Speller meeting
What is needed for a new release:
- a working installer
- working plx conversion
Variablar for installeraren:
- Variablar relevante for om ting funkar i det heile:
- Office-versjon: 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013
- Windows-versjon: XP, Vista, W7, W8
- språkkode: ISO (se-NO) vs LCID (1083)
- bit-versjon for Windows: 32b vs 64b
- Office-versjon: 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013
- variablar uavhengig av grunnleggjande funksjonalitet:
- Office-utgåve: home/student vs pro/full
- installeringsmodus: admin/rot/nett vs lokal brukar vs terminalserver
- Office-utgåve: home/student vs pro/full
Verkty for debugging:
- dependencywalker
- Børre har laga og dokumentert ein testrutine, og fylgjer oppskrifta der slavisk kvar gong
- look at further combinations of Windows and Office (Børre)
- working on it
- working on it
- get a proper MS certificate, to remove the warning users get when installing (Børre)
- find an outsourcing option (Børre, Sjur)
- next week: try updating NSIS ourselves (Børre, Sjur)
- using Tino's documentation & old docu's from PLX
- using Tino's documentation & old docu's from PLX
- send a request to an NSIS developer e-mail list (Sjur)
- try to find an NSIS script for building MSI packages (Børre)
- add Windows 8 support to our installer (if possible)
PLX conversion
Remaining PLX bugs:
First PRI
Words are accepted and suggested in their compounding-form
cmp-form-suggestions | váigas | 581,912 | |
cmp-form-suggestions | suolo, luotkko | 909,803 | FIXED |
a-muorra | 785,818 | FIXED |
PROP+NOUN | Koskivuori-plánenreaiddut, Mihkalmas-beaivi | 593,611,633 | |
ACRO+NOUN | AP-rávvagat SF-muorra | 611,931 | FIXED |
NOUN+ACRO | muorra-NRK | 805 | WONTFIX |
PREF+PROP NOUN+PROP | ovda-Lot psykiatriija-Álaš | 595 | WONTFIX |
Unsolvable. If we fix these, we will get back the clitic-within-compound bug. The question is what is worse, and we have decided to accept some of the bugs above.
The middle ground we settle on is to accept hyphen-final words for word types that always require hyphens, like proper nouns, abbreviations and acronyms, but NOT for other words.
SUB accepted
NRK-Finnmarku | 805 | FIXED |
Second Last PRI
Section for Tags-not-working
doesn't follow cmp-tags | sámedikkepresideanta | 489 |
+CmpN/None in comp-sugg | 1883-as | 508 |
Bugs below this line can be left out of the next release if we are short on time.
imposs" cmps along w num. | 0-geažideapmigárvu (geažideapmigárvu is impossible) | 536,1145 | |
num cmp: s on 0- | 051-nummarat | 631 | |
name/noun+adv cmps | Kuorak-ain | 642 | |
hyphened suggestions | deahtta-samus +A+Attr +Noun | 940 | FIXED |
non-ex. word accepted | saame | 658 | |
STRANGE SUGGESTION-PRIORITIES | guollibusse > Vuolli-busse (and not the expected: guollebusse) | 397 |
guollibusse is accepted by the test speller (as it should according to the PLX codes), but not by the full speller.
Test speller entries:
guol-li NAIE,NePE,UI // guolli+N+Sg+Nom guol-li NABO // guolli+N+SgNomCmp+RCmpnd guol-le-- WIX // guolli+N+SgNomCmp+RCmpnd- guol-le NABO // guolli+N+SgNomCmp+RCmpnd LEXICON GOAHTICMP +SgNomCmp@U.NeedsVowRed.ON@:X7@U.NeedsVowRed.ON@ R ; +SgNomCmp@U.NeedsVowRed.OFF@:@U.NeedsVowRed.OFF@ R ; bus-se NAIE,NePE,UI // busse+N+Sg+Nom bus-se NAIE,NePAE,UI // busse+N+SgGenCmp+RCmpnd bus-se NAIE,NePAE,UI // busse+N+Sg+Gen bus-se NABO // busse+N+SgNomCmp+RCmpnd bus-se GaBO,NePIE,NOX,UI // busse+N+Sg+Gen
Full speller entries:
guol-li NAIE,NePE,UI // cf first PLX line above guol-le NABO // cf "guolle" PLX line above
Why do we get the second guolli PLX line in the test speller, but not in the full speller? That's the crucial point.
The analyser says:
guolli guolli guolli+Ani+N+Sg+Nom
- build both spellers anew, with exactly the same code base
- go through each fst node by node for guoll[ei], and check if there are additional paths in one of the fst's
- check the fst's where guolle and guolli are extracted
Last PRI
doesn't understand caps | 1700-LOHKU | 647 |
recognized, but not suggested | biilarievttijođiheaddjái | 819 |
láibi-sánis not recognized | - | 380,452 |
- Tomi has solved even more PLX bugs
- investigate the inconsistent PLX conversion bug, cf guollibusse ( Tomi)
- solve the remaining PLX bugs one by one (Tomi)
Release plan
- December 1:
- PLX bugs solved
- Alpha installer (MSI package built using WIX)
- PLX bugs solved
- December 10: Beta release
- December 20: Divvun 3 release