Meeting 15.01.14
Participants: Jack, Sulev, Heli.
- Computer for Sulev
- Work on Võro FST
- Lexicon for Leksa
- Next meeting
Computer for Sulev
A Mac laptop has been ordered.
Work on Võro FST
Lexicon for Leksa
- Dictionary of basic vocabulary (ca 2000-3000 words) - how to obtain that?
Heli will contact Heiki: Sulev needs a Mac laptop.
Jack, Sulev will continue working on Võro morhpological finite state transducer. Include more words from main/langs/vro/src/morphology/missingfreq.txt and at least one word from each inflection type.
- Sulev will ask the developer of synaq.org about an example source file of the dictionary.
Next meeting
semantilised klassid, sagedussõnastik