Meeting March the 6th and 11th:
- nêhiyawêtân: what needs to be done
- the files
- Using Toolbox
- Evaluation
- the curriculum, and what tasks to make
- itwewina
nêhiyawêtân:what needs to be done
- move to gtoahpa-server (Heli - after updating the lexicons)
- update lexicon: nouns should be ok, in the verb-files there are question marks about translation and orthography
The csv-files for verbs and particles are newer than the xml files - which localization: eng, fra?, crk? (tooltip localization?)
- do we want lexicon crk-fra?
- do we want grammar explanations?
- make more audiofiles? - esp. words from the first units
- make more MorfaS and MorfaC tasks (pick topics from the curriculum)
- make files for morphological feedback
- make a nêhiyawêtân logo, and crk names for MorfaS and MorfaC ?
- /ped/crk_oahpa/ -- systemfiles (Heli does most of the work here)
- /ped/crk/src/ -- lexiconfiles with linguistic information both for the menu (e.g. what to practise, give colour to AN words, for morphological tips), these are used for paradigm generation
gilgamesh:~ arppe$ less giellatekno/ped/crk/src/N_crk.xml | grep '<e>' | wc -l 258 gilgamesh:~ arppe$ less giellatekno/ped/crk/src/V_crk.xml | grep '<e>' | wc -l 22 There are csv-file for verbs and particles which contain much more )
- /ped/crk/engcrk/ -- lexiconfiles for eng crk
- /ped/crk/fracrk/ -- lexiconfiles for fra crk
- /ped/crk/meta/ -- source files for MorfaC, morphological tips, paradigm generation...
- /ped/crk/media/ -- audiofiles
Using Toolbox and generate to the crk/src/ and crk/engcrk/ lexicons
- That means that all changes has to be done in the original files, and all work has to be done in Edmonton
- Files in the other directories will not be generated from Toolbox
- AA to comment
Evaluation of nêhiyawêtân and the use of itwewina(?)
- Before the course starts, everything has to be thoroughly tested and improved
- two courses A: May 4-22 B: May 25-June 10 (each course 12 course days?)
- students can use nêhiyawêtân and itwewina the whole course
- give instructions to students about how to use MorfaS and MorfaC for the chosen *grammar topics
- observe the use?
- questionnaries before and after
- interviews?
- analyse the logs
The curriculum - the first course
- greetings, food, dinnerware (nouns)
- animals (nouns), -- Morfa: AI verbs
- AI verbs: independent mode and conjunct mode: paradigm, + imperative
- pronouns: all persons
- AI verbs: independent mode and conjunct mode: paradigm, + imperative
- Parts of the body (nouns) - Morfa: locative and diminutive, plural, AI verbs
- Possession in all persons,
- Diminutives. Morfa
- Some preverbs/prefixes? for nouns,
- Locatives, Tense markers for verbs for AI, Yes/no questions -- MorfaC
- Possession in all persons,
- Kinship terms -- Morfa: possessives to Sg
- more possession
- TI verbs with short -a ending paradigm (The other TI verbs follow the AI paradigm) ??make for Morfa??
- TA verbs (these have the most complicated paradigm)
- more possession
- Word derivations
- Colours and descriptions
- II verbs -- ???? - colours and weather conditions, Leksa or Morfa?
- Verbal suffixes
- II verbs -- ???? - colours and weather conditions, Leksa or Morfa?
- Getting around in Cree
- More verbs
- nouns: vocative
- particles
- preverbs
- More verbs
- Counting and telling time
- particles
- preverbs
- conjugation of verbs
- particles
- Dates and money - in Numra already -
- Occupations, clothing and animals
- More particles and AI verbs
- More translative verbs
- More particles and AI verbs
- Review
- use the keywords but skip the most frequent ones, like ‘in’, ‘into’, ‘self’
- make a list for all the keywords (with frequencies) to find out which keywords to skip
- transform the keywords into <l> elements in engcrk
- transform the English translation into <re> element in engcrk
- merge the entries in the engcrk, each entry with the same keyword as an <mg> element under the keyword (we have scripts for this)
akohcimêw ᐊᑯᐦᒋᒣᐤ VTA-1 s/he puts s.o. into water, s/he soaks s.o. in water, s/he immerses s.o. in water put ;; immerse ;; soak ;; into ;; in ;; water /akoht-/ ;; /-im/ Cree: pC Independent, 3s-3’ Action /akoht-/ + /-im/ akohcim- 174 ‘into’ 388 ‘in’ 316 ‘self’ kitiskinêw ᑭᑎᐢᑭᓀᐤ VTA-1 s/he drops s.o. accidentally; s/he fumble s.o. (e.g. ball) drop ;; accidentally ;; fumble ;; ball /kitisk-/ ;; /-n/ Cree: pC Independent, 3s-3’ /kitisk-/ + /-n/ kitiskin- kiciskinêw
<e> <lg> <l pos="N">ball</l> </lg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="crk"> <t pos="N">pâkahatowân</t> </tg> </mg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="crk"> <re>ball for kicking, football</re> <t pos="N">kwâskwênatowâ</t> </tg> </mg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="crk"> <re>s/he drops accidentally e.g. a ball</re> <t pos="V">kitiskinêw</t> </tg> </mg> </e> <e> <lg> <l pos="V">drop</l> </lg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="crk"> <re>s/he drops something accidentally</re> <t pos="V">kitiskinêw </t> </tg> </mg> </e> <e> <lg> <l pos="V">fumble</l> </lg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="crk"> <re>s/he fumbles so he drops something accidentally</re> <t pos="V">kitiskinêw </t> </tg> </mg> </e> <e> <lg> <l pos="Adv">accidentally</l> </lg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="crk"> <t pos="Ipc">xxxxxx</t> </tg> <mg> <tg xml:lang="crk"> <re>s/he drops something accidentally</re> <t pos="V">kitiskinêw </t> </tg> </mg> </e>