Meeting March the 6th and 11th:

Antti, Megan, Lene


  • nêhiyawêtân: what needs to be done
  • the files
  • Using Toolbox
  • Evaluation
  • the curriculum, and what tasks to make
  • itwewina

nêhiyawêtân:what needs to be done

  • move to gtoahpa-server (Heli - after updating the lexicons)
  • update lexicon: nouns should be ok, in the verb-files there are question marks about translation and orthography
    The csv-files for verbs and particles are newer than the xml files
  • which localization: eng, fra?, crk? (tooltip localization?)
  • do we want lexicon crk-fra?
  • do we want grammar explanations?
  • make more audiofiles? - esp. words from the first units
  • make more MorfaS and MorfaC tasks (pick topics from the curriculum)
  • make files for morphological feedback
  • make a nêhiyawêtân logo, and crk names for MorfaS and MorfaC ?


  • /ped/crk_oahpa/ -- systemfiles (Heli does most of the work here)
  • /ped/crk/src/ -- lexiconfiles with linguistic information both for the menu (e.g. what to practise, give colour to AN words, for morphological tips), these are used for paradigm generation
gilgamesh:~ arppe$ less giellatekno/ped/crk/src/N_crk.xml | grep '<e>' | wc -l
gilgamesh:~ arppe$ less giellatekno/ped/crk/src/V_crk.xml | grep '<e>' | wc -l
There are csv-file for verbs and particles which contain much more )
  • /ped/crk/engcrk/ -- lexiconfiles for eng crk
  • /ped/crk/fracrk/ -- lexiconfiles for fra crk
  • /ped/crk/meta/ -- source files for MorfaC, morphological tips, paradigm generation...
  • /ped/crk/media/ -- audiofiles

Using Toolbox and generate to the crk/src/ and crk/engcrk/ lexicons

  • That means that all changes has to be done in the original files, and all work has to be done in Edmonton
  • Files in the other directories will not be generated from Toolbox
  • AA to comment

Evaluation of nêhiyawêtân and the use of itwewina(?)

  • Before the course starts, everything has to be thoroughly tested and improved who will test it?
  • two courses A: May 4-22 B: May 25-June 10 (each course 12 course days?)
  • students can use nêhiyawêtân and itwewina the whole course
  • give instructions to students about how to use MorfaS and MorfaC for the chosen *grammar topics
  • observe the use?
  • questionnaries before and after
  • interviews?
  • analyse the logs

The curriculum - the first course

The units of the course book, and comments on what we have tasks for already in the demo version:

  1. greetings, food, dinnerware (nouns)
  2. animals (nouns), -- Morfa: AI verbs
    1. AI verbs: independent mode and conjunct mode: paradigm, + imperative
    2. pronouns: all persons
  3. Parts of the body (nouns) - Morfa: locative and diminutive, plural, AI verbs
    1. Possession in all persons,
    2. Diminutives. Morfa
    3. Some preverbs/prefixes? for nouns,
    4. Locatives, Tense markers for verbs for AI, Yes/no questions -- MorfaC
  4. Kinship terms -- Morfa: possessives to Sg
    1. more possession
    2. TI verbs with short -a ending paradigm (The other TI verbs follow the AI paradigm) ??make for Morfa??
    3. TA verbs (these have the most complicated paradigm)
  5. Word derivations
  6. Colours and descriptions
    1. II verbs -- ???? - colours and weather conditions, Leksa or Morfa?
    2. Verbal suffixes
  7. Getting around in Cree
    1. More verbs
    2. nouns: vocative
    3. particles
    4. preverbs
  8. Counting and telling time
    1. particles
    2. preverbs
    3. conjugation of verbs
  9. Dates and money - in Numra already -
  10. Occupations, clothing and animals
    1. More particles and AI verbs
    2. More translative verbs
  11. Review


change the direction from crkeng to engcrk-algoritm. The algoritm could be:

  1. use the keywords but skip the most frequent ones, like ‘in’, ‘into’, ‘self’
  2. make a list for all the keywords (with frequencies) to find out which keywords to skip
  3. transform the keywords into <l> elements in engcrk
  4. transform the English translation into <re> element in engcrk
  5. merge the entries in the engcrk, each entry with the same keyword as an <mg> element under the keyword (we have scripts for this)
akohcimêw	 ᐊᑯᐦᒋᒣᐤ	 VTA-1	 s/he puts s.o. into water, s/he soaks s.o. in water, 
s/he immerses s.o. in water	 put ;; immerse ;; soak ;; into ;; in ;; 
water	 /akoht-/ ;; /-im/	 Cree: pC  Independent, 3s-3’		
 Action		 /akoht-/ + /-im/	 akohcim-
174 ‘into’
388 ‘in’
316 ‘self’

kitiskinêw	 ᑭᑎᐢᑭᓀᐤ	 VTA-1	 s/he drops s.o. accidentally; 
s/he fumble s.o. (e.g. ball)	 
drop ;; accidentally ;; fumble ;; ball	 /kitisk-/ ;; /-n/	 
Cree: pC  Independent, 3s-3’ /kitisk-/ + /-n/	 
kitiskin-	 kiciskinêw		

    <l pos="N">ball</l>
    <tg xml:lang="crk">
      <t pos="N">pâkahatowân</t>
  <tg xml:lang="crk">
    <re>ball for kicking, football</re>
    <t pos="N">kwâskwênatowâ</t>
  <tg xml:lang="crk">
    <re>s/he drops accidentally e.g. a ball</re>
    <t pos="V">kitiskinêw</t>

    <l pos="V">drop</l>
  <tg xml:lang="crk">
     <re>s/he drops something accidentally</re>
     <t pos="V">kitiskinêw </t>

    <l pos="V">fumble</l>
   <tg xml:lang="crk">
    <re>s/he fumbles so he drops something accidentally</re>
    <t pos="V">kitiskinêw </t>

    <l pos="Adv">accidentally</l>
  <tg xml:lang="crk">
    <t pos="Ipc">xxxxxx</t>
  <tg xml:lang="crk">
    <re>s/he drops something accidentally</re>
    <t pos="V">kitiskinêw </t>