Meeting notes, Pedagogical programs, 080902
Biret Ánne, Ciprian, Lene, Saara, Trond.
Task list
Edit your task lists as we go:
- Make uniq messagenames for feedback
- Look at CG3 for wordorder
- New format for verb input in Morfa
- Restrict numerals: 1-20 option for bare morfa, 1-12 for contextual morfa
- Fix bugs in Vasta (Bug 714)
- Add paradigms to feedback
- New interface for verbs.
Biret Ánne
- Work on dialogues
- Mark dialects in the sme-lex - together with Lene
- Test the games
Status quo
Saara in Tos, morfa working again!
The games
We went through all the games, and commented upon them, giving Saara input
The main issue was a format for using CG for analysing the answers in the
Next meeting
Tomorrow or friday.