This page contains documentation for programmers. See also the
The files are, as always, in ped/LANG_oahpa/, except for North Sámi where the the prefix univ is used instead of sme.
Numra differs from Morfa in not using the MySQL database, but using transducers directly.
The transducers behind numra are stored in $GTHOME/langs, and are the following (where $LANG is the iso code for your language):
- Cardinal and ordinal numbers: $LANG/src/transcriptions/transcriptor-numbers-digit2text.lexc
- Clock: $LANG/src/transcriptions/transcriptor-clock-digit2text.lexc
- Date: $LANG/src/transcriptions/transcriptor-date-digit2text.lexc
Note that the order of
The files governing the four programs are num.html, num_ord.html, clock.html, date.html. These files are found here:
- for sme: ped/univ_oahpa/univ_drill/templates/,
- for sma: ped/smaoahpa/smadrill/templates/
- for all other languages: ped/LANG_oahpa/LANG_drill/templates/, where
- LANG = the iso code of the language in question
These files refer to the fsts on gtoahpa and gtlab, in the /opt/smi/ catalogue there. Oahpa versions
Debugging lexc inconsistency
Unfortunately, the Numra transducers were from the beginning written in two different directions, as referred to above. Instead of correcting this, this inconcistency was projected over to new languages, and into the Oahpa code. During the Oahpa newinfra project this should be fixed, in the following way:
- in $GTHOME/langs/LANG/src/transcriptors, the files should get intended filenames DONE
- The lexc content should be harmonised to the 2:two pattern PARTLY DONE
- The same filename should be used in /opt/LANG/ PARTLY DONE
- The same filename (and 2:two pattern) should be used in the Oahpa code PARTLY DONE
The command (in ped/)
grep -A1 'class NumGame' *_oahpa/*_drill/
reveals that file references for appr. half of the Numras have been updated.
To sum up: Such file names are in use in /opt/smi/ and the Numra code:
- WRONG: smn-num.fst
- WRONG: transcriptor-numbers2text-desc.xfst
- Correct: transcriptor-numbers-digit2text.filtered.lookup.xfst
Class inheritance structure
The class inheritance structure for the three Numra modes Numra, Klokka
Overall, methods and classes in LANG_drill/ call methods in LANG_drill/,
There is room for some decoupling of functionality in LANG_drill/ and LANG_drill/ as development progresses.
- Common for all Numra-games:
- Cardinals & Ordinals
- … (relevant classes for this program)
- … (relevant classes for this program)
- NumGame (see docstrings for method information)
- NumGame (see docstrings for method information)
- ...
- Klokka
- Klokka (subclass of NumGame)
- Subclass contains filenames of the question/answer FSTs, and depends on settings.FST_DIRECTORY
- Subclass contains filenames of the question/answer FSTs, and depends on settings.FST_DIRECTORY
- Subclass of NumGame, results in need to only override NumGame.get_db_info and NumGame.create_form
- Dato
- class DatoSettings(KlokkaSettings)
- class DatoQuestion(KlokkaQuestion)
- class DatoSettings(KlokkaSettings)
- class Dato(Klokka)
- only needs to override Klokka.get_db_info, simple class.
- def get_db_info(self, db_info)
- class Dato(Klokka)
- within class Numview(Gameview):
- def num_date
- within class Numview(Gameview):
The files are the following:
templates/LANG_oahpa_main.html templates/LANG_oahpa.html LANG_drill/templates/game.html LANG_drill/templates/num.html LANG_drill/templates/num_ord.html LANG_drill/templates/clock.html LANG_drill/templates/dato.html
Documentation of the content production
Documentation on the interplay between fsts and the django code
Generating questions
- generate a question and the correct answer(s) (create_form)
- - hours = random(0..23)
- - minutes =
- random(0, 30) (level=easy)
- random(0, 15, 30, 45) (level=medium)
- random(0 .. 59) (level=hard)
- random(0, 30) (level=easy)
- - "hours: minutes" are piped to lookup transcriptor-clock2text-desc.xfst > norm_list
- - create a KlokkaQuestion object where
- question = hours: minutes
- acceptable answers = norm_list
- correct answer(s) = norm_list
- question = hours: minutes
- - hours = random(0..23)
Analysing answers
- analyse the answer (check_answer)
- - user's answer is piped to lookup transcriptor-text2clock-desc.xfst > num_list
- - if there is a (textual time, numeric time) pair in num_list such that
- - user's answer is piped to lookup transcriptor-text2clock-desc.xfst > num_list
Note that the facit-gen-fst is still not made.
The different types of Numra
There are four different subprograms, each with its transducers in the opt catalogue
The transducers
Numra cardinal and Numra ordinal
class NumGame(Game):
generate_fst = 'transcriptor-numbers-digit2text.filtered.lookup.xfst' answers_fst = 'transcriptor-numbers-text2digits.filtered.lookup.xfst'
Numra clock
class Klokka(NumGame):
generate_fst = 'transcriptor-clock-digit2text.filtered.lookup.xfst' answers_fst = 'transcriptor-clock-text2digit.filtered.lookup.xfst'
Numra date
class Dato(Klokka):
generate_fst = 'transcriptor-date-digit2text.filtered.lookup.xfst' answers_fst = 'transcriptor-date-text2digit.filtered.lookup.xfst'
Numra money
class Dato(Money) -- perhaps? -- check the class name:
generate_fst = 'transcriptor-money-digit2text.filtered.lookup.xfst' answers_fst = 'transcriptor-money-text2digit.filtered.lookup.xfst'
The source files
The source files are in $LANG/src/transcriptions/*.lexc.
Documenting +Use/NG and +Use/NA
- +Use/NG = not-generate, for ped generation isme-ped.fst
- +Use/NA = not-analyse, for restricting analyses needed for MT generation not to pop up elsewhere
Thus, ignore the +Use/NA tag for Oahpa/Numra purposes. Use +Use/NG for forms you want to
The +Use/NG (and +Use/NA) are handled in the file LANG/am-shared/,