Meeting 25. March 2015

Antti, Megan, Lene

The Cree course

Megan has talked to Atticus about the course vs nêhiyawêtân

He liked (what we currently have):

  • context-based practice of inflected forms instead paradigm lists

Ideas for new features

  • vowel length:
    • audio (Leksa: listen to audio file, write the word)
    • hint about the wrong vowel length, in Leksa
  • pictures in addition/in stead of word in Leksa
  • Cree texts - and translating/reading
  • questions as audio file, write the answer (Sahka, Vasta)

Megan's work

Megan needs for her work

  • xml editor
  • svn on a windows machine:
  • Add Megan's email to the svn-server

Files to work with: verb.csv and part.csv:

  • If discrepancies in the verb.csv:
    • correct the lemma in the csv file, or
    • add the lemma to the FST, or
    • exclude the lemme from Morfa
  • Lene will have a look at the lemmas and will write an email
pêtawêw __ V __ TA __ s/he brings it to for AN __ HUMAN_V __ I1 __ exclM
wîkiw __ V __ AI __ s/he lives at, he lives at, she lives at __ HUMAN_V __ I4
atoskêw __ V __ AI __ s/he works, she works, he works, works __ HUMAN_V __ I4
itohtêw __ V __ AI __ s/he goes, she goes, he goes __ HUMAN_V __ I4
isiyihkâsow __ V __ AI __ s/he is named, she is named, he is named, s/he is called, she is called, he is called __ x __ I4
isiyihkâcikâtêw (isîyihkâtew?) __ V __ II __ it is named __ x __ I4
isîyihkâta? __ V __ TI __ s/he names IN, he names IN, she names IN __ x __ I4
isîyihkâs? __ V __ TA __ s/he names AN, he names AN, she names AN __ x __ I4

Verb paradigms

Maskwawîs vs Okimasis

Jordan's report from CILLDI morphology lectures in Maskwacîs last weekend:

Conor and I have been down in Maskwacîs over the past two days, working on paradigms with students in the CILLDI class. So far all of the inflectional morphology in the Maskwacîs dialect seems to match with what is in Jean's grammar book... with one exception:

VAI Future Conditional (see page 36 in Jean's book)

Jean gives these suffix forms:

  • 1p: -yâhki
  • 21: -yahko

But for the Maskwacîs speakers, the forms they use are:

  • 1p: -yâhki
  • 21: -yahki

Implementering på gtoahpa serveren

Lene's todos:

  • update lemmas and so on for generating
  • ask Heli to install at the gtoahpa-serveren
  • start creating feedback files

Work in lexc

Atticus to be instructed that changes to FST should be accompanied by corresponding changes to the yaml-files (has requested more work hours, so could spend some time on this).


  • all noun tests pass
  • not all verb tests pass. Problems with some lemmas:
    • pimâmon - not in FST?
    • kâtâw (FST) or katâw (yaml) ?
    • NS vs. FSTmowaw vs. môwaw? (<-- Atticus)
  • hyphens

Antti talks with Arok about hyphen-policy: 1. Accept with hyphens in any morpheme boundary, but generate only forms without any hyphens, or with hyphens at every preverb-juncture


nikinohtemacinipan      PV/nohte+PV/maci+nipâw+V+AI+Ind+Prt+1Sg
PV/nohte+PV/maci+nipâw+V+AI+Ind+Prt+1Sg        nikînôhtêmacinipân
PV/nohte+PV/maci+nipâw+V+AI+Ind+Prt+1Sg        nikî-nôhtê-mâci-nipân

Missing results: ê-wînipâyahk, êwî-nipâyahk  <=== remove from yaml-tests  
(or add  +Err/Sub to the paths)


scripting from crkeng to engcrk

useful discussions