Preformat for lexicon
- Only one ruslemma
- Only one PoS (two PoS -> two entries)
- One gender-code
- Capitle nr
- Semantic sets, devided with comma
- Translations, devided with comma. The first one is "fasit"
- Comma and underscore are used only as separators
- Danish translation before norwegian translation because it is more convenient (the wordlist in the textbook is rus-dan)
ruslemma_PoS_Gender_Cap_SEMSET1, SEMSET2_danish1, danish2_norw1, norw2_english1, english2
If different meanings belong to different semantic classes, use semicolon
beaivi_N_Gender_Cap_TIME_dag_dag_day;NATURE, WEATHER_sol_sol_sun
If you don't know the information, write "xxx"