
Installing django


Univ_oahpa currently uses virutalenv to maintain all necessary dependent packages, but with some exceptions (outlined below).

Exceptional prerequisites

Univ_oahpa depends on python-mysql, which, depending on your system, will require development libraries for mysql to be installed. For systems with package managers, this should be easy:

With aptitude:

    sudo apt-get install python-dev
    sudo apt-get install mysql-devel

With yum:

    sudo yum install python-devel
    sudo yum install mysql-devel

Configuring a virtualenv for univ_oahpa

1. Check out the univ_oahpa source, and install virtualenv. 2. Create a virtual environment in some location where you will see it:

 virtualenv path/to/env 

3. Activate the virtual environment by sourcing its activation file:

 . path/to/env/bin/activate 

4. Locate requirements.txt within the univ_oahpa source branch, and run pip with it:

 pip install -r path/to/requirements.txt 

5. Have some coffee or tea.


univ_oahpa's user log also includes geographical information on each user interaction, and this is handled with GeoIP, which must be compiled for each system you are using it on, and cannot be checked into the source tree.

For detailed install instructions see our GeoIP notes.

Install Django locally

To test applications and interfaces, install Django to your own computer (as with the documentation system forrest). Follow the instructions in Django Quick install guide: Install Python (you probably have it already) and Install Django. Select the option "Install an official release", to assure compatibility with django on the gtoahpa and gtlab servers..

Go to gtoahpa (for the stable Oahpa versons) or to gtlab (for the Oahpa versions with URLs containing the word testing) and start mysql with the administrator username and password. Grant access to yourself:

$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> GRANT all ON oahpa.* TO 'your-username'@'your-own-ip-address';

Edit the file ped/LANG_oahpa/ (LANG being a variable for your own target language) in your own computer with the following information (evt. exchanging gtoahpa with gtlab):

DATABASE_USER = 'your-username'
DATABASE_PORT = '' (port number)

And, finally, you need to create a language directory for the target language. Django should be installed in /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/ -directory. Look at that directory for django/conf/locale -directory. Create the target language directory and copy the locale settings there from e.g. the no locale directory:

mkdir your_pythonlib/django/conf/locale/sme
cp your_pythonlib/django/conf/locale/no/django.* $(djangopath)/django/conf/locale/sme/

Then start the web development server in your own computer:

cd ped/LANG_oahpa/
python runserver

The pages should be available in Consult the Django manual if there are problems with this part. With the remote logging to the database, you need to ask one of the programmers.

In the sandbox, it is possible to test the changes to the code and to html pages. After the pages are working, check them in to svn and update the official version on the server.

Tronds notes on howto

This is how to do it on my machine

Check in the control panel that MySQL is running: Click on it and see the green running word.

MySQL browser

check that in $GTHOME/ped/LANG_oahpa/, the parameters are:

(to be filled in by a programmer)

Then start the web development server in your own computer:

cd $GTHOME/ped/LANG_oahpa/
python runserver

The pages should be available in Consult the Django manual if there are problems with this part. With the remote logging to the database, you need to ask the programmers.

In the sandbox, it is possible to test the changes to the code and to html pages. After the pages are working, check them in to svn and update the official version in on the relevant server (gtoahpa, gtweb).

Some caveats with the local installation on MacOS:

  • if you have two different python versions, both in

and in


you have to configure the Django installation as required (see, for instance, this site)

  • if you have problems starting the sandbox web server and get the following error:
~/Django/someAppl>python  runserver 
Validating models...
Unhandled exception in thread started by <function inner_run at 0x6c1f70>
Traceback (most recent call last):
    from django.db import models, connection
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/", line 22, in <module>
    backend = __import__('%s.base' % settings.DATABASE_ENGINE, {}, {}, [''])
ImportError: No module named dummy.base

you might lack the py25-hashlib package

sudo port install py25-hashlib

Your own database

Sometimes it would be good idea to have a replicate also from the oahpa-database, e.g. when you are testing new games. First install mysql: See also database installation instructions in

Look at the file /etc/my.cnf. It should have these utf8-values:



Start the server with command:

sudo mysqld_safe &

Set root password and create a new user account:

mysqladmin -u root password "mypassword"

Look for manuals to create own user etc, but you may use the root as well. Next, create the database:

mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database oahpa character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
mysql> exit;

Change the local settings in ped/oahpa/

DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'myspassword'

Add the PYTHONPATH of the OAHPA! project in your .bashrc file:

export PYTHONPATH=$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/gtsvn/ped:$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/gtsvn/ped/oahpa:$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/gtsvn/ped/oahpa/drill

Adjust paths in ped/oahpa/

lookup = "$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/bin/lookup"

Adjust paths in ped/oahpa/drill/

fstdir="$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/gtsvn/gt/" + language + "/bin"
lookup ="$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/bin/lookup"

Start installing the database information:

cd ped/oahpa
python syncdb
python -r ../sme/src/paradigms.txt -t ../sme/src/tags.txt -b
python -r ../sme/src/paradigms.txt -t ../sme/src/tags.txt -f ../sme/xml/nouns.xml

Install everything you need starting from the lexicons.

Start Django locally:

python runserver

Possible problem:

  • if you get a DB connection error, for instance
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/mysql/mysql.sock'

first, find the mysql socket

~>mysqladmin variables | grep socket
| socket                                  | /tmp/mysql.sock 

and then, change the value of the DATABASE_HOST in ped/oahpa/ accordingly:

DATABASE_HOST = '/tmp/mysql.sock'