Meeting notes, Pedagogical programs, 080626
Biret Ánne, Lene, Saara, Trond.
Status quo
Has had technical problems, and solved them instad of coding.
Witn morfa, the info to the webpage is small: I need to know the correpct answer.
With vasta, there is much more info which is neede in order to find out wheter it is correct:
The q id, the set to which the word belongs. I must remember all that in order to know whether the answer is correct.
In morfa , I only had to remember thecorrect answer, and hecvk it.
There must be a method of storing the user data when I send it to the web page.
So vasta is more complicated than contestual morfa.
Solving that prolem has taken two days, but seems now solved.
There is a database with questions and answers, the set of possible answers provides a space against which the questions can be checked against.
The answer will be parsed on a word-for-word basis:
- Take the answer
- Take out the first word
- Try to match it against our answer patterns
- If there is a match, proceed along that path.
- If there is no match in the first word, proceed.
- If enough slots are filled for a legal answers, then the unparsable fields are ignored (?)
- If not enough slots are filled, then it is not legal.
We have a 4-way information about our noun stems:
Cf. this example, whee the parameters are class, dihphtong, gradation and rime:
<entry> <lemma>Álaheadju</lemma> <pos class="N"/> <translations> <tr xml:lang="nob">Alta</tr> </translations> <semantics> <sem class="PLACE-NAME"/> </semantics> <stem class="bisyllabic" diphthong="yes" gradation="yes" rime="u"/> <dialect class=""/> <sources> <book name="d1"/> </sources> </entry>
In a given instance, the corrct answer is:
We may make our response in two ways:
- The response is modular: Each error type
- The response is non-modular: For each stem parameter combination there is a standardised answer.
An intermediate solution, with a two-part error message. We write two classes of
<class="bisyllabic" diphthong="yes" gradation="yes" rime="u"/>
the explanation how to inflect
So, M knows that the target form is Ill Sg, and knows the 4 class parameters.
Say, we fix the stem parameter:
This means that for each of the 3 stem types there will be separate messages.
Non-modular: di cg ri sg ill bisyllabic: 2 x 2 x 6 = 24 messages Modular: di cg ri sg ill bisyllabic: 2 + 2 + 6 = 10 messages
Biret Ánnes question:
I think we should allow for more answer types in Leksa than we do now, i.e.
Another thing we should look at, is whether we should allow verb
If we want to allow for neuter forms of adjectives, is there a quicker way
<entry> <lemma>oadjebas</lemma> <pos class="A"/> <translations> <tr xml:lang="nob">trygg</tr> <!-- suggest this for the nobsme game--> <tr xml:lang="nob">trygt</tr> <!-- add this one --> </translations> <semantics> <sem class="ANIMAL-adj"/> </semantics> <stem class="bisyllabic" compare="yes"/> <dialect class=""/> <sources> </sources> </entry>
We will add neuter forms to adjectives.
Verbs are different:
<entry> <lemma>gahččat</lemma> <pos class="V"/> <translations> <tr xml:lang="nob">å falle</tr> <!-- the user might skip the IM å--> <tr xml:lang="nob">falle</tr> <!-- the user might skip the IM å--> </translations> ... </entry>
For verbs, we (Saara, that is) adds å-less entries into the verbs.xml file.
Semantic sets: We target big sets, hundred-some in each set.
If B-Á has time she can look at them.
We consider 4 question types.
- Type 1. Open Wh-question
- - the answer should be in right case, but it has no consequenses for the next question. If the answer cannot be processed, we may run the answer through the orthographical speller (not for person names), and then to default. (Person names may be accounted for by making a ped-transducer with a name guesser).
- Example: What kind of work do you have?
- - the answer should be in right case, but it has no consequenses for the next question. If the answer cannot be processed, we may run the answer through the orthographical speller (not for person names), and then to default. (Person names may be accounted for by making a ped-transducer with a name guesser).
- Type 2. Alternative-question
- - with answer alternatives (gived as a list to the program) - it can be presented for U as a picture, or be implicit in the question. The answer determines the next action. If U answers something outside the alternatives, then M comments like "I have not got that. Here you see what I have got." M does not have to "understand" the answer. Example:
- What do you want to eat? (answer is from the list, or an unknown object, or no object)
- Do you want coffee or tea? (answer is coffee, or tea, or negation)
- - with answer alternatives (gived as a list to the program) - it can be presented for U as a picture, or be implicit in the question. The answer determines the next action. If U answers something outside the alternatives, then M comments like "I have not got that. Here you see what I have got." M does not have to "understand" the answer. Example:
- Type 3. Correct/not-correct Wh-question
- - there is only one correct answer, in a picture or something else. Feedback to U about the correct formulation. Example:
- When is Lemet´s birhtday?
- Which car is the most expensive one?
- In which month is Easter?
- When does the school start up after the summervacation?
- - there is only one correct answer, in a picture or something else. Feedback to U about the correct formulation. Example:
- Type 4. go-question (yes-no-questions)
- - answer determines the next action. Example:
- Do you want coffee?
- - answer determines the next action. Example:
These are important documents:
ped/sme/xml/dialogue_visit.xml -
ped/sme/xml/dialoguepart_calendar.xml - with questions/anwers/feedback - now with translations to English
ped/sme/xml/dialogue_firstmeeting.xml - with open questions
ped/doc/dialogueparts.txt - ideas for topics
The dialogues are made of elements, and we can write the dialogues if we can agree on the possible type of elements even if not all the programming is ready.
Keep metacomments outside the dialogue.
Possible format for writing dialogues for B-Á
One line for each replique, marked differently, with initial q and a or m and u.
- Biret-Ánne
- Lene 30.6-20.7 + 28.7-10.8
- Saara 3.7- 3.8
- Trond 30.6.-28.7. but working one week or at least some days in the 2nd half of July