
This documents gives a sketch of Status quo and next steps for Northern Haida Oahpa


The Haida Oahpa is online. Here is the status for the different Oapha programs:

Issue Type Status
MofaC Inflecting words in context Not implemented
MofaS Inflecting words w/o context Not implemented
Leksa Vocabulary training Implemented, contains 382 entries
Numra Training numerals Subtypes:
cardinals 1-100 numbers Implemented
ordinals 1-100 numbers Not implemented
Time hh: mm Implemented
Date date.month Implemented
Money   Not implemented

Plans ahead


MorfaC is a program for inflecting words in context. It is not yet operative.


MorfaS is a program for inflecting words in isolation. It is not yet operative.


  • Partly done
  • More coming
    • units



  • Numbers 1-100
    • automaton done
    • Implement 1-100 (not 1-1000): DONE
    • todo (probably): Look for spellrelax issues
  • Time and Date
    • Implement the automaton
    • Thereafter, Numra should be good as it is

Technical matters

The file hdn_oahpa/hdn_drill/ contains wrong filename references for class NumGame(Game):, cf. the same file for crk. The crk file has been updated since the transcriptors changed name, the hdn one has not. The command

grep -A1 'class NumGame' *_oahpa/*_drill/

reveals that file references for appr. half of the Numras have been updated. As a quick fix for hdn, the content of the correct filenames have been copied over to the old ones in /opt/smi/hdn/bin on gtoahpa (TT).


  • update the references, in this context: for hdn, but in general, for half the Oahpas.
  • Shorten the hdn Numra menu to only including numerals up to 100
  • Implement the clock (when content is ready)


  • list



