Below, catalogue names written in capitals are variables:
- OAHPA = oahpa, nu_oahpa, univ_oahpa, bxr_oahpa, crk_oahpa, ...
- DRILL = drill, bxr_drill, ...
Overall look
- The css-settings reside in ped/OAHPA/media/css/OAHPA.css
- Note that sme oahpa is found in both either oahpa or univ_oahpa,
- Note also that there is a lack of correspondence in the css naming,
- Note that sme oahpa is found in both either oahpa or univ_oahpa,
- The main page for OAHPA is defined in
- The basic look for all the games (divs, menubars) are given in the file
- The file game.html in ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates contains
In addition, it is possible to alter the pages of individual games by
ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/mgame_n.html (Morfa for nouns) ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/mgame_l.html (Morfa numerals) ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/mgame_a.html (Morfa for adjectives) ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/mgame_v.html (Morfa for verbs) ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/leksa.html (Leksa common nouns) ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/leksa_place.html (Leksa placenames) ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/num.html (Numra cardinal) ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/num_ord.html (Numra ordinals) ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/clock.html (Numra clock) ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/dato.html (Numra date) ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/vasta.html ped/OAHPA/DRILL/templates/sahka.html
Game pages involve definitions from several html-pages. For example, S-MORFA: mgame_x.html, mgame.html, game.html and oahpa.html.
The files contain template tags like the following:
{% block navbar %} .. {% endblock %}
They enable several pages to be generated from one source file. In
If you want to update a text in English, write inside the trans-tags in the html-file for the main page or the game :
{% trans ".." %}
To make a new box for option xxx in Leksa Placenames under geography choices, you have to add this to the files:
1. oahpa/drill/ GEOGRAPHY_CHOICES = ('xxx', _('xxx')), and # For placename quizz xxx = forms.BooleanField(required=False,initial=0) 2. oahpa/drill/ if 'xxx' in self.settings['geography'].append('xxx') 3. oahpa/drill/templates/quizz_n.html: {{ }}{% trans "xxx" %}<br/>