/resources/firefox-extension/werti/chrome/content/ and adapt this file by doing replacements PreviousTopic -> YourTopic. Do the same in src/main/webapp/js-lib/.
c) Create new UIMA descriptor files in desc/enhancers/ (vislcg3YourTopic.xml) and in desc/operators/ (vislcg3PostProc_YourTopic.xml). The easiest way: make copies of the corresponding files of any working topic and make the necessary replacements - replace PreviousTopic by YourTopic.
d) Create the corresponding Java file under src/main/java/werti/uima/enhancer/ (VislCG3YourTopicEnhancer.java)
e) Define a new css-style for the colorize exercise ( .colorizeStyleYourTopic ) in src/main/resources/firefox-extension/werti/chrome/content/wertiview.css
f) Add link to the src/main/webapp/index.html
g) Add mapping to "dict" in src/main/java/werti/util/HTMLEnhancer.java
- Rebuild and redeploy the package. Restart the web server.
You have to do the following in order to see the effect of your changes:
a) Sometimes, particularly if you have deleted some files from the src/ directory, it is useful to clean up the target first:
mvn clean
b) Building the package can be done by launching the script
in the package root directory.
c) After adding a new topic, restarting Tomcat is always recommended: